HomeMy WebLinkAbout241CR46CORNER RECORD Agency Index \ /- 0 `(-' Document Number 11385 City of EL CERRITO County of CONTRA COSTA , California Brief Legal Description CLUB VIEW DR., A 40' PRIVATE RIGHT OF WAY PER 188 PM 22 CORNER TYPE COORDINATES (Optional) Government Corner Meander Rancho Control X Property Other N. Elevation E. Units ❑ Metric X U.S. Survey Foot Horizontal Datum Zone Epoch Date Date of Survey February 16, 2021 Vertical Datum Complies with Public Resources Code §§8801-8819 ❑ Complies with Public Resources Code §§8890-8902 PLS Act Ref.: X❑ 8765(d) 8771 8773 Other: Corner/ ® Left as found ® Established ❑ Rebuilt Pre -Construction Monument: ® Found and tagged ❑ Reestablished ❑ Referenced Post -Construction Narrative of corner identified and monument as found, set, reset, replaced, or removed: ❑✓ See sheet #2 for description(s): SET POINTS ON ALONG THE NORTHERN LINE OF CLUB VIEW DR., A 40'PRIVATE RIGHT OF WAY PER 188 PM 22 SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the Professional Signed COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was received , and examined and filed Signed w P.L.S. _ R.B.F. No. 7438 Title INTERIM COUNTY SURVEYOR County Surveyor's Comment PN . 505- 372- 030 M TINCENT t 1; ,, 4210 0 BPELSG-2016 Page 1 of 2 Document Number: 11385 Lacy Index A UQ, I � 30' PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT PARCEL SEVEN / 1 Z (10289 OR 672) 00 PARCEL SEVEN (2014-0229339) / APN 505-372-030 CY)� o M1RA VISTA GOLF COUNTRY CLUB / PARCEL ONE �� (BE KELEY COUNTRY CLUB) / (] 2778 O.R. v�� `z APN 505-010-013 / PAGE 319) (91 PM 15, PCL. B) PARCEL ONE 0 (725 O.R. 463) r (2014-0229339) �Z cND (2013-0191689) ,� NO3'29'40"E OR.�o / 109.40' N55"53'00"E CENTERLINE O 9.00' 30 EASEMENT N38"42'00"W 40.00' TRACT 2325 (84 M 48) ..--.--9.^1)- .-1 AA1 LAMBRECHT Gl. (50' WIDE PUBLIC R/W) 0' 100' 200' Scale: 1 "= 100' AP:505-372-030 ;70�6E--pRiVATE RIGHT OF WAY PARCEL F d . , • OR 672) ..(2014-0229339) PARCELrHREE REMAINDER LEGEND O® FOUND STANDARD STREET MONUMENT PER (188 PM 22) FOUND 5/8" REBAR & PLASTIC CAP STAMPED RCE 18650 PER (188 PM 22) 0 SET NAIL & TAG STAMPED IS 4210" ® SET 1/2" REBAR AND PLASTIC CAP STAMPED IS 4210" Page 2 of 2