HomeMy WebLinkAbout252CR42Agency Index CORNER RECORD Document Number __11923 City of Unincor grated) EL Cerrito County of Contra Costa California Brief Legal Description Monument near 9800 San Pablo Avenue CORNER TYPE COORDINATES (Optional) N. E. Government Corner ® Control Elevation Meander ® Property Units Metric ® U.S. Survey Foot Rancho ® Other Horizontal Datum I Zone Epoch Date Date of Survey March 20, 2024 Vertical Datum ❑ Complies with Public Resources Code §§8801-8819 Complies with Public Resources Code §§8890-8902 PLS Act Ref.: ❑ 8765(d) 08771 8773 Other: Corner/ ® Left as found ❑ Established ® Rebuilt ® Pre -Construction Monument`. ® Found and tagged ® Reestablished ® Referenced ® Post -Construction Narrative of corner identified and monument as found, set, reset, replaced, or removed: ® See sheet #2 for description(s): shown on page 2. The purpose of this corner record is to preserve possible evidence only; no attempt was made to determine the relationship to property, centerline, or right of way lines. Reference EBMUD CR book D, page 163 (Biswanger, , Zavala) SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the Professional Signed COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was received and examined and filed 9�WIIRMPJO Title County Surveyor's Comment APN:504-170-011 0 a P.L.S. sr-R-FE. No: 3 BPELSG-2016 Page 1 of Document Number 11923 Agency Index2 S LA EL CEIT CONTRA COSTA COUNTY I v- !j W all ■I PARCEL NEAP 181 PM 31 PARCEL A 25- ACCESS EASMENT-j 9.5` S'LY OF DI P OR. LOTS 4& 7 ALL LOTS 5 & 6 RO. SAN PABLO o 14.3' N'WLY OF `0 HISTORICAL SIGN 9800 SAN PABLO AVE APN 504-170-011 4.2' S'WLY OF HISTORICAL SIGN R CH O. SAN p y ANTONIO (V&D PERALTA) f BP/5O / O 3.3' S' LY OF JP LEGEND @ FOUND 2.5" BRASS DISK WITH PUNCH, STAMPED "CITY OF ALBANY MONUMENT SURVEYED BY RE 4657 & LS 1307 & NO.2 0 SET CONCRETE ANCHOR NAIL WITH 1-1/2" ALUMINUM WASHER STAMPED "EBMUD MON RP" IN TC SET CONCRETE ANCHOR NAIL WITH PUNCH ON TOP OF WALL ITT COUNTY LINE ,ADDRESS: 9800 SAN PABLO AVENUE A P N : 504-170-011 BPELSG-2016 Page 2 of 2 q COUNTY LINE COUNTY LINE 1 1 e 1 " ESMUD NOT TO SCALE