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"1•,4 i _ 2 Li 3 �a. v L'7N"' R�1D3D' p, tt°Zf29' l GU9.lb ^ ots<� ���d_._._._ n•{r—�t-_e22o.se�,o� sza�2+,• SMITH DRIVE n' 3.14°39'2f" L'214.26 � i*RIton fail LI 33 $. 34 hp 35 1:g36 31 QWMF 5 CER7/FICA7E We bereby ter My tarot we are the owners of or have some right; t/f/e or interest in and fo thr real ,� -- - --- u property within the bounds of the subdivision shown on this map,; That we are the only persons whose Proposed t ptIrASANT HILL ROAD {•County ,pad NA 365$ �; constitf is necessary M pass a clear title do said real property; that we hereby consent is said map and subdh cion as shown within the red harder lines and hereby offer for dedication to public use a// streets yza'r3lto` s 37'e v and partum of sfrerts shown on said map within said subdivision, out:7r �" 'iiia ansama*d'drevrtW erxsemanl'is ded,i» 101he City. of Martinez ails designe+! farpula/c Lt K t N S AV E.N . �, use & S&M tata'lerr drrawr .W, ane%dmg ccr,,rhr coon, $5access a rrAainfenunee o>r�uorks �nncvbvarx✓�lrs o� o "" S. =;4430 00. El streacbxrs{ ier/xsllrer tbreved ia c/ T�i d Sz z5' �ls Q G 60.00 75:00 75.00 7$AO 7500 7540 7500 7500 A*r53ZT L L6015 �s b` N IJ -55 L`7i-00 L•75.Po 47540 p at r,�t w m '` .,: ° d rztsr p•r430B e•ra}De` a r4soa' X42 Spry " C+L O p 7 M O 'f Vi d • O • �f, Sp W �., w O w q .min .•-�i �� PIS �- x �� $ hz��, 9 x to �� . H12 t3 J�_ t4 15 t6 o 11.31-{G 3T' sjwlg ame• s.3elvot's t7.4M1 + ~ 79,95 75•DO 75.00 w 75.00 � W ' � 75.D0 5 � 00 � 7$.00 75.00 73.•Tp' '►$.p3 78.12 i$•l3 Ill W — 32 o o QA de iso d M" W _ -_� ZO 3i � 30 aQ 29 �' �q29 ='� 27 a 26 '611 25 o � g "=� 22 2t w ^pe r r. o. . '� L:J .o - 44 'Fa L3 '^ a. m { r43or }w/ .-►7 y er43$s 3.r4so$` ${.00 o'rbt 9. 11.64 moo 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 7540 73100 j;(,3.T�, y=$},00 /*8140 S fi orgaerr, w errrnq Of etbsfrrrcfons aril vegalo,Gp7. ` z a And furtherby the recordation of this map, we relinquish and dedicate fe #ie City of Af0rt/nrz al/ rights of to 5, a ingress kor egress from all lots that abut P401Onf Hill Road, County Road Na.3651. /f is the intention of this W certifk4dt to relinquish such rights of ingress to and egrtm from said County Road as may be appurtenant to Said lois. 8 Fore3� tl/s Q�ve%�pment .C'©. a car.Poraiorr , z ' ow vw� � "q m "- -- KI1.LtK/N5 ^•t�it�rdert�T_-_�� �y----'-_ LPX W. CNR/577E-�iCe �asr aagf �SSAo � 7 z5 a a Ustdted comrnu rlbas corpor,rl n a s:arpar 1'17,T ds trusfce y 589.44 R 2700 1'371.5- - o N 5.215'i3l0`E. W.- 2 - 99.25 _ s R.2 r7� 4,_7'53'27' 3 f5__._9 _ ---^ w �zs �- Ass t. Vice- preside n f '^ DEGNAN 625dt w tVl" V ti L" 8.2750' L'37$.73 4,R 15576 75.00 c .. f A1/ t250o 8500 7504 MIQ 1540 75.00 5204 L75•oy . �'�_ 13rfrsfr ,.,.... l�raol� t*'15�pa �a'eC d*�'� �roxaz` �. - ar 40, V., W. , a. 1171x3, c,��a'ev. QGa f g 39 '�• a h e r 4 o 4lY06'a�4t--42 4 ° 9 �?N �.5t o��r 52 a CITY ENG/NEER5 CERTIF/CA7E /, Toberi a Smith, C# y Engineer of the City of Martinez, hereby certify /hot / have examined fhis map entii/ed TRACT 2308 FoRRar Hrccs F5TArE5 � i(at said subdiv/si /7 as shown is substantially Me same as it appeared on the tentative map, and any approved oiterations thereof as approvtd by the City of Martinez Planning Commission on,._?05� --------AES; that a// Me prov!'s/ons of fhe "Subdivision Map 4ct'of California as amended and all local ardinames applicable at the time of of the approval of said irntat/ve coop have been complied wi and that / am stied that said map is technically corrrct. Qoted_la �� .mss �G_'��•-'-�-'_��--------- ?