HomeMy WebLinkAbout131CR3CORNER RECORD Document Number 5872 City of Discovery Bay (Unincorporated) County of Contra Costa County , California Brief Legal Description Lot 57, Amended Map Subd. No. 4077, Bk. 170 of Maps at pages 36 - 43, CCC Records. CORNERTYPE Government Corner ❑ Control ❑ Meander ❑ Property Rancho ❑ Other ❑ Date of Survey July 1, 2013 N. COORDINATES (Optional) E. Zone NAD27 ❑ NAD83 ❑ NAD 83Epoch Elev. Vert. Datum: NGVD29 ❑ NAVD88 ❑ Meas. Units: Metric ❑ Imperial ❑ Corner — Left as found ❑ Found and tagged ❑ Established ® Reestablished ❑ Rebuilt ❑ Identification and type of corner found: Evidence used to identify or procedure used to establish or reestablish the corner: Found Standard well monuments on Discovery Point as shown on Amended Map Subdivision No. 4077, "Discovery Bay -Unit Three" Filed in Book 170 of Maps at pages 36 -43, Contra Costa County Records. See sheet 2 for description of found monuments. Record data from this map was used to establish the lot corners. A description of the physical condition of the monument as found and as set or reset: All monuments found and set are 000d condition. SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT ��R A Q F � This Corner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with O � � N0.8427 M the Land ry or's n July 1, 2013 Exp. 12/31/14 Signed P.L. or PLS 8427 OF CA1 -CFO COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT ND �O Uq This Corner Record was received sJ y �`/ 6� yj .2o 1.3 �S A. s%�L and examined and filed F1t3 3 Signed--- P.L.S. ^moo. t� L.S. 6571 Title F CA�-�F County Surveyor's Comment A/0/y Ooct - Ooto -- Da s- Borpels -1297 Page 1 of 2 C31 L2 3 i PrrF=Nln PROPERTY LINE IIVNP► to] NA 1IIIaIEml w FOUND MONUMENT PER AMENDED MAP SUBDIVISION 4077 -------------- - - - - -- O RECORD DIMENSION ------------ - - - - -- (100.00) SET ;" REBAR AND CAP PLS 8427- - - - - -- O (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) IsvIlb`N sl -ou&H (N81 ' 53' S =) (100.00 ) SCALE: 1" = 40' 0 10 20 40 80 SET REBAR ON �TNFF 0.24' PL 12' FROM N C. LN P ROPERTY CORNER AST OF PL 1 co v LOT 57 gyp' SUBD.4077 LI M -ji w "DISCOVERY BAY - EXISTING UNIT THREE WOOD FENCE N �= FNC. LN. EAST F PL 0 S, (N83' 33' 00"E 2 EX. CURB AND D� - K - - - - -- CD - - - - -, DISC oVERY 'N T . 1� 444-97 445.00') �` N 3° 33' 00 "E 1 BASIS OF BEARINGS SET REBAR ON LINE 37.82' FROM PROPERTY CORNER 7.09 , !.J7 1-jj EXISTING WOOD FENCE SET NAIL& BRASS TAG LS 8427 IN CONIC DRIVEWAY (d= 21'49'06" )" —(R= 50.00') (L= 19.04') MONUMENTS ON DISCOVERY POINT TAKEN AS N 83° 33' 00" E AS SHOWN ON AMENDED MAP SUBDIVISION 4077. Page 2of2