HomeMy WebLinkAbout555M20Recording Requested BY: WQi6-V1GFJT,A-CaF6!- -- 1500 Willow Pass Ct. Concord, CA 94520 When Recorded, Mail TO: County Surveyor 255 Glacier Dr. Martinez, CA 9455 Total Paid: $23.00 Receipt#: 20240005M1 0000 - Public 225 1WINDOW2 11-3 CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sheets No. 4 and 5 of "Subdivision 9545 - Heritage View", filed December 14, 2023, in Book 555 of Maps at pages 20-24, Contra Costa County Records, California, is corrected in accordance with Chapter 3, Article 7, Section 66469 of the Subdivision Map Act as follows: The width of the Public Utility Easements adjacent to public and private streets is incorrect: 1) The Public Utility Easements (PUE) on Sheets 4 and 5 are shown as 6'wide. The width of the Public Utility Easements adjacent to public and private streets is herby corrected as follows: 1) The Public Utility Easements (PUE) shown on Sheets 4 and 5 are Ily wide. The PUE within Parcel C remains at 6'wide as shown on shect 5. A depiction of the above changes is attached as Exliibit A. The names of the present fee owners of real property affected by such correction or omission are as follows: C E F I-C RIM AT OE ENIN�EERQRILM—EYQR THIS IS TO cERTrFY that the above Certificate of Correction was prepared by or tinder t direction and control of the undersigned Licensed Land Surveyor. I urya Kumar LS 9507 Date: P6&1 L 4 THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the above Certificate of Correction has been examined this day of — .' 20_, for conformance with the requirements of Chapter 3, Article 7, Section 66469 of the Subdivision Map Act. Dana M. Trezise County Surveyor Not for, Official Use ; This copy has not been QUALITY ASSURED. a L o � 4HMO 00 a< a i } 4- as r m ¢" 3.ZSk0A3Q ...., SilaN p...... N # ?:. ¢ 8 1 � az � as LL 9t � IRPW :t6 UM se " � @ lit .6 g M } r ® m z ' CN JCo ®� O' cas ® Z� I( I C }��' W _ QI U� ( d. K I a i 19 °U ® e v t41 i%A�t Ni k9.4 d A 4'C OS ®,�_ _SlC H .. i.. i 'i 3.ZS,6Z.00N 'N3jj0) jS R&C * .tl$N: `64YN)AL'@4Z <.,.... 3SJ�k __...�.,.....:...,...�w........,......�.g..:�».^.g... �....:.m ...»,. :: ...�..N..�,..„....„ v ONtlIh00Z LLISSHze �. ., t.), g t . --F W 11V0StlH Ca w 3a00W o.,.�,.,,, ® w ° °®3mnssv AlI'lb b ueaq ;ou sey Ado, s'yl asn lel:)';;O ao; ION Z Not for Official Use This copy has not been QUALITY ASSURED. to qT IN LO C�3 uj %xi uj z ® Q�D & -P3 0 � 1� C) uj m 0-- z MW 01 < 3 MMN Lu F Ed to uJ m iNnoo s OH03 Lj Q mu G it °2 I g Ra 9 20# V C) �Ra, CD cli C', CIS Ant Arm 'aw m Moo T Lu At x �31 Lij M — AW1 33VdSN3d0GNV303d'3Vd'911,m- 0 13 Wd 130Wd 9U ?� ifi t MM aa� I -AV, D ICL C Sig 0) � 5; W csz6 9AA014 3.69 SS 00 N 0 C M % Oil 0, C-4 .0 3X044 --4- 8V zo 348,00,14 1141 0LL b 9 P I �, 2 � b I " b w;iN rg 3 Z3 6E CON Cli (P 0 U) @G Z 0 L. 0 -a3mnsSV AJLI-Ivn?) uaaq jou seq Ado3 si4.L asnlel:)'J;O a®;;ON z