��-"'--"� Ro6ElCT n'N, CITY fN6/N !t CITY PLANNIN6 C0M1W1S5/ON4'CER7'1F7C47_-- I hereby certify that the ginning Colrmissi;7n of the C/ty of Martinez, Counky of Contra Casio Stale of California, has approved the tentative map of this subdivisipn upon which this final map is based. / + G�N.AfRMdM CFTNE PLANN/N6 COMM/SS/ON C4RTIFJCATE' OF CLERK OF 804RO Of 541 FRVISORS W.T. Paasch, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Cancra Costa County, State of Ca/Mornla, do hereby certify thof al/ bonds as required by law to accompany the wifhln map have been approved by said Board of Supervisors and are filed !n my office. e4 /N WITNESS WHEREOF I have set my hand fhis_� ^day of _QC�pW le _ _1955. - COUNrY CLeRN ANA expflYC/0 CCF'RK tlF TNF BOARp OP . $414 SORS OF?WE COu TYOR COMeA CbdTA, CAL/PORN/p._ r d C Al e r 17Y CLERKS CERT/F/CATS' r j. 1, theun ers/gne ,3 ntt:f ify Clerk and Ex -Officio Clerk of the City Coundl of the City of Martinez, County of Contra Cask, State of California, do hereby certify that this map, consisting of one sheet and entitled "TR;oc; 2308 A7Rr-5r H t- 6srarE5, was presen,'ertlb said coancil as prorided b law of as,,% ax1 meeting held on the 3day of-J.'s 6CL—__.,1955, and thgf said Council did thereupon approve said map and did nal acceprr o0.n behalf of the pub#c any of the streets, drives avenues or easements shown thereupon as dedicated to public use. / furiher certify that 0ll bonds as required by law to accompany the within map have been approved by the City Council of the City of Mar iinex and are filed in my office: IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 have hereunh7 sit my hon ay af__ !aD�y=_/955. Y -- 1 - RK AND 4'X•A*F1C/0 aF AC ar couNclL or me ct , RT/Nez CQJJNTY RECORDER'S MR77F/C47E Thr map entified '%RAC• 2308 fbREsr MMis &,rcres'4 hereby accepted >Sr re-cordah`on sfrowing a c%Ar fiHe as per letter made by n•.1rn � ��: _ /,� c_C_ .; dated fhe� ay acrd after examining the some / deem that said map co/rip/its in a// respects with the provisions of 5taft laws and Lo / Ordinances riarsrnuxl the filing of subdivision maps. F145 NQ alt Filed for rec rd at the rewaqWof Va_1,2 on thiss?a r day of_ � ley , /955 in the office of the County Recorder of the County of C017M: cosAl, Sf(tft of CblArnia. QOt/N7'T MCORalitlNAxa�,��,�TNO 004NTY &W CONTRA cdrA,ri'fre>> i41N IA. ENGINEERS CERT/F/CA7E 4 t5earge S Nolte, hereby certify that / ant a Reyi$1tred Civil Engineer of the Stale of CaliforlVa; that this mop, consisting of are sheet, correctly repres nta a survey mode under my supervision during the month of July, IBS; Mal the surrey is arae and' complrfe as shown; that al/ of the manumenfs shown actually t>Ast or Will be set as shown; hhmt fhrir paaih0ff are correctly shown and that said monuments are sufficient /So enable the survey to be retraced. aalsl!sr1S 195x' __ . '" tIFB/.t7'ERfD C/Y/L FN6/NFf.R-C RT/f/C67F M'0.7S9S -- 574774' OF CALIFORN/A- COMWY OF CONTRA 005741 g'S On fhi�B_ `Edoy af_ P_<ir ,1955 before me, Notary Public in and kr fht County of Contra Cosfa, Stair of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personal appeared KB Likens and Ralph W. Christie known to me 6 be, the preslden6snJ VICt-rvrsesrdc�,#,res f!/ Of • tht corlaoncfiarrtftoE exaca&d the faregoftiy ,y 61&M&d and afsn known.. 