HomeMy WebLinkAbout61M42The undersigned, being the parties having a record title TRACT 2167. interest in the lands delineated and embraced within the red lines upon this map de hereby consent to the. making and County of Contra Costa recordation of the same; and we do -hereby dedicate to public use those portions of "id lands designatea as vacation Drive CONTRA COSTA COU NTY, CALIF and Gerke Way, together with drainage easements and, "1� " sanitary sewer easements. The area marked "drainage of California, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing easement" is dedicated to -the County, of Contra Costa or its PORTION OF RANCHO CANADA DELHAMBRE designee for public use for storm water drainage, including Supervisors, as provided by taw, at a regular meeting thereof, construction, access, or maintenance of works, improve- Y LAS..SOLSAS ments and structures. whether covered or open, or the that said Boar of Supervisors did `tere_u_p_o­n­B_y=esolu—tion duly clearing of obstructions and 'Ire 'Ire CONCOINCORPORATED not accept on behalf Of the public any of the streets, roads, a corpor tin HAMILTON AND ASSOCIATES CIVIL ENGINEERS RUBS L OAKLAND CALIFORNIA FreLJAM accompany the within map have been approved by the Board of MG Kj-t; W. RIUTH Secretary Tract 2167 is all that certain piece or parcel of land RICHMOND MARTINEZ TITLE CGMPANY 1 CORPORATION, TRUSTEE described in a deed from Allmeror.�4 6�1'rf.Az 6�el I :� Jww to `�'-0'740 117410rCCZ_afc4V"' recor e The undersigned, being the parties having a record title TRACT 2167. interest in the lands delineated and embraced within the red lines upon this map de hereby consent to the. making and County of Contra Costa recordation of the same; and we do -hereby dedicate to public use those portions of "id lands designatea as vacation Drive CONTRA COSTA COU NTY, CALIF and Gerke Way, together with drainage easements and, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Contra Costa, State sanitary sewer easements. The area marked "drainage of California, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing easement" is dedicated to -the County, of Contra Costa or its PORTION OF RANCHO CANADA DELHAMBRE designee for public use for storm water drainage, including Supervisors, as provided by taw, at a regular meeting thereof, construction, access, or maintenance of works, improve- Y LAS..SOLSAS ments and structures. whether covered or open, or the that said Boar of Supervisors did `tere_u_p_o­n­B_y=esolu—tion duly clearing of obstructions and MAY CONCOINCORPORATED not accept on behalf Of the public any of the streets, roads, a corpor tin HAMILTON AND ASSOCIATES CIVIL ENGINEERS RUBS L OAKLAND CALIFORNIA FreLJAM accompany the within map have been approved by the Board of MG Kj-t; W. RIUTH Secretary Tract 2167 is all that certain piece or parcel of land RICHMOND MARTINEZ TITLE CGMPANY 1 CORPORATION, TRUSTEE described in a deed from Allmeror.�4 6�1'rf.Az 6�el I :� Jww to `�'-0'740 117410rCCZ_afc4V"' recor e FRANCIS H. PULLEN,VICE -PRESIDENT 19 S"s in volume of Stats of California Containing ,,.,.•....