HomeMy WebLinkAboutB-M32f�,�- � �✓" v� %`�S. �� � Gam. C / - � � -- b 4 N w w ti s\ b l ' 1 , � -- � ._ _`�,:. I . �-fo✓GflyLf�C,�:._ .baa r ti Shale -'of California City an4 Coul of San franeiscarli S s• !, Geo�ye %�/si�.F� Sac�fa�y of i/>e /Yorf/ia/rr mai/sra�+' Coonoaoy : /iaic'6y Com�+n`, �•r Ceif�ir fhdf xi- d6vv< it ea��ec/ /o/af of /ni/r _se%rc� 6r fisc Hlsif/rem /f'd//iYdr a iv>�/rnacr c-a�ioo�afian, i�to�crdfeei and aiyvnrze=a/ rrr�o'e� ffv /�'r✓s of Elia .Sfa/r ofCd/rfrn..� nvcr sv6is c�ycc� of fhe .Sf� fc of Ca�{/nia, �ara//a/ fo ffi� �f oTs of 1h Siraifr of ,Caws G a�vinaz, rn ilia Ivo of Gogh a Cas% ai/9 ihs Sfafzp afoitsa,% aid �vcassa� for itie iii f.50 Ca�� ' o� ri /rt of �ua`i {or d/� ad /ion Chi/roc/ fi^vc f fr�•n -10- Ci/y of .cif/dnn mega in r�/n S/ala �`o Gosa /17 Ike Caapi ofGoafia Qsl� �� rdiA SYw�u a��1 {dr . fha co�sfrvc-iron f/,�-can of rdr�sl -side Lraefs, ' ��//' fi�x-.Es, �Joroaf': 6o//4�g.r, /i'a�hoares , �+'�r►'v.�' arc%r �+ ci/fele fi5 %'dn rfvfion ori freiyiifn9 _ sScn vis o ar f/ir n of 7/ts. dd_ /ier,a � 9 of -G?/19' G'oin� Jnr OelWdbW IIAP /oo -r oafo.�said — Elie /ixf oF.C�i�d re/aefru� c�2S' .00/Stain' GommBncin9, at a.:/ooi�f cn /tie 7,v/ o�� siisv e,f 'weOwiny�; SO �i�f �rfi'�sr-/� /nd��r'urad of oo�/Sf ` - ac9/iLr f....n a voo..,f oon f/ro cealrrr /rio of Me /ry/f of !Yd of .s ante .�s s✓6,sir f/ie c�/!/f.� /ix - _ en9iii�er S%.a%ivn ,2f6t.S0 � .ld/d . Cn i%�Be/' .i/2�Ii'O/! ,�i/� 9isai!% a/or� of .irs® lnarri'- frae.F of /!she .raid �rfiss» Vii%% S6„90 of {rim hin�J of ihe= a�ornn Of Ther ram/eL' es; fai*�j� s�� as /�ory /Oe re/ a/� fir/ Cosisa S/�fion; f/i�r.�eer e�irfar/y .a/ony f`is norfhary %ie of .WiA' V' hi of /ibr 64M {cif /noiv ar-/ars, in d/ooii,r� a�rfoasi/e-' . C/�9iitsr�/- .r✓a�'ioi� ,?''dO tU7 Of ,Taiid' CB/!�r /vx' //Bncc� ai -¢O7i w, {o siafion� f/>ence dt r!y!i a�9/6s �sr�r� /Dara//i/ l .Edit, cmvar /ri.� Z/�Z fmct� mora or /est, /o �P waiiO o1esi/v erg iih.-ru-` o'a�ie r_ •Zjz4Pt4P4P of said canr6r /n�i ` fhenca af- SO 7i�k97o d oiJl1� JO/aC� %{�eJ/E'r/ii d Moro or /est, neo <rioo of .Z 577 eof no f �/ mearur+r4 cv/� noi/ aisy/r r a�rnin e�9iov�- .�rfvfroa' . 1017e,-i/iaxv /vasiGr �ara/1or fo .raii� caffrr /rev Z 4/ t00 ad /�c A. /i/CY� A. /"" ELY'/, niOrb O� .%S3 f»• d O/�� •.. f/Ic✓�Cr .7i /r 0/ sou%Sa�.y Zo, feel �v /ooinf of 6e9iois� — :ca�/a�i�i� an ar�rd of -VAT ,mom o./vrt. ..Sarraia�y ori' f/ia /j%�f/lern iPai/n�' lanr��y " . - .Set6seii/�er✓ a�q srYom f 4e7-11 • /l�ia�r �cr6/.c iii .ono' fob /�s C✓� and CL�i/�✓ .__ � Cd/{mid. ' � Jan Fidecircor Jia/ of ► 0 ..e" -� W Ir or