HomeMy WebLinkAbout246CR31City of County of Agency Index 044 Document Number L L U I CONTRA COSTA California Brief Legal Description WEST LINE LOT 338, TRACT 2203 (59 M 20) CORNERTYPE COORDINATES (Optional) 1:1 Government Corner ElMeander [—] Rancho [-] Control Property Other N. W Elevation Units Metric E] U.S. Survey Foot Horizontal Datum Zone Epoch Date Date of Survey October 18, 2023 vertical Datum L] Complies with Public Resources Code §§8801-8819 [—] Complies with Public Resources Code §§8890-8902 PLS Act Ref.: Im 8765(d) 8771 08773 D Other: UJ Corner/ El Left as found Established Rebuilt El Pre -Construction Monument: ®Found and tagged ®Reestablished Referenced 0 Post -Construction Narrative of corner identified and monument as found, set, reset, replaced, or removed: Z See sheet #2 for description(s): • This Corner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the Professional Land Surveyors' Act on October 20, 2023 Signed P.L.S. or R.G.F= No. 8494 This Corner Record was received oe\ t and examined and filed U:�o nu Signedk I P.L.S. er+t-8*E. No. I Title sw0e, ro County Surveyor's Comment BPELSG-2016 Page 1 of 2 Document Number 117 G 7 Index QA 4 ff 41- lie N15-59'34E 100-00'(�2—) 7 24(R2) (D @' 4559'34'ER(),1J 15. 00'(R2) 10P�0- ZA -5!�3'E sz , ­N15 C5 335 N15-59'34'E(R) 31.00'- 10.00' N 172 rOeE(R) 9 3� 32 7 (4.00) 31,163 N2557447-(R) - 104. 48.4,9' .49' & 00' 4. 00' 4. 00' --7'R,ZlCT 2033 (55 M 07) ---_ 31111 BASIS OF BEARINGS MONUMENT LINE WTHIN SANTA RITA ROAD PER (RI) BEARING: N7400:26"W LEGEND @) FOUND MONUMENT PER (Rl)(R2) 0 SET 518" REBAR AND CAP - LS 8494 j0 SET NAIL AND TAG - LS 8494 REFERENCES (R 1) TRACT 2203 (59 M 20) (R2) 7RA C T 2088 (55 M 07) N07E ALL COURSES SHOWN PER (RI) - UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 333 -TR,1lCT 2203 (59 M 20) 339 _J00 10.00' 01 CURVE DA TA NO RADIUS DEL TA Cl 500. 00' 2640'00" C2 470. 00' 26 40100 " C3 470. 00' 01 25'JO " C4 470. 00' 08:32'40 " C5 470. 00' 08:53'18" C6 470. 00' 07*4832" W, ft A BAY AREA LAN IF LS SURVEYING INC L-- 3065 RICHMOND PARKWAY, SUITE 101 RICHMOND, CA 94806 (510) 223-5167 I BPELSG-2016 Page 2 of 2