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Agency Index CORNER RECORD SGS C.2. 3Cp Document Number City of Unincorporated County of Contra Costa California Brief Legal Description MARSH CREEK ROAD, ADJACENT TO 1 PM 27 CORNER TYPE COORDINATES (Optional) N. E. ® Government Corner ® Control Elevation ® Meander Property Units © Metric 17X U.S. Survey Foot ----------+ ----------- Rancho ® Other Horizontal Datum Zone Epoch Date Date of Survey February 20, 2019 Vertical Datum Complies with Public Resources Code §§8801-8819 Complies with Public Resources Code §§8890-8902 PLS Act Ref.: ® 8765(d) Z 8771 08773 ® Other: Corner/ El Left as found X❑ Established ❑X Rebuilt ® Pre -Construction Monument: 0 Found and tagged El Reestablished ElReferenced Post -Construction Narrative of corner identified and monument as found, set, reset, replaced, or removed: Q✓ See sheet #2 for description(s): Property corners that were set along the road right of way per 158 CR 4 were buried due to a Contra Costa County Public Works Department bridge replacement project. The property corners were found or reset per 1 Parcel Map 27 as shown on sheet 2. Standard street monuments as shown on sheet 2 were set to perpetuate the location of monuments that are in the road and have been destroyed or paved over by the road construction. SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the Professional Land Surveyors' Act on Signed P.L.S. or,R.G.E. No. r r COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was received �Cys^U1'1 � and examined and filed -] "�l -2'-,f ? Signed V _t, - P.L.S. a R: -C E. No. Title -pl- r County Surveyor's Comment BPELSG-2016 Page loft �P,,1vD � %L LAND A S sG 0 0-I L.S. 6571 0 c n P% Document Number y v V 'V Index PARCEL B FOUND 5/8 REBAR & CAP STAMPED ''CONTROL'' UNKNOWN ORIGIN ACCEPTED AS CORNER Z LINE DATA TABLE No. Bearing Length L1 S21° 03'40''W 55.00 L2 N86° 08'51''E 52.55 L3 S80° 10'00''E 56.28 L4 S39° 02'24''W 6.50 L5 N21° 03'40''E 30.00 PARCEL A �� 00 — SEE,- IPM EE,- 1PM 27(b10� E AIL �L w, \ / 1 ��0- 01 APN 078-230-003 L DORTZBACH i / (R2) 12318 OR 848 o� 5-16-1985 (MA -30)(R3) DESTROYED FOUND REBAR ° lca (R4); SET CAP "C.C.CO." /� / /(0 APN 078-090-007 APN 078-090-023 \2 /40 / /1 (:6 N 1/2 SEC 34 REFERENCES T1N R1E M.D.M./ (R1) MS 121-67 (1 PM 27) '7�7 i(o (R2) COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY SEC J / DRAWING E -3971A-48 - - - _ _TION ,� / /�CO (R3) COUNTY PRECISE L LINE TRAVERSE FORM FOR FOUND 5/8 / PER ROAD 3971A REBAR & CAP �`V/' (R5� (R4) CORNER RECORD (158 CR 4) STAMPED LS 6925'' PER (R4) �� (R5) MS 5-90 (155 PM 5) PARCEL D LEGEND 155 PM 50 FOUND 5/8 REBAR & CAP AS NOTED (R2) 0 FOUND 6"X6" CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH BRASS NAIL (R1)(R4) 0` 1 1/4'' IRON PIPE WITH NAIL & TAG ° t 0), STAMPED ''CONTRA COSTA COUNTY'', PAVED OVER OR AS NOTED O SET STANDARD STREET MONUMENT DISK d STAMPED ''CONTRA COSTA COUNTY 2018" FD 11/4'' IP (MA -29) WITH NAIL & TAG O SET 5/8 REBAR & CAP STAMPED STAMPED ''C.C.CO.'' ''CONTRA COSTA COUNTY'' (R3) REPLACED WITH STANDARD ST MON. Scale: 1'' = 100' File No. Drawn By: TL Plot Date: 3/7/2019 Checked By: JLH Drawing: MCR Bridge 141 Post CR.dgn BPELSG-2016 Page 2 of 2