HomeMy WebLinkAbout7M1701� /C�t 4k� sit 16 4 YN - ---------- M Attest - W. - - &W)kec retary. ST"A M 0 F I F0 MT IA kGbt�.� on this 4u4d'ay of —ti.n tke , yesr one thousand nire hundft'_�-s�nd -tv-1-01ve Iq �Xernie a !-�iotary Public in and for the ____,'_County o:j� ':h� personally appeared and t4 known to me to be the of , t 1,4 C o 0 r at +'on de c r * _e 6^ in and -ah o 9 x e c ut e d the v7 it Ta *1 n A st rum e nt 'r I- I _Noihei persons who exec LT 4 on behalf of and also i�.nown o rm o executed it the corwiaticn "therein naned, ancl they 1-c1mo',.,:ledged to me that such corn oration executed the same. '[Jti .7TTIM-33 ',.1jjL-REC1,F9 I have hereunto Bet my hand and affixed my Official Seal at my office in the C^) - - County of 4 *~ tA —,the day and� —year in :Eh-is CeifMcate first above written. NOTARY PUBLIC In and fo r the CZ A- CoiMty' 0 f A&~*4"c4w4A.,c" w iii —te —o"al if o IN, tlI TrySS ".MIREOF, vore, F.1110i:M'.'TORTFIY and F-r6#7.F0SX2TT* mortp,ap,ees,of the pm per ty designated and delineated on the annexed !�'Iap, do hereby corzent to the making of the same and that it be recorded in the off ice of the '-Recorder of Contra Costa County, Caa ifo ni ia. alITTESS our hands this day of June, 1912, L W"n-'s 6 ATE OF -PAIL IFORITIA. y of On day of June. 7-N One Thousand !Tine Hundred and Twel ve . M DO 9 a Notary Public in and aid County of 8 id in c- the rein, du V oommis ed personally appeared - - - - - j- 1E_6v;n persons w Ose na in scribe ­ i 0 jEe rtR i and forego in strunent, and aelmowlediziDd thit they executed the sam e. I ti '.'1IT11!SS 7.THEI I have hereunto set my hand Aff ixed official seal, at my office in oun f the day an d y la s above written. 1 fota.ry__ �nbl I c de .- T o r "gWtid Coun: of State of California, STIT�'.,' 02 CZI!K)RNIA' aounty of Contra Costa. • 7 -`•• o. .. •i-a • d rd s! t3 C49A�"�ST COL 111T Y CffZ- rORA V1#A1 ti ,PgTlN O 'a 12 fib - A 0 ,M/N s R,4V)VCZ(0 PljfARL 0 40 8 Ab 14 IS ed �. � LtS'urt�Py�d by- /Y. ✓Fr�►ftr � 1Ylayi /91�? - {' py � �. � '� `' � 0 c3 ,H A =�'Dt! � 45 is P ' �- a cl-ihe 1w deed from R. Nga emr anWowIle fo Cv cord4�d o , o ,� +� 154 0�4 A03el)W 4? aWI` a� of pry a ids d r9 d,`\ O m '° m gay Pvid l And Gam 0 ae lea OCI&A r� . 0/� and recora�ea' i� P4911 �l of l��eds, el, h'ecoras � fat Q Z,w f7 /'_" f •i # U o q d / O 0 A t� �:.� -H 1D m A it 014 m E+ ® fd -P � dor +� �,�.,, // s►.® see �- Q P44) rd / ff . - � ,,��j fit• / ` � � +s T � � � � W � H► ` L► ,' v C, s�'�axttnet Abst#�aCt t% .... ,' .,. �► cs x� i 'v / �O � Kt .....r +,. +.., a .< ... „ eee. rst na.af r.•saw -0 �r 14 0 M -H � e am old to tit / o .., , , t.{ !. r7G: ply. �, f �� �9• fd A 0 +i f / �� �o g► Op aQ =0,Q-r# $4 .a a3�r9C. �` `� � A► v as €s � o R! � ti3 ����` - ,�► �2 ° 1 I� v Q m + aQ • � as <..,. .t, k o +"► 4t •w IN `WITIESS MEREOP, Concord and Bay Po int Land Co - .r a corporation hereby certifies that it is the owner of the ii ',� �� �� n, land shorn and designated on they annexed map entitled "Sh @et r t. �1C• Teo. .: B €,ess Qom s MapEtRo.l. Ayers Ranch Subdivision ���, on ra �,osVa Coun r,Ta rnia being a portion