%p3 -acres. more or less. County Glerk a -ad -LItticto Clerk E x County of Contra Costa Xw part of this subdivision lies within the incorporated -aLrea of any city or tow -n. On this day of in the year 19:5-5 , before meFl?gro �. I certify that the subdivision shown on this map is made a Notar-y-7u-blic. in and for said state. pers6-nally from my own survey of the ground during the month of Febr&4- appeared g�c f?d 16 known to me ary. 1,955. and on the order, of Conco Incorporated, the owner; to be the See=,ig of the corporation that that the monuments are of the nature and in the location shown r, executed the foregoing statemeft. and also known to me to be an the map -and are sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. the person who executed it on behalf of such corporation and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. All boa riqp of this map are based on the California A, Coordinate System Zone 3. Oaf CIV4 Z_ze_� Notary Public in and Yor the C4XMtT Of co h vzr�/fi_ VURWARD. Durward W. ami on State at California Seal R. E. No. 8869 My Commission expires 1W The map entitled Tract 2167 is hereby accepted for recordation, showing a clear title as per letter Ofyle made ,by Richmond Martinez Title Company dated the / A day Of Al -1— 6e- . 19SS; and after examing the same,.1 deem at -sat a"ji apcompjj-j—xin all respects with the provisions of State laws and local ordinances governing the filing of subdivision maps.. UountyAecorder in a ,�ftd for thF' County of Contra Costa. State of California BY: ttefe, of dall.fornia Deputy GO)pdty Recorder County of C ontr a C osta, a On this 20th day of October In the year ow thousand nine hundred and fifty-five, before me Fred F. Menichettl a Notary Public in and for the County of Contra Costa, State of Colifornia,residinq therein,duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Francis H.Pul len known tome to be the Vice President of the corporation described in and that executed the wil thin instrument, and also that he is known tome to be the person whoexecuted it on behalf of the corporation therein named and he acknowledged to me that such corporo'tioneiecuted the some as Trustee under Deeds of Trust recorded in Volume 1962 official records page 218 and in Wume 2509 of ficial records page 290." I INWITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and of fIxedmyOf ficial Seal,at my office Inthe County of Contra Costo,the day and year in this cert If ilcote first abovewritten, Notary Public in and forthe County of-Contro Cos to, State of California. Recorded at the request of Richmond Martinez. Title Company at minutes past M. on the / s ay or V,,.,e".1 A -e, !kL, in the offices Of the County Recorder 91 the aunty of Contra Costa State of California. County Recorder in Od for the County of Contra Costa, State of California. - By: puty ty Recorder I hereby certify that the Planning Commission of Contra Costa, County, State of California has approved the tentative map of this subdivision upon which this final map in based. Iv 3irecioro f antra sta County, State of California. Principal- PI-anner.&L ye/ //— -1,2— State of California County of Contra Costa L W. T. Paasch. County Clei!k and Ex -officio Clerk of I. Victoi- W. Sauer, Road Commissioner -Surveyor of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Contra Costa, State Contra Costa County, State of California, hereby certify that of California, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing I have' examined the map of Tract 2167, Hamilton Valley map entitled Tract 2167 was presented to said Board of and that said subdivision. is substantially as it appeared on Supervisors, as provided by taw, at a regular meeting thereof, the tentative map, and that all the provisions of State laws held on the - P? �c 94- day of Oc 240-- 19.55'. and and local ordinances governing the filing of subdivision maps that said Boar of Supervisors did `tere_u_p_o­n­B_y=esolu—tion duly have been complied with. and I am satisfied that the same is passed and adopted at said meeting, approve -said map and did technically correct. not accept on behalf Of the public any of the streets, roads, avemes or easements shown thereon as dedicated to public use. og.