HomeMy WebLinkAbout134CR2CORNERRECORD Document Number 59 9 Cityof Richmond (APN 560- 490 -062) County of Contra Costa , California County monument at intersection of Brickyard Way and Pinnacle Court, near 1200 Brief Legal Description Brickyard Way. CORNER TYPE COORDINATES (Optional) Government Corner Control ® N. Meander Property E. Rancho Other Zone NAD27 NAD83 NAD83 Epoch Date ofSurvey July 24, 2013 Elev. Vert. Datum: NGVD29 NAVD88 Post - Construction (waterline) Corner Record Meas. Units: Metric Imperial Corner - Left as found ® Found and tagged Established Reestablished Rebuilt Identification and type of corner found: Evidence used to identify or procedure used to establish or reestablishthe corner: Found county monument originallyreferenced by EBMUD on 12/3/2003, prior to a planned water line construction project. The purpose of this Corner Record is to check on the condition of the monument after construction was completed. No attempt wasmade to evaluate the relationship to property, centerline, right of way, ormonument lines. Adescription of the physical condition of the monument as found and asset or reset: The monument and 4 RPs were found undisturbed and in good condition. The RP offsets were checked and found to match those from the Pre - ConstructionCorner Record. Thepipeline trenchwas 4' clear of the monument. Reference EBMUD Field Book4192, Page 66 (Lowe /Chou). SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the Professional Land Surveyor's Act on J Signed P.L.S or R.G. E. No. COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was received and examined and filed /16-2 G Signed P.L.S .=.Cz. No. 6 Title " yyf:;z o j County Surveyor's Comment: Page 1 of 2 1 5 I Cz ;; / ev. 7/03 RICHMOND \ CONTRACOSTA CO. NOTE: 1 RP DISTANCE WERE CHECKED AND MATCHED THOSE FROM THE PRE - CONSTRUCTION CORNERRECORD ON 12/3/03. N / 9 CAF - coo O O OG R W A`( gR1 K( A APN 560- 480 -011 1 h• IW lo, 1 11 k -,3 Lt L(- J 1200 BRICKYARD WAY APN 560- 490 -062 COMMON AREA LEGEND 463 FOUND 2-1/2" BRASS DISK IN CONCRETE IN STANDARD EBMUD O MONUMENT CASING, STAMPED "CITY OF RICHMOND CONTROL SCALE STATION" AND R.C.E. #12791 ", UNDISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION 1 "=30' FOUNDLARGEMAC NAIL AND "EBMUD MON RP" TAG ON TOP OF CURB, UNDISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS: 1200 BRICKYARD WAY CR# C APN: 560 - 490 -062 k -,3 Lt L(-