of the Rancho k'� �• r `V y Mon le del Diablo, and that said was made and will be record- ed at its request and with its consent. �sd ` ` I• fi IC. • , 4 1 ► �' � � ► � The said 001tCOlU : D B _,1Y POINT LAND CO. ,hereby reserves •-` to itself its suceessois or as: ' r upon h b .:'�'TAc. ''� . •1 �' �. assigns the right to ent p . , tit �► con st ruc t , maintain and Operate ate a single o r do q � � � � � g able track rail- '- � ,� � A � '� way. to be operated by electric a.tr , or any other lawful motive ' power f r arse `'° •�! ' °'`'�' f _ - ' -0 nco ou eva r r freight or other service , alo and upon ., ..,� o �► �: rd, as shown on said map, for the enti3e length Pe re of. g �' ''' �` i - The -roads the :•eon delinea.ted a� ^e el do1leated sue• /.� G'''"'' '' ! �O to the itl is . �.e- _ _ - _ ,�, '���t -. p Dated this Wi day of June 1912. •!T f`ps f © CORD ZI) PAY POINT LAND C00,1 resi en . \ '''.�E: `��''f: t �. ,� l,� �• �i�l�' Attest T� '��► moo,, '� � � 6'�t�e. ti T ' ' `� r i- ` • .rw t . iJJ 1 t STA M �P III010IA ?� o un o O22 to is dy o f , in t � , year one G? =f1rt, �`G' ,de l ... �C. and nire hand end t elve be ze me �C � thousand ' ` - } _ - ' - County {3 � t�r�...� e.�.r t.3 a �l of ary Public in and for the � t personally appeared A•h• �'b v� an vd • iv00• «`rr knoim to me to be the - e in i of th co��ora.t ' on de�cr' � � o xecuted the it in i strumeii , 4r74&' and a ►o �oTl 10 03 o e he persons � rho executed it on b ehali of --:�_ the corpo ~at ion therein naned, and they Uzclmo 4ledged to me that such �i' `� coda oration executed the same • hav hereunto t <{ '"- I e reun. o s e my hand �.nd affixed /"� `. f�f my O ff is ial Seal at my of fi ce in the c4I � County of '' _ _ ,a•. u.,. the day and year in h is�f irate fist t� :v above writ ten. lie C. ITC TAI P L IC In and. for the �•--�- County of V.A.14*- t.�.a.c of 'tote o f C a l if oxn:� . . � �C � � � �� � .i.ii �Iji i. �.�xi./ IJiJ ►ii1.iJ la��ai: Tit T ;,r- ♦,tom � '[Y �'r�'�'1m rye •Sialit2 ►iORTH and F .ii •.iFOtiJZ]ETT +A► mortgagees,of the property designated and delineated on the annexed. • `" ''" i! Q �� lap , do hereby consent to the making of the same and. that it be e•v s i ' 1C recorded in the office of the Recorder of contra Costa. Coup t '' '`�'•�',�;�. C al ifo 3n is . t ' I TAE S S our ha nd s th �. s day of June � -► .....1''•-- •..''�E � ti I� r lam. t a Cam` S T.TE OF v.LL I110 F. NIA , y of e. F? �' , � �' =rte Q ,�'� 1► � D. - � _.._ ...- _._ _ . On day of June , One Thousand 1Tine. Hundred and Twel ve , �P, Tye , a• , 10ta ry Public in and aid County off' , sid ins tbe rein, duly commis ed person :�3y appeared - norm -o the --o— and fore • pe rsQns �r�2ose n� s scri e o t w� "fain o z s trumen t, and ackn.owl edged that t he executed IN the same. f I have hereunto s et Pa ha � .. � 8:�1X @d •`�C. .