HomeMy WebLinkAbout131CR2CORNER RECORD ::5 8 7 1 Document Number City of UNINCORPORATED ALAMO County of CONTRA COSTA California Brief Legal Description LOT 25 "SUBDIVISION 4915 ROUND HILL UNIT N0. 8" (237 MAPS 17) COMMONLY KNOWN AS 500 OAKSHIRE PLACE, ALAMO CALIF., APN 193- 680 -018 CORNER TYPE COORDINATES (Optional) Government Corner ❑ Control ❑ Meander ❑ Property 0 Rancho ❑ Other ❑ Date of Survey JUNE 21, 2013 T E. Zone NAD27 ❑ NAD83❑ NAD83 Epoch Elev. Vert. Datum: NGVD29 ❑ NAVD88 ❑ Meas. Units: Metric ❑ Imperial ❑ Corner- Left as found ❑ Found and tagged ❑ Established ❑jC Reestablished ❑ Rebuilt ❑ Identification and type of corner found: Evidence used to identify or procedure used to establish or reestablish the corner: SEE PAGE 2 A description of the physical condition of the monument as found and as set or reset: SEE PAGE 2 SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the Land Surveyor's Act on JULY 2 , 2013 Signed P.L.S. or R.G.E. No.: 8475 now /7F ��Owlqqwww� COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was received :7v �e g-�I% and examined 7 and filed .S". Te Aoe 3 Signed P.L.S. 6rR'e'E—ido.: aS?/ Title County Surveyor's Comment APN 147 3 — 1C so- o(o O ENO SU V� DYLAN M. .L GONSALVES 0 `No= 0475 N�j' ��N \ \aF eAt =v�b� BORPELS - 1997 Page 1 of 2 '3I Ln L BASIS OF BEARINGS A LINE BETWEEN TWO MONUMENTS SHOWN ON 237 MAPS 17, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY RECORDS, HAVING A BEARING OF NORTH 74'1528" EAST. • `r�sr. G &�? °F NOTES: 1. DISTANCES AND DIMENSIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE GIVEN IN FEET AND DECIMALS THEREOF. 2. MONUMENT LOCATIONS MAY BE EXAGGERATED FOR CLARITY. U) L= 25.90 o, • � w Q 0 R =15.0 L= 20.05' L= 52.62' R= 213.00 R= 137.00 A--05723'33"A--22100'26" 22'00'26" ti L _51.1 CIO ry p R=88.00 �. ; V 4= 33'1 6'40" ° LOT 25 �o 32,8 79± SQ. FT. SUBDIVISION 4915 0 ROUND HILL o UNIT NO. 8 C (237 MAPS 17) o N N N � � W N r!, A W FD. REBAR AND CAP ILLEGIBLE LOT 26 SCALE: 1" = 50' 0 25 50 100 LEGEND 04 A BOUNDARY Q Z N57 30'Op "W 96.80' MONUMENT LINE -------------- TIE LINE FD. 314" IRON FD. 2" BRASS DISC WITH PUNCH Q PIPE WITH WOOD S77'W IN STREET MONUMENT WELL PLUG AND TACK 0.3' PER 237 MAPS 17 "RCE 5930" FD. MONUMENT (AS NOTED) • S5236 21 "E LOT 22 SET 518" REBAR & PLASTIC O 46.19' CAP "PLS 8475" -1 RADIAL BEARING (R) • N37 23'39 "E 17.84' JOB 12 -01 Page 2 of 2 � 31 C-L C>