HomeMy WebLinkAbout129CR50CORNER RECORD City of Clayton (Unincorporated) Brief Legal Description SE Corner, Section 29, ,P 5 l( 1 7. - Document Number County of Contra Costa T1N, R1E, MDM , California CORNER TYPE COORDINATES(Optional) N 2151795.21' Government Corner ® Control ❑ E. 6164411.40' -29 Meander ❑ Property ❑ Zone CA 3 (0 4 0 3) NAD27 ❑ NAD83 Rancho ❑ Other ❑ NAD83 Epoch 2 0 0 7 Elev. 8 2 6. 0 8' Date of Survey 12 / 19 / 2 0 1 Vert. Datum: NGVD29 ❑ NADV88 X❑ Meas. Units: Metric ❑ Imperial 0 Corner- Left as found ® Found and tagged ❑ Established ❑ Reestablished ❑ Rebuilt ❑ Identification and type of corner found: Evidence used to identify or procedure used to establish or reestablish the corner: Found the SE Corner for Section 29; Corner common to Sections 29,28,32 &33. Found 1" brass cap stamped "T1N RlE, 29- 28- 32 -3311, set in concrete. Monument is consistent with Record of Survey Book 66 of L.S.M. at Page 42, dated March 28, 1980. Found D.W.R. nail & tag in 36 inch oak, SOUTH 15 degrees WEST a distance of 52 feet from said monument. A description of the physical condition of the monument as found and as set or reset: Left monument as is, and in good condition. SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT This Comer Record was prepared by me or under my direction in conformance with the Land_ Surveyor's Act on August 19 2013 Signed P.L.S. or R.C.E. No.: COUNTY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT PLS 8827 This Corner Record was received �iLs�+� -rte- -� � o-L and examined and filed ✓C,o�it /•r ��r �.Z a y s Signed t � P.L.S. ef— No.: Title County Surveyor's Comment /rA� o? 8- 060-- Qa ��v F 0DO vo �� Z � Q ;� o Ell BORPELS - 1297 Page 1 of 2 j C ��- CORNER RECORD NO. • NOTE: THIS CORNER RECORD IS PART OF A SET OF 4. PLEASE REFER TO CORNER RECORDS S% �6 _Si <,SS? oZ 7 siNCE Feu & ' 2O �T FOUND 3'x3' STONE MOUND WITH "' REBAR & 1 " PLASTIC CAP NO TAG IN CENTER OF SAID STONE MOUND PER GLO NOTES 1 (THOMPSON 1867). I � � 1 � W 1 � o I ry I � p W I O I� Z 00 L 1 N FOUND 1 BRASS CAP STAMPED "T1 N R1 E, 1 29- 28- 32 -33 ", SET IN CONCRETE T1 N R 1 E REFERENCE: (1) RECORD OF SURVEY BOOK 2 8 66 OF L.S.M. PAGE 42, FILED MARCH 28, COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA, I1980, CALIFORNIA 3 2 3 3 C5�' -J I LS o - -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - -- -- -- -- -- LEGEND / I SET MONUMENT (AS NOTED) N �Q / I FOUND MONUMENT (AS NOTED) � 1 / I / FOUND 36" OAK TREE WITH / D.W.R. TAG / 1 I 0' 10' 20' 30' / 0 PAGE 2 OF 2