HomeMy WebLinkAbout246CR12Agency Index CORNER RECORD Document Number 68 City of RICHMOND County of CONTRA COSTA , California Brief Legal Description Portion of the states 437 M 13 CORNER TYPE COORDINATES (Optional) N. E. Government comer 17Control Elevation Meander E] Property Units Metric 17 U.S. Survey Foot 17Rancho rj Other Horizontal Datum Zone - —Epoch Date Date of Survey J U N E 21, 2023 Vertical Datum Lj Complies with Public Resources Code §§8801-8819 [:] Complies with Public Resources Code §§8890-8902 IPLS Act Ref.: r ] 8765(d) 178771 8773 Other: Corner/ El Left as found Established Rebuilt Pre -Construction Monument: El Found and tagged Reestablished Referenced Post -Construction Narrative of comer identified and monument as found, set reset, replaced, or removed: FX-] See sheet #2 for description(s): SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Comer Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the Professional Land Surveyors' ct on SEPTEMBER, 18, 2023 Signed P.L.S. or R.6-E-W. 8494 -COUNTY SURVEYOWS STATEMENT This Comer Record was received and examined and filed Signed P.L.S. or*� �.o. Title County Surveyor's Comment NK 6 60 -5 eta - 06"N \_AND S. 0 )3 No. 8494 OF Job:23-4938 BPELSG-2016 Am I of2 Documentr 1 i Agenyr I3q4 ndex SUBDIVISION 7502 1 ��FrP� SEA] CL IFF ES TA TES N37 M 13) 1 IN CONCRETE BASE OF -; ?ARCEL A ® FENCE POST N84 02'46"E FLAGSHIP PLACE 0,22' FROM PROPERTY 1 ' WIDE CORNER L 7 3 9 w [ ] RECORD DATA N o g (R) RADIAL T F- I o cJ Q FOUND CITY MONUMENT (Rl) 26 25 24 , n FOUND 314" IRON PIPE N 27 & PLUG RCE 22485 (R3) FOUND NAIL & TAG SEA VIEW COURT • ' -.. LS 3727 (R2) WIDE" SUBJECT PARCEL LINE RIGHT OF WAY LINE 29 30 31 LOTIPARCEL LINE ® ® o -� _MO_NU_M_ENT LINE- _ Z" Rs 3009 65 64 63 � q 032 L 5M 44) 66BASIS OF BEARINGS- �r N . SEACLIFF COURT • MONUMENT LINE IN BRICKYARD COVE o 3' WISE SUB AS SHOWN ON MAP OF WAY a DIVISION 7502 (437 M 13) o V, 67 N TAKEN AS N23 29'40 "E 63 69 70 n 4 Z _ REFERENCES' � R1 MAP OF SUBDIVISION 7502 (437 M 13) 31 30 79 73 2� R2 RECORD OF SURVEY J009 co co (132 LSM 44) SEAPOII�I COURT m R3 PARCEL MAP SUBDI VISION MS 764-81 t (100 PM 23) (33 SIDE) ---- _ 83 32 � COVE INVESTMENTS LLC N66 30 20 W9.50'(Rl) — y �U 165 81'(Rl �_ �...—Ll�.. cl 1sC`aP L: rr C2 �232 M � CURVE DA T LINE Cl 20.50' 50 2627" 18. 0 ' (Rl) L l N66 35'43 "W 57. 00'(Rl) C2 19.50' 1538'01 " 5.32' (Rl) L2 N73°56'07'E 3.18'(Rl) C3 100.00' 1538'01 " 27.29' (R1) L3 N8934'08'E 31.83'(Rl) C4 24.00' 102626" 4.37' (Rl) L4 N7356'07'E 41.79(R1) C5 358.07' 22 00'27" 137.54' (R1) L5 N05 37 27"(R)