HomeMy WebLinkAbout246CR32Document City of - MORAGA County of CONTRACalifornia Brief Legal Description RECORD OF SURVEY 3476 (144 LSM 38) N. E. Government Corner Control Elevation Meander Property; Units Metric U.S. Survey Foot Rancho Other � Horizontal Datum Zone Epoch Date ® Date of Survey October 12, 2023 Vertical Datum ® Complies with Public Resources Code §§8801-8819 Q Complies with Public Resources Code §§8890-8902 PLS Act Ref.: 0 8765(d) 8771 im Corner/ ® Left as found Established Rebuilt Monument: ® Found and tagged ® Reestablished Referenced Narrative of corner identified and monument as found, set, reset, replaced, or removed: ✓ See sheet #2 for description(s): SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the Professional Land Surveyors' Act on November 3 2023 Signed P.L.S. or No. 4961 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was recoived and examined and filed Signed P.L.S. No. T?tle a Other: ElPre -Construction 11 Post -Construction BPELSG-2016 Page t or 2 Document Number 1 I ndex CORNERRECORD PORTIONS OF LOTSs,3., 4 ,AND 5 SUBDIVISION 3262 FILED MAY 30 19$5 (289 M• 46) e e BEING A RE—TRACEMENT OF' RECORD OF SURVEY I 3476, FILED JUNE 29, 2011 (144 LSM 38) 1 n,-ATCn AT -Xn :AERRII 1 CIRCLE SOUTH Vvve vv MORAGA, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 12, 2023 , SCALE:_ 1" = 60, APN:258-72-01.2®42.0 L=53.01 A—T13 6 ILL I N Q 6.1 70'0'31® 32.63 ? R= .00' L=93.17' `4 0 82®07'2" c & oINS ^) x/ zo Ln CA N �Q^ 4 I I Oil ti 8.00' 39.01' 37.73' 4?. 00' N73®5'04"E 201.74-' LEGEND FOUND 5/8" REBAR, LS 7136 PER (144 LSM 38) a_ FOUND 3/8" REBAR, LS 4392 PER (144 LSM 38) MORAN ENGINEERING,I . BERKLL'=Y, C!,LIFORNIA MERRILL CIRCLE CR.DWG JOB NO. 23---11157 LIPT.SG-2015 Page 2 rn 2