HomeMy WebLinkAboutE-M94N S' A77--] OF CALIF,)T?NIA j CITY AND COWNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO j On t his 7 day of in the year One Thousand Nine :�dred,before me a Notary Publia, in and for the said City and CountyQ Franc iscso,reRiding therein, d llr cor-T-iissio ed 1 snd srorn,per� mal r Pared B. A . B.ECKER,known to we to be the President of the Corroration that executed the within instrument, and aolLnowledged that such Corporation executed the same. IN Wi "7YESS '- OF, I have hereunto get wl hand and affixed W Official Seal, the day and. year. in this Certificate first above rritten. t Notary Publ.io in n for the City and County of San Franc ;eco, State of Califor- nia. affixed --:oma _Axed a nd seal INS . � � _ _ _ day Cf_7r1A roc h- Statim of 0151ifornaa ss. Grty a,, COON -VT OF SAN f*fthCt3C0 44 on this._._._ _ . _ _-- — e�ay tf_ jet - . _ _ in t+�, r e5f o -r Lord cne_ ltte•c;aaM T;- n* o ta he,indred ! 9 fLo _ bcfo rr_ ma _ _ -- _ _ _ - _ - _ _ - _ _ _ -a 1 m �:bl ie to aria {o.' ss,d County arxt Sbstt )'c:Wrr3 thereairi ckdy Comrn}Stion-td and Swrr rsordi)7 a''i'teced knows► to i 'e th` porn" ,S. whole rtarne _ - _�L.bacr-lb-1 to tit. rWith;n 1nitrAn)e4 and ae; f k q ed to wr c 6Na t - - - _ c!xr-cuE od the Sara, % 3n WiNesa w?yereof. -thaw htrcri),ri ycCn„ 6+r'A CE{uial `(ai {tech /arr; vicar in i#pi cr.rtictatr Sraiebore * A?tr A4" kP 4 ,,.3 g ItRXs '. nr Q C% a.. * T. 3 State of Cali orrd a, ) .SS. City and County of San Francisco. � TM i��RUAN SAVINGS A.10) LOAN SOCTF7Y. a r%.orroration, doer, hereby certify ars acknowledge that she i,:aj� hereto attvn -1 d is a true and correct trap of certain lands situate in the :.runty of Contra Costa orned ly the said corpo.rat1o:i. Th -,.t the said lands are divided into lots as sho-rn :zron the said map, the said lots being numbered A, E, and G reepectively, and comprising resFAc tively the: v. 1 o sores set opi-osite the s aid lett=yrs ort the :rargin olf salc. nttn. IN WITNESS DREG`, the said cor��orat 3on, thereunto duly z�zthori:,Fd, hay° execute*!. this the Twenty-aixth day of Stroh P A- D.4 ,1900 , a THE GERMAN SAVINGS AND LOAM SOCIETY, its PRESZPFNT . - j Si•'p _ C} # C)• �- Se c 0 1- � 4,. AIL g � L O V'ff. i I B G P.."0 pof P, rr p 2 PL'iv .4 i 33 s ZrA A �4 . A. #r X84 xLOAN SOCI ETY SAYIKQS AND GERMAN THE a [ `_ RANGBO = .! � t) :7.14 *00-0+ - T 113opract7Vrol &c.19&80 T 1.5 g R I i D i D.• . a $g r r ► via k.� ,�• • ' � T A CrO STA Cts U N CA � 3C44 10 Cha�mss 1 1� . ra dim is s r s �• r� ® �.r'r s r e, C_ ... .Is �► �e�sS .2Jur+rB�r e'er jry jAesiz jhe z.7na vA,*w 4,u:e M.Orkd-el est t/ir�t 1sw;o M(W *jrAfXNA# X A VIWO.f 4 40,4* t3"I Cri' '. i !'!/A/li[7�►. I � t� . �L'ps.�.*`c - _t_�-,t�'t"�►sas'K! 1 1( • 2 , ' }'<�s. y_r e �i $ .,4 mss.. .`..•-Y k' Y .,, =■ 8 C J.SG m _ 7,370 '. nr Q C% a.. * T. 3 State of Cali orrd a, ) .SS. City and County of San Francisco. � TM i��RUAN SAVINGS A.10) LOAN SOCTF7Y. a r%.orroration, doer, hereby certify ars acknowledge that she i,:aj� hereto attvn -1 d is a true and correct trap of certain lands situate in the :.runty of Contra Costa orned ly the said corpo.rat1o:i. Th -,.t the said lands are divided into lots as sho-rn :zron the said map, the said lots being numbered A, E, and G reepectively, and comprising resFAc tively the: v. 1 o sores set opi-osite the s aid lett=yrs ort the :rargin olf salc. nttn. IN WITNESS DREG`, the said cor��orat 3on, thereunto duly z�zthori:,Fd, hay° execute*!. this the Twenty-aixth day of Stroh P A- D.4 ,1900 , a THE GERMAN SAVINGS AND LOAM SOCIETY, its PRESZPFNT . - j Si•'p _ C} # C)• �- Se c 0 1- � 4,. AIL g � L O V'ff. i I B G P.."0 pof P, rr p 2 PL'iv .4 i 33 s ZrA A �4 . A. #r X84 xLOAN SOCI ETY SAYIKQS AND GERMAN THE a [ `_ RANGBO = .! � t) :7.14 *00-0+ - T 113opract7Vrol &c.19&80 T 1.5 g R I i D i D.• . a $g r r ► via k.� ,�• • ' � T A CrO STA Cts U N CA � 3C44 10 Cha�mss 1 1� . ra dim is s r s �• r� ® �.r'r s r e, C_ ... .Is �► �e�sS .2Jur+rB�r e'er jry jAesiz jhe z.7na vA,*w 4,u:e M.Orkd-el est t/ir�t 1sw;o M(W *jrAfXNA# X A VIWO.f 4 40,4* t3"I Cri' '. i !'!/A/li[7�►. I � t� . �L'ps.�.*`c - _t_�-,t�'t"�►sas'K! 1 1( • 2 , ' }'<�s. y_r e �i $ .,4 mss.. .`..•-Y k' Y .,, =■ 8