� official s cal , at my office xn d ' +�► / t- Coux� f the { I day a.n. d y ja st above viri tten. I `" fib - t G,i' Notary—lie o r said County Ni o f , State o f _ California, _ 4f. 0-Ve7c i ♦ 0 2 C tai Il 0l1 i I A iJ �,. a t _! ' ounty of Contra Costa } -•~- -- -- - -- ! -- - - - - -- - - - - - •-- ----- - -- - # I, �� SULT.EIICE Counter ,auditor of the County of Contra - _ t ao � alifo rnia do hereby c -- -o-• -- �'io t — •�a- G U s ta. +� tat e Off' n � ert 1. that r y � at thv re Are no liens f for paid I tate or Counto taxes, t the l � , except ' taxes not yet payable against t d designated on the above 4=.ii�. annexed map as Ayers fan eh Sub - div is 1 �, or Via. ins t any part the reo f• i J It e th is -- day of JA V4. lum wow r ► t ►a C oun _ '.0 itcr ' o the Nutty ,i o Contra �-st S4. to of Celifornia. OW - • 1�39'.ff �rlY- � '�' _ - l�4 �e�r o�rsornrorzs af'��rrs/h'�, serta�Ed «►srda� . $r �'t1iYT 0tr�@►001- t`r�afs, asIIIIS 0.- vA *r�Ptst rf~ 46*fr or .rrft Ri �- f.� t d0 flfe4riad fo 9'A u.A 4 1(h AW,A .r �r 4eI4A0 0�r.#• W ., '•�1 ArI JA 7 M'17'0 402 CD � H � fJ. COD Q 1-b o 0K. Q � w 39 0 0 PC+ c� 4 �A K 0 44 1-3 cf t-4 Ck 0 9 0 go W W Q as PAW tj Q+ CCf c+ Cf. IL 4M MC+pp C+ 114 n � o �d ct WOO N F'b ct� 0 Eft :Y 0 C+ p 0 1.46 o ° p ia,8 1 0 90 W©4 ¢ Nin O0fl" 0K 0 C+0 PA PU C91 (11 0 O t13 ¢A K . CD W W CC 40 t 3 Ali cfi 0 C M O w m 0. y I17 VI NESS 41MEREOF, CONCORD ATIM BAY POINT LAUD CO• , AF, a corporation, hereby certifies that it is the owner of the � land ishoim and designated on the annexed map entitled "Sheet No. 2 R. N.Burgess Company's Map %o. 1, Ayers Ranch. Subdivision Contra Costa County, California`s, being a portion of the 1-�encho Monte i del Diablo, aid that said map was made and will be record- ed att its reauest and with its consent. The said CONCORD _ B _.Y POINT L -11D CO., hereby reserves to itself, its successors or assigns,, the right to enter upon, construct, maintain and -operate a single or double track rail- way, to be operated by electricity, or any other lawful motive i _power for pl.ssenger and freight or other service , aloxg and upon Concord Boulevard, as shom on said map, f c r the entire length thereof. ` The roads thereon delineated are not dedicated to the public. Dated th is /dear of June C0 T-M, 0 _=:D 12M BAY POINT D {�ND C O. By r sid eY] At test ' ee re a . I - TA i'E C "IV O� I,i v 7. Le a J o w: _ On #his day of June. in the year one thousand _ nine hundred and. twe ore me TO R a Notary Public in and for the He rsona ily appeared i{.tit.1�a can .--- ana co oration de e n as o execu a ,ehal.f the � --- a� -also Immn to me to be the persons who executed it on chat such the corporation therein named-* and they acknoWl g corporation executed the same. r ITT � ;� T �'�:TB SS :��:• R . �•0�`# T have hereunto se t�nd an � • -"f; r,e in the Seal 'at ny o. ff ixe d. my 0 . f is ial - -� County of . tae day an, Y t ifi.ca.te firs a ove b U T An Y P hIC; In and for the CA 4....0C..- : fl' x�, of - to e © U a l °�_ To r nd. a. MOO ° /Af "A' Ii? WITITESS 7MRROE, wet R. TLELWOR.TEY and r .1 .,PQSKETT, mortgagees, of the property designated. ana. delineated on the annexed gdo hereby cons en to the making ing of the same and. that it � recorded in the o, �e of the Recorder of Contra. Costa Conn Cal ifornia. 'rte. WIT�.