HomeMy WebLinkAbout134CR37CORNERRECORD Document Number 60 57 City of Danville (APN 216 -182 -010) County of Contra Costa California Brief Legal Description Mounument near 202 La Questa Drive CORNER TYPE COORDINATES (Optional) Government Corner Control ® N. 2123867.262 Meander Property E. 6131314.460 Rancho Other Zone 3 NAD27 NAD83 NAD83 Epoch 2011.00 Date of Survey May 16, 2013 Elev. Vert. Datum: NGVD29 NAVD88 Pre- Construction (water line) Corner Record Meas. Units: Metric Imperial Corner - Left as found ® Found and tagged Established Reestablished Rebuilt Identification and type of corner found: Evidence used to identify or procedure used to establish or reestablishthecorner: Found monument on La Questa Drive endangered by planned waterlineconstruction. The purposeof this corner record is to preservepossible evidence only; no attempt was made to determine the relationship to property, centerline, or right of way lines. Adescription of the physical condition of the monument as found and as setor reset: The monument on La Questa Drive wasfound in good condition and referenced with set RP's representing two intersecting lines (seepage 2). Reference EBMUD Field Book 4385, Page 38 (Taaning /Zavala). ILA, p, aiqrU SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT ,c /,': t cE /f;s `'t% i;; /c.• Off, r., This Corner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with ' l ' C the Professional Land Surveyor's Act on Signed P.L.S or44-r. No. COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was received A/O yCOW API"' a7 02013 and examined and filed 1,-7,2 --e i ? --rf Signed / P.L.S orR-C-E. No. Title County Surveyor's Comment: 6L-7t Page 1 of 2 t 2'A C2_ 3 Rehr. 7/03 DANVILLE I I CONTRA COSTACOUNTY J O P co/ / RANCHO SAN RAJM OJul HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION UNIT NO J 2 3 1\/1 %i 6 O / Q &I Oe-& P AD Y- 0I & p , Z,0- I 0 Ln 9 o-, I s Jo N 2-1 P LEGEND A AT NE CORNER OF STORM DRAIN k [100.00'] OO FOUND 3" BRASS DISK WITH PUNCH IN CONCRETE STAMPED "PLS 77382008 RESET ", 0.9' BELOW SURFACE IN MONUMENT WELL [- 0.49'] SET BRASS E —PIN (NAIL WITH DOMED HEAD) AND 3/4" BRASS TAG, "EBMUD MON RP" Q SET CONCRETE ANCHOR NAIL WITH 1-1/2" BRASS WASHER STAMPED "EBMUD MON RP" O SET MAG NAIL WITH 1-1/2" BRASS WASHER STAMPED EBMUD MONRP" ASSUMEDELEVATION (RELATIVE ELEVATION, MEASURED WITH A LEICA DNA10 DIGITAL LEVEL) JJ 00 o G SCALE 4631"-120 EBMUD ADDRESS:202 LA QUESTA DRIVE M. CRAPN:216- 182 -010 l' r -StA L(Z- 3-