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CORNER RECORD Document Number -5910 City of U Il QI fw � Creek County of con hia cos California Brief Legal Description L o G. gab J y )S l C if 4979 �2n 2 m :zQ i� CORNER TYPE Government Corner ❑ Control ❑ Meander ❑ Property Rancho ❑ Other p Date of Survey LI(7 l Corner - Left as found ❑ Found and tagged ❑ Established ❑ Identification and type of corner found: Evigence used to identify or procedure used A description of the physical, condition of the monument as found and as set or SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT N. COORDINATES (Optional) E. Zone NAD27 p NAD83 p NAD83 Epoch Elev. Vert. Datum: NGVD29 p NAVD88 p Meas. Units: Metric p Imperial p This Corner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the Land Su yor's Act on q Signed P.L.S or R.C.E. No. L S COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT G+a3 This Corner Record was received �0-�- J ¢ �— aoe3 and examined and filed Al-0ver•.% b--v 9 l s4 aol3 Sig ned�(i�i�a.��i(¢.��,_. P.L.S-or1t-GC No. ep5-?( Title Coo cli*- y 6 r County Surveyor's Comment Borpels -1297 Page loft Reestablished X Rebuilt ❑ lish or reestablish the corner: /© JA d S6,`� C � 3874 ;01i Of . Cb._ A. L.S. 6571 � -31 CL a(P o_ cu �i Co (S38'43'54 "E 537,58') S38'4,3'54"E _ 537_58 0 , b N2S.0 88.24' -O z N -� 40/v 7Z-C44 l • °0 •' w _ - - 0 Q 0 --1105"3 0.00 _— R� lz 32 l_ 79.38 D= 26'22'00" L= 188.68' c" D= 15'16'28" L= 109.30 SCALE 1 " =50' N' w a' 0 V) LEGEND OO FOUND STANDARD MONUMENT RE 18650 PER 202M20 FOUND 5/8" REBAR RCE 18650 NO RECORD .0 SET 1/2" REBAR W/ CAP LS 3874 SET NAIL & SHINER W/ TAG LS 3874 ( ) CALCULATED RECORD DATA PER 202M20 Lo P.U.E. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT PER 202M20 to cd LOT 2 LOT 3 SUBDIVISION 4979 202 M 20 w S Z BEARS S69'36'E 0.26' FROM CORNER JOB NO. 1341 ACAD: 1341CR FB 108/12 0) N44'50'38 "W 128.87' w Ol L4 C �o E7 N 0 3.00' 00 rzl R=615.00' D = 02'10' 42" L= 23.38 Z 0 O N N 0 co to r7 00 LO o LOT 1 3 y00 V APN 184 - 470 -002 Page 2 of 2 `-3 l C, e— (��