HomeMy WebLinkAbout134CR4CORNERRECORD DocumentNumber Is 5 City of Antioch (APN 056 - 011 -030) County of ContraCosta California Brief Legal Description Found Aqueduct R/W monument near 4893 Lone Tree Way CORNER TYPE COORDINATES (Optional) Government Corner Control ® N. Meander Property E. Rancho Other Zone NAD27 NAD83 NAD83 Epoch Date ofSurvey November 3, 2010 Elev. Vert. Datum: NGVD29 NAVD88 Meas. Units: Metric Imperial Corner - Left as found Found and tagged Established Reestablished ® Rebuilt Identification and type of corner found: Evidence used to identifyor procedure used to establish or reestablishthecorner: On 11/3/2010 an existing East Bay Municipal Utility District ( EBMUD) monument was found marking the northeasterly right of way of the District aqueduct. The monument was in an islandnearthe middle of Lone Tree Way. Because the island was planned tobe moved, 4 RPs were set to reference the monument. A description of the physical condition ofthe monument as found and as set or reset: After the above construction project, a new aluminum diskwasset in the same horizontal position as the old monument using the above 4 RPs. The new monument is now flush in the asphalt roadway. Reference EBMUD Field Book 4457, Page 63 -64 (Burke, Poulsen /Chou) SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT S SEE N Xs,' }:\ This Corner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the Professional Land Surveyor's Act on x!0.4806 Signe /i P.L.S or R.G.E. No. , .QTE ` @ of C COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was received i6 - 211,, 3 and examined and filed Signed P.L.S QR.0 F No. j tl Title County Surveyor's Comment: Page 1 of 2 , 3L1 2- 0 L RV 03 ANTIOCH Ll 0 EBMUD 1 EVAPORATION 0BASIN u uo 0 D- D cFi TF NF F F c OS6 \ X220 002 CONTRA COSTA CO. WAL -MART 4893 LONE TREE WAY APN 056 -011 -030 Q' LONE TREE WAY STREET WIDTH VARIES S J 6 p 2 f \ \ PARCr l P-ARCr o LEGEND 467- 3 EBMUD FOUND EBMUD MONUMENT IN MONUMENT WELL, REPLACED O I REBAR DISK IS FLUSH AC ALUMINUM I STAMPED EBMUD OUNDARY" ON SCALE A 3 1 " =40' Q SET CONCRETE NAIL ON TOP OF CURB ADDRESS: 4893 LONE TREE WAY CR# CR APN: 056 -011 -030 3L L 2-