HomeMy WebLinkAbout242CR4CORNER RECORDAgency Index `� 2 Document Number ��T15 City Of Orinda County of Contra Costa , California Brief Legal Description Lot 69. 29 M 27 CORNER TYPE COORDINATES (Optional) j�,-ov&hrnentoorner Control PropertyMeabder kaftciho 0#�ther Date of Survey 2/25/23 N. E. Elevation ® Metric ® U.S. Survey Foot Horizontal Datum Zone Epoch Date Vertical Datum Complies with Public Resources Code 8801-8819 Complies with Public Resources Code 8890-8902 PLS Act Ref.: 8765(d) Left as found 8771 X Established 8773 Rebuilt Other: Pre -Construction Corner/ Monument Found and tagged Reestablished Referenced Post -Construction Narrative of corner identified and monuments as found, set, reset, replaced or removed:. El See sheet #2 for description(s): RM SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the Professional Land Surveyors' Act on L. orb: No. 7271 ^, Signe OF COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was received and examined and filed_ Signed t P.L.S. No, 1qal�x Title ^� rn Page 1 of 2 BPELSG-2016 _ Number Index @ 1962000'00"' (R PER 178 CR 42 EN' FOUND STANDARD STREET MONUMENT LS 8525 AS NOTED SEARCHED, NOTHING FOUND SET NAIL& TAG IN TOP BACK OF CURB, PLS 7271 SET 5/8" REBAR & CAP PLS 7271 [ ] RECORD DATA PER 29 M 27 (R) RADIAL BEARING M-M MONUMENT TO MONUMENT (T) TOTAL R=300' ®=55° ' I =287.98' ,-CENTERLINE DON GABRIEL WAY (60' WIDE) LOT 68 29 M 27 APN: 271-070-006 LOT 70 29 M 27 APN: 271-070-008 POR LOT 13 55 M 48 APN: 271-070-017 JOB: 2305 DATE: 2/25/23 SCALE: 1" = 50' APN: 271-070-007 BPELSG-2016 Page 2 of 2 R=200' ®=52° L=181.5IV' 1 N59 _00'00'_E (R) PER 178 CR 37