�' .3:jE 19 6a I further certify that all bonds as required by law to RoaZ Commiss ioner- Surveyor accompany the within map have been approved by the Board of of Contra Costa County. State Supervisors of Contra Costa County, and filed in my office. of California. In Witness Whereof. I have hereunto set my hand this By: I ax day of 19 pat Gad Commidsioner- Surveyor 7' t County Glerk a -ad -LItticto Clerk E x of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Contra Costa, State of California 1W The map entitled Tract 2167 is hereby accepted for recordation, showing a clear title as per letter Ofyle made ,by Richmond Martinez Title Company dated the / A day Of Al -1— 6e- . 19SS; and after examing the same,.1 deem at -sat a"ji apcompjj-j—xin all respects with the provisions of State laws and local ordinances governing the filing of subdivision maps.. UountyAecorder in a ,�ftd for thF' County of Contra Costa. State of California BY: ttefe, of dall.fornia Deputy GO)pdty Recorder County of C ontr a C osta, a On this 20th day of October In the year ow thousand nine hundred and fifty-five, before me Fred F. Menichettl a Notary Public in and for the County of Contra Costa, State of Colifornia,residinq therein,duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Francis H.Pul len known tome to be the Vice President of the corporation described in and that executed the wil thin instrument, and also that he is known tome to be the person whoexecuted it on behalf of the corporation therein named and he acknowledged to me that such corporo'tioneiecuted the some as Trustee under Deeds of Trust recorded in Volume 1962 official records page 218 and in Wume 2509 of ficial records page 290." I INWITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and of fIxedmyOf ficial Seal,at my office Inthe County of Contra Costo,the day and year in this cert If ilcote first abovewritten, Notary Public in and forthe County of-Contro Cos to, State of California. Recorded at the request of Richmond Martinez. Title Company at minutes past M. on the / s ay or V,,.,e".1 A -e, !kL, in the offices Of the County Recorder 91 the aunty of Contra Costa State of California. County Recorder in Od for the County of Contra Costa, State of California. - By: puty ty Recorder I hereby certify that the Planning Commission of Contra Costa, County, State of California has approved the tentative map of this subdivision upon which this final map in based. Iv 3irecioro f antra sta County, State of California. Principal- PI-anner.&L ye/ //— -1,2— 0 v • O .p -� • rti — . +p N gg. �„ „ -~ ` O a•- 2/� °j °� 114• t4. T Kgffi% A'A" T I bA 7'3, gx. O' tR "' W s3'C' $#5°�° "Jo o o ',• CONTRA.-. COS TA CCNU 1 TY CA�.I F. :...�� yon. ? . .,�. , . k 30 wI .. • v ll' .� , jrr► r�}b�-, of PORTION OF RANCHO CANADA DEI. HAMBRE 3 Nig- ` N i71s'S% E 82.83 +�' jJ�7� �3 i . �' Grp' r b ti �yonfa/y�os ��' x$70 ` ar' �'�i.7,s Y LAS BO�.SAS .�,�p•�' ,,,� J s•pp' `'----- , ri, 77 /6' t1 �:� ` ,2S.31- HAMILTON AND ASSOCIATES CIVIL ENGINEERS n°� ,�,fA.�ti�tis�•. ' 67"' 7 x: •,5 b �OW a NaIZs`7:pb3H�j $'� so•.ly, �'=/rn 11 00 B 2%9 ;,9 qOAKLAND CALIFORNIA Ilk SCALE ! R50APRIL 1955 .