HomeMy WebLinkAboutWeblink User Guide - Public1 Contra Costa County Public Works Weblink User Guide (Search and Retrieval) Contents Weblink Overview .................................................................................................. 1 How to Access Documents in Weblink ................................................................... 1 Finding Documents. ............................................................................................... 2 Annotations…………………..…………………………………………………………………………………… 4 Maps. ..................................................................................................................... 4 Printing .................................................................................................................. 5 Email ...................................................................................................................... 5 Weblink Overview Weblink is a Laserfiche product that allows users to find and read Laserfiche documents using their Internet browser (Internet Explorer is recommended). The internet browser must be set to allow pop-ups. Documents being accessed using a mobile device will need to download the free Adobe Acrobat application in order to view the documents. How to Access Documents in Weblink Weblink can be accessed by using the following website address: http://records.pw.contra-costa.org/WebLink8/Welcome.aspx 2 Finding Documents If you have an address, but do not know the Assessor Parcel Number (APN) you will need to follow the instructions to obtain the APN. These instructions are on Weblink and the Public Works Records webpage. www.cccounty.us/pwrecords If you know the APN, click on the Annotated Assessor Parcel Books link. This offers the marked-up Assessor’s Maps which are used as the index for the Corner Records, Records of Surveys, Parcel Maps and Subdivision Tract Maps that are filed in Contra Costa County. An APN Book and Page box will open. Example: APN is 132-010-032 For general information: the book of this APN is 132; the page is 1 (ignore the zeros) and the last digits ‘32’ are the assessor’s parcel number. For the index map: type in the APN Book number (the first 3 digits of the APN) and the page number (the first 2 middle digits of the APN). Click on the Submit button and a link to the book and page should open. 3 Click on the document icon to open the Annotated Assessor Parcel page. In this example there are several Subdivision Maps and a Parcel/Minor Subdivision Map noted at the top of the page. This example parcel number (assessor’s lot 32) is also lot 1 of Sub 8203 filed in Sub book 417 MB 46. The Subdivision map may be helpful for determining property lines or performing work on your property. The annotations on Annotated Assessor Parcel Books in red are of private surveys done at the request of private property owners for specific lots. 4 To view this example Subdivision Map, click the arrows or back buttons to get back to the home screen. Click on the Recorded Maps link. In the book field, type 417 and in the page field, type 46. Be sure to select “Subdivision Map” as the Record type. If necessary, edit one or more of your inputs and click the search button. The same process is used in order to search for other Record Types: Corner Records, Parcel Maps, and Record of Survey Maps. Annotations The Assessor Parcel Maps may contain other notations which are for County staff use. Maps may also contain permit numbers in pink boxes which refer to a permit application such as a Land Use Permit, Development Permit, Variance Permit or Minor Subdivision. Document numbers in black boxes may indicate a Road Dedication, Certificate of Correction, Deferred Improvement Agreement, or another type of recorded document that is available at the County Recorder’s Office. Information on Flood Control annotations, which is in green print such as, DA, FCP, or C are available from the Flood Control District. Please contact 313- 2000 and ask for the Flood Control Counter Person for the Day to respond to these questions. 5 For specific questions about annotations on the maps, please contact: Renee Hutchins, (925) 313-2282, renee.hutchins@pw.cccounty.us or Karen Piona, (925) 313-2356, karen.piona@pw.cccounty.us Printing To ‘print’ a record map document, click the Printer/PDF icon at the top of the Image Pane. The Download & Print dialog allows you to specify a specific range of pages to print, if desired. Weblink then converts the electronic image to a PDF which can be printed or saved to your computer. Click the Printer icon that appears at the bottom of the generated PDF. If the printer icon is not visible, move your mouse pointer to the bottom center of the page. Note: Adobe considers ‘printing’ a PDF as the creation and opening of the electronic PDF file. It does not mean it will be sent to a printer. Email To attach a document to an email, first generate a PDF copy. Click the Printer/PDF icon at the top of the Image Pane. The Download & Print dialog allows you to specify a specific range of pages to print, if desired. Click the Disk (save) icon that appears at the bottom of the generated PDF. Attach the saved document to your email.