HomeMy WebLinkAbout71M19'{i .'^\`5,.�..s.. �.... w.i?L:r"r_i'\'.k.. ,a' 3'�n'iL.... =y.'�?t ;. � .....� ut\`•..... e..i _. .... �W.c. ':. +_i.' ♦ h 'b+ F a6.ryN �•1`r t`S'i �.. M1�+.:. � : .. �. a,r .. !�; .., i ... j ,..r'C '�.. .n ti .r., ..' .�"+- 'k`.I""f', �...k..$3�� ,.- .�. M `A"ei'e• a?:'nv'�!5 "�•.n�,..9T....J!;aF _ T E -�_.. •._.�_ _ it r/ .X �. � � •,. .. .. _... 7 C 2N� T UFO R[�ITfC__ -. &M A- Wt5UB75(Vf57QM6FzS tsl'i[Frrrtrr�FiZST_S 7q�:.�� AN�STVTA -P1Vsf ..- QL3EI�CS_UBDIYLSIbN:.:.:_ 1. 61 RK ME The undersrggr7�►a; ,bar's fhe parfiEs hovIng a record title em5.t in the lursds del /sewed orsd embraced `V/fh1/7 fhe red lines upon Phis map do hereby eor75enf to fhe making and record - dfion of fhe ucrirre"; and -eve do hereby dedicate fo ,r &hM: use /hose portions aFsa%d /ands designated on said rno,o os. Roland Drive, R0149' "d Court Ond Xesl 5freeh Ne dlsa hereh4l dedicate For public t1se, easements for public vfi //ties ur7der, on and ores, (hose cerfain strips of /and designated as Public bWY1*1y Easements ' or "RU. €. "as shown on sold mop lvithin said 5vbd1mv1o51017 CLAY7•dA/ PARK PORR r10N r • . €dward Z. A//cho /s, Prt°siden'f .--yyam� By JrMr€ Of CAL1reORMW s ' COUNTY 4f CO,YTR CdSTA On this of in fhe veer 1958, ,before rne, The undersigned, o Notary Pu bi:, in and For said County and SAM, personolly appeared f ward Z. lYichols, known lo me fo be /he Pr- esidenf and M. G:. Posk%ns , known tome to be /he Secretary of the Corporation that eXeeofed fhe forego%nq s'fefe- menf, and also known fo rr7e rya be }fie persons ovho executed if ors ,behalf of, ouch earparatjan and acknowledged fo sae dial such Corporation executed the same, tea/ Nafary Public in 1746 for fhe Counfy.of ,,�C,_a,Jstro Costa, 3fa e of Cal %fdrh�a. �(/' CbnTr»sSaion expire S �-• / �- �s�� -.--� 5T4 r4: 0j r CAl1F0RIy1A j COUAITYOF MVM.4 COSTA J 5S. ,Nlal/er T. Paasch, Covnfy Clerk and Fx- officio Clerk o,e the ,Board of Supervisors of fhe Coon fy of Con Ara Costa, Tla. ce of \Californ a, a'o hereby certify that a// bonds as required by low fa a4Wm,oaml the "1117in .wrap have been approved by said Board On4' Ftled /n !77 y 0/rrfce. In ,Witness Whereof, lhalre beret..n>`a 'set my ha17d this doll af_..._Qaf o be r � 1958. ' County Clerk and €x- offlelo Clerk of Me Board of Sf&PWr AW$ df`ths Covnfy of 40017h T Lbs'.Ao, Slane of Cohforrsio . CEA 4. K W ERHAKE MARTIN_EZ, CALIFORNIA, LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR JULY 1958 4tf11 ot'Phis evbdivlsion /res Pvifhin the /ncoraorc led oreo of the C%ty` of Concord, Stofe of �'0lifor W7 7 and Co.*? }0 /175 .6.7 7 ©crew. more 'or less. / certify' fhDf the subdivrsVor Shawn on }hie rnap is rr7ode }/10177 my oxtn survey of fhe ground dur%ng fhe coonfh of July and an fhe order of. Clay Ol7 Park Corporation; fhof fhe monuments are of fhe nature ar7d`rr7 fhe locations •shorvrr on fhe map and are 5ul5licie/-nf fo enable he survey fo be refroceci. 