HomeMy WebLinkAbout134CR13CORNERRECORD Document Number - 6 0 2 City of V()%40 fi A L1 CUTA, A CeS tv t County of 6,F,-4 5 California BriefLegal Description LOT 9 5uBawsi0 1 5435 (:zrB M ii,) CORNER TYPE Government Corner Control Meander Property JI Rancho Other Date of Survey 0/17/13 N. COORDINATES (Optional) E. Zone NAD83 Epoch Elev. Vert. Datum Meas. Units NAD27 NAD83 NGVD29 NAVD88 Metric Imperial Corner — Left as found Found and tagged Established ® Reestablished Rebuilt Identification andtype of corner found: Evidence used to identify or procedure used to establish or reestablish thecorner: ocan lJciv A e A description of the physical condition of the monument as found andas setor reset: 5.,k f]Oi,r. iI& e, ri.11ilil SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT ThisCorner Recordwas prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the LanVSurve s A ct on e- Signed el Poor R.C.E. No. 27b i b J COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Recordwas received / 0V11!1 LA4N- ?-14 a-CV3 and examined and filed / (tit % Signed — P.L.S'aY'R. . No. Title CountySurveyor's Comment Borpels -1297 2n-5 - 55-I -- Page 1 of 2 p SOW ARp G c,, c NaCE27818 v eta 313014 1 e OF k-' Pip L.S. 6571 10 Q V 0 0 w 0 N V O. JOB 13171 AFN: 203 -55 1 -009 0 S89012'04 "E 102.23' Ln 1 W CD 2 9 ° 0 CD0 V) S GJ Dc _N_ p yr O CD CV 1 If !; If f / ryh SCALE: 1" = 30' O LEGEND C5 Q FOUND STREET MONUMENT (228 -M -11) O SET 1/2" REBAR & CAP - RCE 27818 o io I CD O 16, Q9 2 Nio \27 "E(R) , 8 18.00 34.00'_ —l`T _ Page 2 of 2 3 LA L(L `3