HomeMy WebLinkAbout130CR34CORNER RECORD City of L.-kF-A f E County of Brief Legal Description: L07- Document Number 5 Q .8 F Californi CORNER TYPE COORDINATES (Optional) Government Corner ❑ Control ❑ N. Meander ❑ proe {/ E. - - - -- - - - - -- Rancho ❑ Other ❑ Zone N 27 NAD ❑ y M �j ' � EiAD83Epoch Date of Surve /"� Vert. Datum: NGVD29❑ NAVD88 [ � E ��� Meas. Units: Metric ❑ Imperial Corner - Left as found �rf Found and tagged ❑ Established ❑ Reestablished &V Rebuilt ❑ Identification and type of corner found: Evidence used to identify or procedure used to establish or reestablish the corner A description of the physical condition of the monument as found and as set or reset: SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Corner Record was the Profess" o al La�;�,'f- Signed red by me or pnder my direction in conformance with y � is Act on L.S. Number COUNTY SURVEYOR'S`9'rATEMEENNT —. This Corner RPCn c rri wa �P�A���A��. / �... 2,V.i - L,.`., E,<P. � :z 2 �IQ. 'cS. J, DETAIL N. TS. w o u (/J r \0 FD. 1 l 2" I.P., LS J7246 PER 48 CR 16) o� \N 4) pp � s isoF�o oa T�SOOIjoIQ�� --I- �F '9s LEGEND • FD. IRON PIPE PER (48 CR 16) AS NOTED. ® FOUND 5/8" REBAR W /CAP "LS #7136. ® SET 1/2- REBAR & CAP TAGGED: "LS 6690" O DENOTES RECORD DATA PER (44 M 32). CORNER RECORD APN 239 - 131 -008 SCALE: 1" = 50' DATE: MAY 28, 2013 JOB. NO. 402 -08 (MURRAY) SCHELL & MARTIN, INC. CML ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEYING 3377 MT. D14BLO BOULEVARD LAFAYE7TE, CALIFORNIA 94549 925.283.8111