��o � ri,• 7' t 6 m 1.29.p�, a( x w „ 0 0 ftftb • ��,r o 2,.4., arxd S. r ttsl2.NB 9�a3"E p8p. pS' .' '� 8t 2a T..'tp:gp 4 eYe-) to 40Basis of bearings O a d2d y4bCalifornia Coordinots System Y Tieto Grid with bearings 2 I At da•e Zone 3 from Ar -al ones Vlle dnit.3 -3 "vv � .�# T.t!4 TyncKy,D.au„a9a. Nc c -i '" t 27 /10 N t� 14, - k? t`1 ' I I t ISS 00 s2 .N •t N 0 -'. 'j 12 r' 8 3/'x4 63 26 16 �- ? j b �+. 1112 Ise 43 6�4 Bb• D4' 6l. t41' ' 3a.x R �y pJe 5� IV p _ I�3. l•�� 6 ��s �«�."�' ��;•38 � 1.95.44 (L /� , ti 3b ,�! so / i0 t� 10000'w /� /•� r +"•'.' N : �„-,,.. y1' Q •• � � � �Si •• r,+p • b' �2r•� ,S•3 ....-----""'..; • ` ,.- 6 3 8 9' 0.3 " E 185.45' '., yr � tI � • � �, „ w '� :. 9.23`17 ,rte �+. } �y 1�' a. •y /d !Z, `st '�� k �` V A- O A 1 , 1 •�,.,/ r FL i . � ;� • '� �% • � as. � ��•,. �O .sT ��(`� S'� ry•,�fs3t" z!' gaaq• as 00 It s��, • L1, 18t 3 �'= t�'� yNL.vws7► ��-° d1` 00% 0, 'tom a�;�1 0 C 2- 2C K2.4 20 1* 2 0 d6 tar S°�'i�� 3E i �y F,- '440 ,5 o ! . p r - ocr �,I �4 - .. r{ - v �+ o '° .moi %22 �' �•4�' ,� y� o �a�t z h e 3'. tt,SD 69.1f2' 4it.axa� rc.xsI,Z3-so •` a� 1�i' •' dr 8 �o 4a.zz i3o.aa ea.so' N Baa 39, 03'r F_ �� da.o© 3r9" �gba4g•ar3«� dol . / Sir jf � "tr3i.�'�t• b� ;"� :: it �'y.. � 160.ot' tdr � Fa.6 xs` p•. -----.._,, Sheet 2 of NLE Nag' g �•-�C�. LEc5EN0. ' . 'paw o a, 4S' �. 9c' Cav,.0-�fcr�rvry• mane ,r+fioern thus - •.. • ', :. - . �' `;gyp ' `. �,• //^on Pi�►� �ronuma�h syow/� fhrs �,�'' z �- `� :'`1 o j t ' \''�t►o, �. .` - O al r of �• ,� xp s r4k �= �t � 67� 37, Af *,$,T'0.«fid to rvrp't ' 06W 6 t -"go �s 4-ty .Q7 y3'• X02 27 III a 31 • . b • i7 � K 0 � tl4 0 Pi tax 2.P"tT� --•.�.. 0 v • O .p -� • rti — . +p N gg. �„ „ -~ ` O a•- 2/� °j °� 114• t4. T Kgffi% A'A" T I bA 7'3, gx. O' tR "' W s3'C' $#5°�° "Jo o o ',• CONTRA.-. COS TA CCNU 1 TY CA�.I F. :...�� yon. ? . .,�. , . k 30 wI .. • v ll' .� , jrr► r�}b�-, of PORTION OF RANCHO CANADA DEI. HAMBRE 3 Nig- ` N i71s'S% E 82.83 +�' jJ�7� �3 i . �' Grp' r b ti �yonfa/y�os ��' x$70 ` ar' �'�i.7,s Y LAS BO�.SAS .�,�p•�' ,,,� J s•pp' `'----- , ri, 77 /6' t1 �:� ` ,2S.31- HAMILTON AND ASSOCIATES CIVIL ENGINEERS n°� ,�,fA.�ti�tis�•. ' 67"' 7 x: •,5 b �OW a NaIZs`7:pb3H�j $'� so•.ly, �'=/rn 11 00 B 2%9 ;,9 qOAKLAND CALIFORNIA Ilk SCALE ! R50APRIL 1955 .��o � ri,• 7' t 6 m 1.29.p�, a( x w „ 0 0 ftftb • ��,r o 2,.4., arxd S. r ttsl2.NB 9�a3"E p8p. pS' .' '� 8t 2a T..'tp:gp 4 eYe-) to 40Basis of bearings O a d2d y4bCalifornia Coordinots System Y Tieto Grid with bearings 2 I At da•e Zone 3 from Ar -al ones Vlle dnit.3 -3 "vv � .�# T.t!4 TyncKy,D.au„a9a. Nc c -i '" t 27 /10 N t� 14, - k? t`1 ' I I t ISS 00 s2 .N •t N 0 -'. 'j 12 r' 8 3/'x4 63 26 16 �- ? j b �+. 1112 Ise 43 6�4 Bb• D4' 6l. t41' ' 3a.x R �y pJe 5� IV p _ I�3. l•�� 6 ��s �«�."�' ��;•38 � 1.95.44 (L /� , ti 3b ,�! so / i0 t� 10000'w /� /•� r +"•'.' N : �„-,,.. y1' Q •• � � � �Si •• r,+p • b' �2r•� ,S•3 ....-----""'..; • ` ,.- 6 3 8 9' 0.3 " E 185.45' '., yr � tI � • � �, „ w '� :. 9.23`17 ,rte �+. } �y 1�' a. •y /d !Z, `st '�� k �` V A- O A 1 , 1 •�,.,/ r FL i . � ;� • '� �% • � as. � ��•,. �O .sT ��(`� S'� ry•,�fs3t" z!' gaaq• as 00 It s��, • L1, 18t 3 �'= t�'� yNL.vws7► ��-° d1` 00% 0, 'tom a�;�1 0 C 2- 2C K2.4 20 1* 2 0 d6 tar S°�'i�� 3E i �y F,- '440 ,5 o ! . p r - ocr �,I �4 - .. r{ - v �+ o '° .moi %22 �' �•4�' ,� y� o �a�t z h e 3'. tt,SD 69.1f2' 4it.axa� rc.xsI,Z3-so •` a� 1�i' •' dr 8 �o 4a.zz i3o.aa ea.so' N Baa 39, 03'r F_ �� da.o© 3r9" �gba4g•ar3«� dol . / Sir jf � "tr3i.�'�t• b� ;"� :: it �'y.. � 160.ot' tdr � Fa.6 xs` p•. -----.._,, Sheet 2 of