HomeMy WebLinkAbout246CR13CORNER RECORD Agency Index Document Number 1 J 8 9 City Of walnut Creek County of Contra Costa California Brief Legal Description Parcel "B", DES 805 i 88, 88-10582 as shown on 332 M 36 CORNER TYPE COORDINATES (Optional) --- - + - - - - Government Corner Control Meander Property Rancho Other Date of Survey 9125/23 PLS Act Ref.: _ L,�j 8765(d) N. E. Elevation Metric U.S. Survey Foot Horizontal Datum Zone .. Epoch Date Vertical Datum Complies with Public Resources Code 8801-8819 Complies with Public Resources Code 8890-8902 8771 8773 Other: Corner/ Left as found Established ®:Rebuilt Pre -Construction Monument Found and tagged �X Reestablished 11 ;Referenced Post -Construction Narrative of corner identified and monuments as found, set, reset, replaced or removed: ® See sheet #2 for descriptions) SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the Professional Land Sury yors' Act on A .No. 7271 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was received U � \ , and axa Adanded ." _ ---- Signed P.L.S. orb. No. Title ' County,, 's Comment APM: + , IBPELSG-2016 Page 1 of2 8 9 m LOT 6 151 M 10 APN: 174-070-066 PARCEL "B" MS 805 W-88 #88-105582 APN: 174-070-068 LOT 8 332 M 36 APN: 174-070-081 LOT 6 332 M 36 APN: 174-070-079 LOT 7 332 M 36 APN: 174-070-080 LOT 01 5ffi 151 M 10 ` APN:174-070-065 /moo / a / // 50 / LEGEND tr"yo.// Q• FOUND STANDARD STREET MONUMENT PER (332 M 36) "(. 0 SET REBAR & CAP, PLS 7271 ,O, SET NAIL & TAG IN CONC. WALK, PLS 7271 SNF SEARCHED, NOTHING FOUND NTS NOT TO SCALE JOB#: 2321 [ ] RECORD DATA PER (332 M 36) DATE: 9/25/23 SCALE: V = 40' APN: 174-070-068 MARTINEZ CA BPELSG-2016 Page 2 of 2