HomeMy WebLinkAboutC-M69ASTATE CY CALIFGFU. UAt ) }as. CITY AND 60U'11 i� U SAL F'HAI`;CISC4. ) This is to certify that ti:e Luburban Realty Company, has caused this ";; yap o f =-lock 5, Bay View Park" , to to made as shown or. ;, hP vA. , :i r: rap, and ir w-* t ness ' ereof , the President and Secretar; of said Cub,ii-tar. alloalt;' Compary, ftereurtc� dul,J authorized, haves sired the rf sof said Company and Affixed its official seal, and their T:w—es hereto. t t tS�'�• i�i t� S:'h'IE CY CALIUMIIA, CI.'."Y ALD CCi_:.`TY GY SAI: FIW.0--:.)Cts • } SU'FUHDAi: KEALiY CC" _PAl'Y. By K. L. +Gid=,roup;, President (SEkI,) And G.H. Gurnee, Secretary. (SIEML) Cr thif 4th day of January ir. the yf!nr one Tho -,,.ford ?'ire 10�rcred & I'ivc�, l r fo re re , 11erry P . Lister, fi Votary Public it arv� for the. Said. �it0r ar_d Court- , duly conn:issioned unci sworr., ne.-so, nily appeared 1.. T'. Cigroux krown to me to be the President are. C. ii. Gurnee kr.o vr: to r•.0 to be the Secretary reE-pectively of the Co rpo ratior tz:at executed the withinn, i rstrumett •;rd ackrowied€ed to rre tM-t such C'orporatior_ exec,ztpd t.�:e came nave :.vre�rto �±�+ ry :.iir c car{' uft`ixet� r.�y �f. ial meal, the daJ ural Fear it. th-is ^fIrtif i;."te fir, '• Etbo'Jt' v.ritI.er.. {2 tea':.• -n0006- i iiL L4 GALiFU1,1A, i er.r�r $. I.:cter. o".Kr;; P.,�'l c, 'rr '.tie Cit;.' and C'o zrty of ;;fir. 'runciscu, "ato of t'oli. orr;.-�. T , :.. 1:. l;LRLu �', o-zr.', y Lecorsl,. r i�. and for sf:. �; Co-.:n%::l'.r 4'tate do #at. ereby crtif-, that the ��ovo :'• 4'.ii n% cerre,7t cep_, of t::- L.rd writir:j.- or. %fsck of tri -f `!n- . !n .. "0 .'.'I1'.t: +�sCf:1 C-69!