'tor, ane f o hes th e fierx,on 3 Who,execaLed II Qgn belle 11 of ziech corpeor bon and acAnoWleci ed io axe iliaE "C& cs 14,-11404 .e xecated ahs 54me . IN W17WC55 W14FREOF, / have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. A4, coanrWnfo r expires__2� - --_ aid Rr r*vLi�nt-N54 " ra'uNr-- • OB CONTRA COSTA, STATE OF CAUFaRN/A. 5 Til TE OF CAL /FDRIVIA 5 COM MOF CONTRR CO3 & I hrsl$- day of 04tA,6 r 1955, before me the clnders/gned, d #o tar r Public /n and for the Coarrlf of Co r1Pd &s fa, 51efe 01 51116-1114, reslding fhGreln, d4ly Com "'551oned dnd $war&,persondlly appeore d f�-ksx Q 1L lea wn tome to be thebA Y1§e-Preslde'rl of the ccrporati0a Moll executed the loreyoin9 .514, emenl deed a/so.knadlir to me to be the person who executed don behalf of 5uth CorMrubon and dcknot✓ledged fo me that such corporation executed Me same. .INW/TNE55 WHERE' OF have {fereunfo sGi my hando>,d af,,,red my olSrcid/ sed/ tfre drty dnl year 1n Jhrs Cercif cd.l_c_. r�Z� _ sy�ore ►wnl%}n. 'VOr4,CrpU49[1C !N ,y,vo Foe rNt C,941, 7 r orcownrA coaro,STRre of CAZI,_O ' "A NAT4S Tht California Coordinate System, Zone.;, was taken os the basis of bearings shown on this map. The ted border indicates the boundary of land to be subdiweed 'by this map. 411 distances and dimensions. are shown in feet and declmo/s thereof. a. Indicates Monument found o indicates Z'lron Pipe Manumentser -¢Indiccdes Concr7ele Mozmlleal set "TRACT 2308 FOREST 141111 157,47'ES'is a porlion of 1bof certain parcel of lonoldeeded to Kurt 2bcher by deed recorded Pecember?3,1943, in Book 732 of Officio/ Records of Contra Cosfa County, California, at page 296. F CS T Lt�S S TAT ES A PORTION OF THE.RIA►NCHO LAS JUNTAS CITY OF MARTINEZ, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. SCALE ; ('• f OO' .... _,_. Al! G U ST,1955. GEORGE S. NOLTE. CiVi1. ENGINEER... LAND SURVEYOR PALO ALTO •••SANTA CLARA. WALUUT GRE••TK fi orgaerr, w errrnq Of etbsfrrrcfons aril vegalo,Gp7. ` z a And furtherby the recordation of this map, we relinquish and dedicate fe #ie City of Af0rt/nrz al/ rights of to 5, a ingress kor egress from all lots that abut P401Onf Hill Road, County Road Na.3651. /f is the intention of this W certifk4dt to relinquish such rights of ingress to and egrtm from said County Road as may be appurtenant to Said lois. 8 Fore3� tl/s Q�ve%�pment .C'©. a car.Poraiorr , z ' ow vw� � "q m "- -- KI1.LtK/N5 ^•t�it�rdert�T_-_�� �y----'-_ LPX W. CNR/577E-�iCe �asr aagf �SSAo � 7 z5 a a Ustdted comrnu rlbas corpor,rl n a s:arpar 1'17,T ds trusfce y 589.44 R 2700 1'371.5- - o N 5.215'i3l0`E. W.- 2 - 99.25 _ s R.2 r7� 4,_7'53'27' 3 f5__._9 _ ---^ w �zs �- Ass t. Vice- preside n f '^ DEGNAN 625dt w tVl" V ti L" 8.2750' L'37$.73 4,R 15576 75.00 c .. f A1/ t250o 8500 7504 MIQ 1540 75.00 5204 L75•oy . �'�_ 13rfrsfr ,.,.... l�raol� t*'15�pa �a'eC d*�'� �roxaz` �. - ar 40, V., W. , a. 1171x3, c,��a'ev. QGa f g 39 '�• a h e r 4 o 4lY06'a�4t--42 4 ° 9 �?N �.5t o��r 52 a CITY ENG/NEER5 CERTIF/CA7E /, Toberi a Smith, C# y Engineer of the City of Martinez, hereby certify /hot / have examined fhis map entii/ed TRACT 2308 FoRRar Hrccs F5TArE5 � i(at said subdiv/si /7 as shown is substantially Me same as it appeared on the tentative map, and any approved oiterations thereof as approvtd by the City of Martinez Planning Commission on,._?05� --------AES; that a// Me prov!'s/ons of fhe "Subdivision Map 4ct'of California as amended and all local ardinames applicable at the time of of the approval of said irntat/ve coop have been complied wi and that / am stied that said map is technically corrrct. Qoted_la �� .mss �G_'��•-'-�-'_��--------- ?