HomeMy WebLinkAbout247CR40CORNER RECORD Agency Index Document Number $ `= City of CONCORD County of CONTRA COSTA , California Brief Legal Description FOUND 3" BRASS DISK ALONG TREAT BLVD NE'ERLY OF BETHANY LN CORNER TYPE COORDINATES (Optional) Government Corner Meander ED Control N. E. Flavatinn Property Units Metric X U.S. Survey Foot t Rancho Lj Other Horizontal Datum Zone Epoch Date Date of Survey Mav 16, 2023 Vertical Datum ® Complies with Public Resources Code §§8801-8819 ® Complies with Public Resources Code §§8890-8902 PLS Act Ref.: El 8765(d) X 8771 11 8773 Other: Corner/ ❑ Left as found ® Established ® Rebuilt X Pre -Construction Monument: ® Found and tagged ® Reestablished ® Referenced Post -Construction Narrative of comer identified and monument as found, set, reset, replaced, or removed: [D See sheet #2 for description(s): FOUND 3" BRASS DISK WITH PUNCHED "X", STAMPED "CITY OF CONCORD" IN A STANDARD MONUMENT WELL ALONG TREAT BOULEVARD NORTHEASTERLY OF BETHANY LANE, ORIGIN UNKOWN. SET FOUR 1/2" IRON PIPES, WITH YELLOW PLASTIC PLUG PLS 8614 AS REFERENCE POINTS (SEE SHEET 2).. THE PURPOSE OF SETTING REFERENCE IRON PIPES IS TO PRESERVE THE RECORD LOCATION OF 3" BRASS DISK PRIOR TO ROADWAYSIONSTRUCTION.. SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the Professional Land Surveyors` Acton Signed L. or R G r- No. )*,� COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was received and exai Signed Title County Surveyor's Comment APN: 145-130-030 0 8614 _ BPELSG-2016. Page 1 of2 O s. a. �'7 key i e y v, q " r 4 + "a r y w O_----------------- 112.85' ✓ 77,38" F t f LEGEND NOTES FOUND 3" BRASS DISK WITH ALL DISTANCES AND DIMENSIONS ARE IN FEET PUNCHED "X, STAMPED AND DECIMALS THEREOF. "CITY OF CONCORD" ALL TIES ARE AT RIGHT ANGLES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL LINES ARE STRAIGHT—LINE TIES UNLESS O SET 1/2" IRON PIPE, TAGGED OTHERWISE NOTED. s' WITH YELLOW PLASTIC PLUG PLS 8614 CINQUINI 8c _PASSARINO, _INC. " LAND SURVEYING BOUNDARY 1360 No. Dutton Ave. 4 4O" 80' a TOPOGRAPHIC Santa Rosa, Co. 95401 m CONSTRUCTION Phone: (707) 542-6268 - ® SUBDIVISIONS Fax: (707) 542-2106 Y:\10141\Cad\10141CR_50.dwg . CINQUI IPASSARINO. CO BPELSG-2016 Page 2 of 2