4711 bearings on this mop are hosed on 117e mop of rrac t ,2517' Concord,. Contra CaSfa Covnfy, C'01r1ornio4 /Z "4evl� Licensed .Load surveyor JY° 2d6� /,' Anno M Brown, Cify Clerk and Ex- officio Clerk of The City Council of fhe City of'Corrcord, County of Contra Costa, -!Nate df ,; Col�'forr7%o, hereby certify fho/ fhe mop ers}ifled "TRRGT' 263 7 was �,vrresented fo said C/fy Council og required ,by /ON C/o requ/olr meefinc� (hereof, held an fhe _�..�y oJ`_.�S- �.�.� -�4'' 1958, and that 00146 City Council did ;�hereulaon by reso/ufion du /y passed and adopted of Said rneefir7q opprove said rnop, and did nOt accept on beho /l' of fhe ravbl c .those poriions of sold /ands des// 7 r7aled as ; 'streets, roods, aarvenaes, ar- eosernents ,�rhown fhe/ -dcn as de3ignote4 fo p�- 'bloc` use . / fp>rther cerfify }fiat all bonds as o"egv1' r6vd by, /ow fa accarrrp any Me within mop hate been ,approved by said Cr /y Council and fi /ad in my offi�re. to Witness lNhereayr / have herevrsfo se} my hand this z �s d doll a.f�n �0 h J958 Girl Clerk and FX- ofFicic, CIQrk of fhe eMq Council, • Cih/ of �oncaar� G'ovnfy of Contra Casfa, ✓tote of'Co %forma. 1, p �4, Sfcwarl, City €7gineer for 117e Cty of rOncord, Cour7ty of Contra Caifo, .Sfnte of .COIIXXarnk7, do hereby certify /hat / l have examinedr Me rnap enfifled "TRACT 2 4637 "and lhaf sa%dsubdivu%on is „7ub sfanfia / /t� Ir and ,hf pea noie rnop of all The pr0414s10r7s oF.a`tofe law c7n& LOCO/ Or'd /r70/?CE?S yeav4�rrrinl� tahc f'ilirq art Jvddiv /.sibr, .Mops have been co,,ew ev' rvir�h v d /airs ,sofiafied /hat Me 05c7rne is lrc%nicall co/- recta. ' - �%f/! 1�ngir7eer df fhe City of- Concord • Cavnr� of Contra Cc�sf ©, Sfote air Ca//Forniv t hereby certify, 117af the Plans %ncf CAMMISSlon of fhe City O,r 40oncor-d, County of Contra Co.sto, Xlale of Co/iFornia, haT approved The fenicrfive ma o of this subdivision upar, which }his f final rnap is based. .1'ecrtfary P/vnninq Cornini.rsion Circy of rancosc%G'aonfy c/• Cantia Co Jfate QF Co /iFc7rnio. The .r»op enfifleo` "TRRCr ?637 - "is hereby acc- cpted for recardCHOn ehowincJ 17 c %r ti/le as per /effer of fiflE �r7ade by Co%�ornia /�bcrflc r///,o Company, dated /he � day of � . _ 19SW and of'Ier dpxorn- . 11714047 fhe some l deem that .said rnap carnplieo - in all respectr wi /h the /oroviJ/ons 10.1C afa}e /yaw crud Jac 0 / or4inc3nces 9atrcrninq fhe maps. r�v�ti Covnfy Recorder %n and /ar fhe Covnfy o . Can /ro Cos }a, ,S'fiatc of �liFornia, Depv Untyco Recorded o/ the. request Qf Co/ifornia F�cific 7 //e � G`0 pa7ny of mss- rninv'ies ,oars/ .�07 , .M. or? //'ris, a_ day of 4va jel.- 1958, irr fhe ofFce o efhe Coc►nr<y AIpcoraer pf The Covrsfc/ of G"anfra ,6"4W14a, �1'faIle cif Ca / /farina G'avvr /y ,corder in and for /he Ccvniv of Ga fro 60srro,. %Vale of Cal %fors /0 . L?Cpvfcfr County ,taecar -dcr. C©ON7'ya P. CONM cOf ro ..o,� rkJ� ruJFNry -7kJ2D Da�aF O�r'oB�2 l�' 7��"y�Q� J9fB f h;!FAeC AJA �II�Utia RS'I(, 1�"IJ, 4 Iona 47Y Pvg�ic l.V 4VD �2 SA 1p ZoaN f7dTE; P6'RfaIlal.