HomeMy WebLinkAbout242CR11W91 Maio NMI[ Agency Index OkAo Document Number C I'f is City Of Martinez County of Contra Costa a I orn Brief Legal Description Souttieastert' Line of Parcei "'B`° 1g PM 32 CORNER TYPE COORDINATES (Optional) N. _ E. arrative of corner identified and monuments as found, set, reset, replaced or removed: See sheet #2 for description(s): m SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT ' This Corner Record was prepared by me or unn"d�er my direction in conformance with 7271 the Professional Land Surveyors' Act on Signe r L. . No. 7271 ` ` OF COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was received and examined and filed Signed P.L.S. : No. '7y38 Title M SIArV Ot BPELSG-2016 Page 1 of2 Agencv Index CZ N37°45'00"W _ 75.00' 31.00' - 44.0 w 0 pi 6) fn Ln CO 7 N M In O Z o, O 1 I�JT k MAGN IL & WASHER LS 7271 w 0 o 4) o PARCEL "All PARCEL T" PARKER o N 191 PM 32 191 PM 32 2022-50583 z APN:372-335-008 APN:372-335-009 APN:372-335-005 `r w W O N O O 'il) r 1 o LO CN tj L() Z'„ 37.50' 37.50' v N37°45'00"W -vi 75.00'R) :t 'O,SNF CASTRO ST. (52° WIDE) LE END FOUND NAIL ,& TAG LS 7271 PER 191 PM 32 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED VL FOUND 513" REBAR & CAP LS 7271 PER 191 PM 32 13 SET 2X2 HUB & TAG PLS 7271 SET FAIL & TAG PLS 7271 NTS NOT TO SCALE (T) TOTAL MEASUREMENT SNF SEARCHED. NOTHING FOUND JOB: 2311 LDATE: L3/23 SCALE: 1" = 20' 'APN: 372-335-005 I ARTINEZ CA, BPELSG-2016 Page 2 of