�SS our hands this d.a o f June � �' 3 1912• . l s f _ ® t T .i E OF COAL IFOa, IT CO of this _______ _ - June,, A. D, One Thous and iTin e u•n.red and. T- :iely , bef oze MR, ' a to Public in ax r sa Co y o resi the rein, duly c s ioned. persona ear me e e persons o names ?Xe s scrl ° they nom o instrument, and o�a1 edged t © me within and foreg " executed the same. ,` have here o set my hand an IN =,IT WS;REOF: affixed my off z se al, at ray f ice in s a. id Co un of 'S day -'and year jagal t N CONWRD otart' Public in an sai o" .y _ _ Va- 76'.ry_ - te of of S i - ornia• STATE O. CAL I F01UT �., i S 6. of Contra Costa) . County f the County Of - ••,,�T A.TT.STJLIMTGER, County Auraito o hat there '-" tit. I do hereby certi$� t Contra Costa, State of Ca1.� fo tea: State ar Coux�y taxes, except taxes dnot yet are no liens for unpaid st the tan d. designated on the above ereof. annexed payable, a 3n a in.st any part t-n ivd'o'�asy as Ayers Ranch �ddv ision or against of JUxvl, 1912. Dated this aun A i or o ou y /T osta Sateo Ca'fornia. Cont 4 MI '° Ar 1 1 1 AVERS R ANCH SUBDIVISION GQNTiW 69Srtf COLIN7Y. CeZlla� /�'! BE /N6 A PORT /oN of MHO MolvrE DEL P/ABLO Jusvtysd by.-- N. ✓.Field' �Yloy /9 /I JCe9lE /''PDO' Beier omrtiar of �oroiaerly 4esc�ibad dera' 11-aw R.N.Bur9ess o1jdirif� !o Gaatir�lo� Boy Poiaf Lars fo��, dotted Ocfo6erlf,1910, in l��/1Gf� of Oseds,�►yirl, IPeco�/s of Co�Ira Cos >e Ca�r��r, to /rfor�.rd. . .......... ��l.�rtin�z.t�bstr act. &.7itle.Ca................. 4 00e 41 h y _f�lf b WIN s � 0 S ' 0 0 Q� o� y 1 4, w 5 a: 71 M 17i -� K00 ;Z6, K44 A 0 $�°` � �, O C+ 0. t(b:r M 1 Koo 0 0 o w0 m go coo m c110 • C �.. MORWJ�pc+e y y lKlAwlel, � & o p �' �° ri t�'escri,6ed in dffae Irl-om R. N. ess 4W4V *zle l`o Ga �ors� Beir�p d ficr�r a�" 1�► v e y y' F3 K t3' r3 A �'i c, • /� ` C• ° do o er1��910 andr�c49 -- ail lo ho.-AV of Dseds, 1, Weco�rs ►a a► o co 3 ;, ,�p�f! /�O//7 L!�?!� 0��► r�, t�ll�e° 1� , , /�'.!� 0 M : z P 4+ ° �`� , . �� of CarlrA Cosfar �aiw7 , ��lfornir�. M 0 • +• _ - - ro �` S t 1 /... K 0 Q O C3 ¢3 c+ } W fm — VU H to o ... Ca y N y F-'• tD 1--b M K .. 20 ° in C+ , c+td Ilia, ® K N�'m W0oa fa Q Y �� / I i� cam. 07C. 41 Pig Iii WI ASS TMEREOF 9 C0411CORD ATIM BAY POINT LAND CO. a corporation,, hereby certifies that it is the owner of the land shorn and designated on the € nn.exed map entitled "Sheet Teo. 2 R.N.Burgess, Company's.1dap Uo. 1, .dyers Ranch Subdivision Contra Costa, County, California". being a portion of the 1-t3ancho Monte i del Diablo, ani that said map was made and'will be rec ord- ed at t its reaue st and with its consent. The said CONCORD -'M B . Y POINT L -11D CO., hereby reserves to itself, its successors or assigns, the right to enter upon,. construct,, maintain and operate a single or double track rail- way,, to be operated by electricity, or any other laerful motive power for passenger and freight or other service , aloi; and upon Concord Boulevard, as shom on said map, f cr the entire length thereof. The roads thereon delineated are not dedicated to the public. - Dat ed th. is day of June, 1912. CO .Tf,{},.P 11 D DAY POINT Lil- D CO* , By r si en . A.tteSt ,aa —o— s 6�`° i� /f9 � r, � ` � v #y - - � � � 13 f7t4 I -07C. • � .