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CORNER RECORD Document Number 6 City of ANTIOCH County of CONTRA COSTA California Brief Legal Description LOT 347 OF SUBDIVISION 5299 MIRA VISTA HILLSUNIT 4 222 MAPS 7) CORNER TYPE Government Corner Control Meander Property ® p y N. COORDINATES (Optional) E. Zone NAD27 NAD83 NAD83 Epoch Rancho El Other El Date of Survey 11112013 Elev. Vert. Datum: NGVD29 NAVD88 Meas. Units: Metric Imperial Z Corner - Left as found Found and tagged Established © Reestablished Rebuilt Identification and typeof corner found: Evidence used to identify or procedure used to establish orreestablish the corner: SEE PA GE 2 OF 2 A description of the physicalcondition of the monument as found and as set or reset: SEE PAGE 2 OF 2 SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was prepared by me or under mydirection in conformance with the Land S rveyor's A on NO V MBER 18, 2013 Signed P.L.S. orX16,,41W9! 6784 o P L AND D P EY T S 61 PLS \\6784 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was received a013 and examined and filed K t' sj9 EXP: 9/30/14 Signed dyJt P.L.S. or-f?:&.E. No. 65'71 Title OG y , _ y- v G•. o I^ LptN 'v9L County Surveyor's Comment A.P. N. 075 - 311 -006 L.S. 657-1 `q r- A Atd MSE 13117 Poge I of 2 31 V' N 1001% N 81 5 6 =„ E . 40 Q- - - - DRIVE GRI ( 56 SB ' WIDE) 0 76 " 1G00'00 R= 308.00' 21L =66• , „ A:=12'19' 12 1 g 00 SET 518" REBAR & PLASTIC CAP PLS 6784 I M W N sue ct A.P.N. 075 - 311 -007 0 0 i N O z TV 1 C) C C-3, I- A.P.N. 075 - 311 -006 S 88 °04'25" E 96.78' A.P.N. 075-042-010 SCALE: 1 " = 30' 0 10 2030 60 LEGEND BOUNDARY ------- ---r -- FOUND BRASS DISK IN MON WELL Di STAMPED RCE 23720, NO PUNCH PER 222 MAPS 7 FOUND CUT X X SETMONUMENT AS NOTED O MSE 13117 A; A.P.N. 075 - 311 -005 SET 518 "REBAR, PLASTIC CAP & TACK PLS 6784 Q D NOTES 1. DIMENSIONS ARE PER 222 MAPS 7 2. RECORD EQUALS MEASURED. 3. EASEMENTS ARE NOT SHOWN 2 o, z \ -3 'A LQ— 33