HomeMy WebLinkAbout134CR14CORNERRECORD DocumentNumber 0 13 City of C LA-6n County of OAF4 (OSiA California BriefLegal Description LA 34 35 7C, 123) - h- Z(,) CORNER TYPE GovernmentCorner Control Meander Property I( Rancho Other Date of Survey 3/4113 N. COORDINATES (Optional) E. Zone NAD27 p NAD83 p NAD83 Epoch Elev. Vert. Datum: NGVD29 p NAVD88 p Meas. Units: Metric p Imperial p Corner - Left as found Foundand tagged Established R Reestablished Rebuilt Identification and type of corner found: Evidence used to identify or procedure used to establish or reestablish the corner: ov:la cA.,tb AS c.fn on rcuc,lz A description of the physical condition of the monument as found and as set or reset: Skokrv\ 061 YrzVCrj-e QRpFF- tQN`\ SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT ® 6 ® ARO Q ThisCorner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with cj 0 "r rn the Land Sury is Act on o i w -., NO-CE-27818 Lon 3Ijl14- 2i cySignedP+-.r R.C.E. No. s> CIV6L c COUNTYSURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was received / " o v 2 0 3 1.'•N® S( A. and examined and filed Y Signed P.L.S M- R -e-E-No. Title G ® y y• -- " N L.S. 6571 County Surveyor's Comment AN 10- 14i -oo i Borpels -1297 Page 1 of 2 Lk COURSE DATA O1 R= 1342.00' D =1 °10'03" L= 27.35' 2 R= 20.00' D =64 °16'42° L= 22.44' 3 R= 347.00' D =12 °34'51" L= 76.19' R= 692.00' D=4 °44'24" L= 57.25' 5 R= 20.00' D =89 °10'24" L= 31.13' R= 370.00' D =0 °56'12" L =6.05' 7 R= 645.00' D =5 °34'00° L =62.6T N- i SCALE: 1" = 60' 1 SUBD. 4011 134 -M -6) i A i titi i i r OR 0 N d- rl fVLn 0O O z Oo Qi tn W 0 0 yc r 1 0, 1110 I0 to0CD S88048'47 "E 1,0" oCD58.00' zW c _4_7.00' _ 13' 34.00' _ j o N89049'00 "E F^ (R) 0 34 M of z SUBD. 3576 ® 7 I d" OI o (129 -M -26) Z o 6 3ri 34.00' 56.61' 5 584°1510011w Z o D 9OIonLOO MOUNTAIRE ` IZ LEGEND CIRCLE 1 I i IQFOUNDSTREETMONUMENT (129 -M -26) O SET 1/2" REBAR & CAP - RCE 27818 JOB 13235 APN : 1le-141-001 Page 2 of 2 Q W H Q Z D 0