�:y��,��tYrlBuK A. Jd taByQ,Ul� Jas z. raov, Jlt�aw,rTT4��rnaErJl�'P�'rL�s ruya€,�rvr� p a�r�,�ou� . r�,R.rwvr Q00 r7a92Tf U4loOA R r //E P4� OF M4�f,-��gy��Qyry #PA174e cc o'po�4A T'�dt/ r ©,S.4 /,D rXv,,.re',cs5 XbAZ G aL DGAI AND 1.64AJ 4rr46cr4Tiogr o4 MD 4v6rvs r I3, /!6s 4&o Rpnf D D 4vavfr le, 19J'8 i vYatu.NE 3ztf arm a Ficra t Q6�oapS P46'6t%h 21; 2 /*' 4oU46 OZ0 AU.0. AnekO u4RD6c -•h r MP �►yUr►,tt�+��raN exp»2F5 1t1t�N Z t x',aeD � r • . P• vA. i..•'TH �f:• 3•: r �Irt eY'.. ,'.'- v .n ' ........ .. c. -, .. .._. ..... ..: ,1 f a.-7.. •'\ `W f�G. 4;- wy»$S W" '. ........ ,.. r . t.. . r. .r w .' ... .,, a .. �. .. .. ,. �.K r. .. - +.: ... ._ !- .. afa:.4 . .f .. ,. .'n•. yr ... - .++ '?+ ^. •nw:, - ( ..f'•. .a!'e v ;x,4'c ✓ Y +"d^ �' , "� .6. .wa xtE.,. 'q ��yyy ,,, ,... ,�4 K3- 'a'vwx- ' - YA`1Jr'r.£z.'.�IiY�irNi c«.4 ss�tv"' `�.a+7�2.R �.• ` M' � i ,.. SSV;.... �::w, .,,.<.'n ?" F H •. •"1 .fur- .u...,.m3�s'.k.324:seee�Li bueMBL.r�'.�n #IRJ%�'S�k$+`2�.✓'m r..?°�%w+4vaaU�iCi'w„Z 'xw'�'4- +(:y'e,�"f.Yi�Y•Y `fcn..' 4 — � }•• s +2' .�v• Lw ?? w1'.ne6Wyg'LL.�.fC.1"�' _ is a.SF siS�JF+. t< e ;$_4YRCi'tJ.".:t:cb.�sw',.''.u. Lida .' <vstin,.:aCi ° «ivlk.,;iv~`h "r�Y: "3 :'..r•,Ve:o.,•••, .. .+„-. � - �zL TRACT 2,637 0 g-"- =, ONCORR CONTPA C05TA COUNTY CALIFORNIA BEING A R FSUSblYtSJON aFA PORTION OF LOTS 79-85 t 86 ' ;MBURGESS COMPANY5 MAP N'01 OLSEN 5UBDIVIS10N_ CLAYTON- PA RK N,P+IrERHAKE LICENSID' LAND SVIZVV. rOR. JULY 8 . MaRrrrt�z, CALIFORNIA .t U t s . SCALE: t" =sO` ' 4Q 2 /og 4R 550 1 V V &./N ,Ar Akf 14l 040 00`v As fd Td. 80 j _ Io .74.80 66 6J 66 67 66 . 67 G6 67 66. 67 G6 vq 1y tihd h� t k}� \� i n n • „ ¢\ Id �t Off. x.� 0.y t} • �� 4 �q p O ��` D �4 '�O �\ �4 Oh s. Nt fo tee: � �Xa�• o fro, So ` to 95 r 67 %6 67 66 Gy 64$ 67 66 07 `G m 67 66 Q'b c'b 8d ti _ .R ?r7.so a ,� ,l"Ric .� • N 45 °dd ' /4 "!t/ 6Gt! s� - ®-5., i56.da b ^y �' �.1 hs p q•Vd6'44 /4 iY e_ ?o',d,./ $� ~ ^ y .. N ti r��sn a� _ % L ,* �1 �q n t'�� sabl 8 uo JA �°a' /d'j Q ►c cr Z 4AI AO �C �.YLC ! t'► n ! 0 6778 4N i4/.?.50*" ow 0S �r ,� 6.1 ?S '4.4.1'.•6' ?,'°�+ ��`ti i 44, 4S 64f,49C " •� 0 .�� .ac do cb Z750 Zzs a Nor lHCl. �a v 3 Q 04 h h It, o' ` u o n \ • G,3 Gd. 25" 6.c�, 25 � � h ©�s G44S 64. ,G5 � � r� O d5 ""IY YV4f5 °44 %dW / ?8.5�g b .° h /Na5'�4 %a:.w /J?Ar f s4 14 tA ryry ?o /6C. 4(40 7! T / /,,/ / y� T/ y �•'. 7Y 7/ \ �% % A r a N4j!;F'.44 '/d ff4 _ w w N���y/ /Y �/Y 7 �J.'fi /Of 7 OR 334 t ✓ frX�J�r'f r s .rQ6da i d rV ,�ti .t,ipoa; F ZG4" OR $99 o ® � Jr yaQ 10 n a\ � l� r y` - •. - � N4S'44' /4 "W 332.4'a �. _..r Pee o` �� ff .. \,• lttrrfer. Proa lixre �eserrrenf''. y f &,Poo The �,d %rvir Task 5ysfr� ?or7e'•�' 40S oh~,07 an fhe rno, a/ 4rewp7' VS17 " r Coracaar-d, 40twme a Cos /o Comfy, td /I jr Ca�.acr��Mcrrx vrr•�ts arbawrr �.S�r.,�,• �r ':. /,rx�n f3,eas Monrywrltifr�.x �rfroMrn f/;�s; • 4 G M Y ^. w. i 4 G M Y ^. w.