HomeMy WebLinkAbout133CR16= 6 0 0 0 Document Number City of ALAMO County of CONTRA C05TA Brief Legal Description CORNER RECORD COORDINATES Government Corner El Control El N. optional Meander ❑ Property ® E. Rancho ❑ Other ❑ Zone Datum Date of Survey OCTOBER 2013 Elev. Corner— Left as found ❑ Found and tagged ❑ Established IN Reestablished ❑ In conformance with Section 8771 of the Professional Land Surveyors' Act this corner record is being filed to ESTABLISH / REESTABLISH the position of an existing monument PRIOR / SUBSEQUENT to street or highway reconstruction. Identification and type of corner found: Evidence used to identify or procedure used to establish of reestablish the corner: 5ET CORNER5 AND PROPERTY UNE ON LOT 2 FROM MONUMENT5 FOUND IN THE CENTERUNE OF HOUDAY DRIVE. A description of the physical condition of the monument as found and as set or reset• 5ET 3/4" IRON PIPE W/ PLUG 5TAMPED "L5 4210. FOUND 2" IRON PIPE W/ NAIL. SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT ��*vANDSG J Q, 9 UZ.- D , No.4210� X This Corner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the Land Surveyors' Act on OCTOBER 7, 20 13 '9J 06.3 Q= Signed L.S. Number LS 4210 �0 CAo VINCENT D ALO COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT �O�S A. S�,4G 7 This Corner Record was received � `^ �01�and examined o and filed 20 � Signed LS, 6571 County Surveyor's Comment LPN ! R8 — 0 7 Y ooa Page 1 of 2 3 Q ►.0 t� J� Z =Q 160.39' N34029'40'W 25.00' — 0 20 40 80 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 40 ft. LA 5 LIZ ENA AVE N550 30' 20' E 50' WIDE N550 30' 20' E 132.50' Z Z Cp QVI LOT 2 U) r N N JLA 5EIZENA U 41. MANOR 5UBD. 4� 0') (51 M 42) rn 11.95' N550 30' 20't 132.50' r INGL UUU U SUU, 211- LOT LINE ADJACENT LOT LINE5 CENTERLINE OF RIGHT -OF -WAY ------------- - - - - -- TIE LINE 0 FOUND 2" IRON PIPE, W /NAIL 0 5ET 3/4" IRON PIPE W/ PLUG 5TAM P ED "L5 4210" Page 2 of 2 2ECO20 INFORMATION ALL BEARING5 AND DI5TANCE5 TAKEN FROM 5UBDM51ON MAP "LA 5ERENA MANOR", (51 M 42). � 33 C2lCp N U