+� - ?O '� �� r O J. � V. mac. 1/ �� %2 � /!O �► �J �8 ,� .� mac. 1� �c. , ,� �,� ;� � ATATILYE CASIF P ORN I a June i n the year one thousand � On t1 is day o: , - nine hundred an t�vel , © me ,, , s,,....e�,oILA, o un o Notary Public in and for the _ �, - �R L r - - rsonall appeared �tl�t. ana -- - - - --- ----- `-- - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - -- ------ - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- pe 5 -'"'"' e c u e e vsz xis rum n - - - -` o ,� - - - d e Z e n o ex -,►- - '- - ,,�- - - , - o f the core oration ani -als O IMOVM to rye to be the persons who executed, it on th � such the corporation therein. mad, a.nd they acknowl ed.gea . corporation executed the same- .I WITNESS ASS 4 F Q I have 1r� er -unto, set my nd and c, t, �+ c► -f e d my C ff is Se t y of n the _ -; -- ---•- i s C e .. d0 ti `°• ... r.."A th / 3 _.- , t��e � day a y r County oy � t ifice.te firs a ogre :7, ten � � � 44V •¢. B /r9c. fe. � _ t` FOT Y P IaIC �l: In and for the e.JL ' C.,.• county of � California, � • �reraia'jr ` in F01V*F05!aTTj 0- Il. WITIMSS 711''`REC , ' • don the annexed I mortgagees., of the property des nate& a&. delineate j ap , do hereby cons ent to the m2king of the same and tat that be recorded in the n fif , rsQ of the recorder of Contra County, ° S California. day of June,, 1912. - �,�'��qe. `� •¢`r9c. '• we.�'�'e.. '.'� c. �,S;s•�� -ate. t ��ITSS our hands thy. s y -- - LAUREL t 11RAPF e j• T . E OF CAL 'F0 11 142 .36* • f�c.�7C. ',rat. �t �c. '?. '�t'�C. #o',�la! Co Of e Thousand Rine .th is -_ -- day June, A . D. 0n se o � u.ndred and. T-7el bef y , a tam Publ is in a or said. Co y o /Y6o'�es'W the rein duly co sion.ed,persona 1 sere _ re s i , b 1 s xe s scrl o e1 nom o me e e per w o name they d owl edged t o me wi t hi n and. foreg instr ument, an ' .�.�' executed the saw. here set my ha nd IN 7,71T l!S ��ECiF, I have ve affixed my off 1 0 eat, at 8T ,� ,;'+!T t'qt. 4Tt1°e. d=T�C. T R' .,!j'¢ t. G ff ice in s aid c un - «_ ' - tic. . �¢ 19c. day.'and year - s ' C'ONC4R1� 13�U1�'l�r�R1J � . n .- .... A$ Ia3 a "v ._ .► _ .- .- -. . - - - .. of Ca i -o rni a. s 3 County of Contra Costa) � .ud ito r o f the Co unt y Of T 'c ,e T �T �. . t7e7C. .. �r�f�c. - . awe. I A.T� . STJLIM1GER , count; t - t ha.t there ` rnia do hereby cer i� Contra Costa, State of Cs<1.if° or County taxes, except taxes not yet are no 1 iens far unpaid State the land d designated. on the above and annexed map uga inst anst a.ny part th er payable, Ranch div isioxi, or ag 1912• iYffo•���!' ^r�"•f 'r - as .avers R r day of M091 Dated th is -- ILI C oun Aud. t a r o. e C a io rni a. Cont os to S a te ����' y '° .�• C. � . !� . `° '. �t. �'�9t •� � •.1��f�t. Ol1l1E 4ORMAC A�--- -_ -.._ - --_ --- soy,- - --- -� --- ---- -- -ono - - - -- - - - - -- - ro -- - -- - - lAV r�l� IA►dd�Jt��!!%Qj a'IrPM a! .f�/'9Jts'Sh duQ/1tilP.f O/' alE.�Q►ruipe +�irjr�ftl/lIl urn a/P�l ooL��/fo f67� ,vst of fyt prr,6lic !i� . etf I.gtilueryJ vrol/rer wes • oruf oll. �� 1 ��'��'� ✓mod �./ ZG Zz! f 3t r a , � w N • �s 171' 5