HomeMy WebLinkAbout249CR31CORNER RECORD Agency Index Document Number Ll 7- City of Rodeo County of Contra Costa _ , California Brief Legal Description Lots 12 & 14 of Blk 37 of the Map of Rodeo (D-91) Filed in Contra Costa County CORNER TYPE COORDINATES (Optional) N. E. Government Corner El Control Elevation Meander X Property Units Metric ED U.S. Survey Foot Rancho Other Horizontal Datum Zone , Epoch Date Date of Survey Vertical Datum ® Complies with Public Resources Code §§8801-8819 Complies with Public Resources Code §§8890-8902 PLS Act Ref.: X', 8765(d) 8771 8773 Other: Corner/ ® Left as found ® Established ® Rebuilt Pre -Construction Monument: ® Found and tagged ® Reestablished ® Referenced Post -Construction Narrative of comer identified and monument as found, set, reset, replaced, or removed;` ❑✓ See sheet #2 for description(s): As shown on Sheet 2: Found CL RR Spikes from 87LSM45 along with cut cross from 55LSM5. Found two other rebars with illegible caps that appear to be not of record. Set one corner and three witness posts for subject property. _.�' xV SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT THOMASS. ® FINNEGAN This Corner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with No. A the Professional Land Surveyors' Act on December 27. 2023 OF CA Signed P.L.S. or e;9*Fft. 8894 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was received E OAR 2021 and examedfiled �r 21 2024 Signed P.L.S. or R.C.E. No, 743 Title 0 �U V County Surveyor's Comment Avg *. 3 s 1- O roe - 0 o 7 v rd 1 a C_7-P01LAT6 0 BPELSG-2016 Page 1 of 2 SECOtD STREET tAl C — 3199'7 CC*V*P RECORD �70* 01DE) LOTS 12 & 14, BLOCK 37 MAP D-91 CITY OF RODEO COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA, CA DECEMBER 12, 2023 SCALE: 1"-40' r LOT 20 D—M91 LOT 0 1 E3 LIP LOT Cz 322 00E A25*00 woo *A** 111 LSM 24 LOT 37W 0 0 z 0 z V), 20 4 i5 T11 FOUND- 0 (.P N40*39'58" LOT 0.09OFF OF 12 CORNER. cr I k A 1) IA o 147 L_ IVI AAM LOT j.c)0 10 LOT 2 (A 4.BS 14VzEcopg) . MEASURED (70 # *10 TWO STREET [III, I I %:izall 1: 1 �:Cli i--I:Gil Lal 140, wl LEGEND PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE SURVEY TIE <3D FOUND RAILROAD SPIKE W/PUNCH PER 87 LSMI 45 )8C FOUND CUT CROSS IN CONCRETE PER 55 LSM 0 FOUND REBAR & CAP NOT OF RECORD 9 SET REBAR & PLASTIC CAP OPLS 88ge 0 40 80, 0 SET NAIL & TAG a PILS 8894- D:\TFP\237 Sharon Ave\237 Sharon Ave BPELSG-2016 Page 2 of 2