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AgencyIndex CI& CORNER RECORD Document Number City of UNINCORPORATED County of CONTRA COSTA Californi Brief Legal Description LOT 117 (27 M 36) CORNER TYPE COORDINATES (OptTo—n—aT) N. E. Government corner [I Control Elevation Meander ED Property Units Metric U.S. Survey Foot Rancho Li Other Horizontal Datum Zone Epoch Date Date of Survey April 18, 2024 Vertical Datum Complies with Public Resources Code §§8801-8819 Complies with Public Resources Code §§8890-8902 PLS Act Ref.: 8765(d) 118771 E18773 Other: Corner/ X Left as found Established Rebuilt Pre -Construction Monument: El Found and tagged Reestablished Referenced Post -Construction Narrative of corner identified and monument as found, set, reset, replaced, or removed: EV] See sheet #2 for description(s): HELD IRON PIPE FOUND AT SOUTHEAST CORNER LOT 121 (27 M 36) AND REBAR FOUND AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 65 PER RS 3727 (150 LSM 33). CORROBORATED BY OTHER FOUND EVIDENCE. �L LAND SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with ANo. 8951 the Professional Land Surveyors' Act on June 17,2024 Signed J. I P.L.S. oF4k-G-r_— No. 8951 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was received and examinqd\and filed Signed P.L.S. eritt-6, No. Title Page 1of2 BPELSG-2016 Document Number Fmm"� c Agency Index CORNER RECORD LOT 117, SANS CRAINTE - UNIT NO. 2 (27 M 36) WALNUT CREEK, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA APRIL 18, 2024 SCALE: 1" = 40' 11E 1 ` REFERENCES: Mot4UMFt4TUNE I E R1 SANS CRAINTE - UNIT NO. 2 (27 M 36) R2 SUBDIVISION 6934 F,10GEPOINTE C I CS � T (354 M 48) R3 CORNER RECORD BANS Of:T TOMT' 14 , (29 CR 16) R4 CC .°" CORNER RECORD (55 CR 40) S 3727 (150 LSM 3) LOT 54 M 48 (354 M 4 8 t 'A " 185.00 52.95° -FENCEALONG LOT 116 t 1-1/4" OPEN IP (NO RECORD) BEARS S18°23'E 2.05' ao 7 co z !' m LOT 118 00 (27 M 36) LL 'i,wy ' �h M illfo r a cn Z w IL oa N co O 87° 3 30"E 250.00' - .210.001 15.64' + If ® 1/2" REBAR'& CAP C LS 3874 (R3) LO BEARS S2°57'W 0 66' i 15.64' LEGEND: COURT (S13°30'W 0.60' R4) IP IRON PIPE` S87°03°30°'E 207.11 ° © FOUND 2-1/2" BRASS DISC WITH PUNCH RCE 17522 (R2) FOUND REBAR OR IRON PIPE AS NOTED 1/2°° REBAR &CAP 0 SET REBAR & PLASTIC CAP LINS LS 8951 RCE 27818 (R5) SET REBAR &ALUMINUM CAP WITH PUNCH LS 8951 SET NAIL & 3/4" BRASS TAG LINS LS 8951 WOOD FENCE L L AND SURVEYING —xx— WIRE FENCE PLEASANT HILL, CA (925) 300-3695 PROJECT24030 BPELSG-2016 Page 2 of 2