��-"'--"� Ro6ElCT n'N, CITY fN6/N !t CITY PLANNIN6 C0M1W1S5/ON4'CER7'1F7C47_-- I hereby certify that the ginning Colrmissi;7n of the C/ty of Martinez, Counky of Contra Casio Stale of California, has approved the tentative map of this subdivisipn upon which this final map is based. / + G�N.AfRMdM CFTNE PLANN/N6 COMM/SS/ON C4RTIFJCATE' OF CLERK OF 804RO Of 541 FRVISORS W.T. Paasch, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Cancra Costa County, State of Ca/Mornla, do hereby certify thof al/ bonds as required by law to accompany the wifhln map have been approved by said Board of Supervisors and are filed !n my office. e4 /N WITNESS WHEREOF I have set my hand fhis_� ^day of _QC�pW le _ _1955. - COUNrY CLeRN ANA expflYC/0 CCF'RK tlF TNF BOARp OP . $414 SORS OF?WE COu TYOR COMeA CbdTA, CAL/PORN/p._ r d C Al e r 17Y CLERKS CERT/F/CATS' r j. 1, theun ers/gne ,3 ntt:f ify Clerk and Ex -Officio Clerk of the City Coundl of the City of Martinez, County of Contra Cask, State of California, do hereby certify that this map, consisting of one sheet and entitled "TR;oc; 2308 A7Rr-5r H t- 6srarE5, was presen,'ertlb said coancil as prorided b law of as,,% ax1 meeting held on the 3day of-J.'s 6CL—__.,1955, and thgf said Council did thereupon approve said map and did nal acceprr o0.n behalf of the pub#c any of the streets, drives avenues or easements shown thereupon as dedicated to public use. / furiher certify that 0ll bonds as required by law to accompany the within map have been approved by the City Council of the City of Mar iinex and are filed in my office: IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 have hereunh7 sit my hon ay af__ !aD�y=_/955. Y -- 1 - RK AND 4'X•A*F1C/0 aF AC ar couNclL or me ct , RT/Nez CQJJNTY RECORDER'S MR77F/C47E Thr map entified '%RAC• 2308 fbREsr MMis &,rcres'4 hereby accepted >Sr re-cordah`on sfrowing a c%Ar fiHe as per letter made by n•.1rn � ��: _ /,� c_C_ .; dated fhe� ay acrd after examining the some / deem that said map co/rip/its in a// respects with the provisions of 5taft laws and Lo / Ordinances riarsrnuxl the filing of subdivision maps. F145 NQ alt Filed for rec rd at the rewaqWof Va_1,2 on thiss?a r day of_ � ley , /955 in the office of the County Recorder of the County of C017M: cosAl, Sf(tft of CblArnia. QOt/N7'T MCORalitlNAxa�,��,�TNO 004NTY &W CONTRA cdrA,ri'fre>> i41N IA. ENGINEERS CERT/F/CA7E 4 t5earge S Nolte, hereby certify that / ant a Reyi$1tred Civil Engineer of the Stale of CaliforlVa; that this mop, consisting of are sheet, correctly repres nta a survey mode under my supervision during the month of July, IBS; Mal the surrey is arae and' complrfe as shown; that al/ of the manumenfs shown actually t>Ast or Will be set as shown; hhmt fhrir paaih0ff are correctly shown and that said monuments are sufficient /So enable the survey to be retraced. aalsl!sr1S 195x' __ . '" tIFB/.t7'ERfD C/Y/L FN6/NFf.R-C RT/f/C67F M'0.7S9S -- 574774' OF CALIFORN/A- COMWY OF CONTRA 005741 g'S On fhi�B_ `Edoy af_ P_<ir ,1955 before me, Notary Public in and kr fht County of Contra Cosfa, Stair of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personal appeared KB Likens and Ralph W. Christie known to me 6 be, the preslden6snJ VICt-rvrsesrdc�,#,res f!/ Of • tht corlaoncfiarrtftoE exaca&d the faregoftiy ,y 61&M&d and afsn known.. 'tor, ane f o hes th e fierx,on 3 Who,execaLed II Qgn belle 11 of ziech corpeor bon and acAnoWleci ed io axe iliaE "C& cs 14,-11404 .e xecated ahs 54me . IN W17WC55 W14FREOF, / have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. A4, coanrWnfo r expires__2� - --_ aid Rr r*vLi�nt-N54 " ra'uNr-- • OB CONTRA COSTA, STATE OF CAUFaRN/A. 5 Til TE OF CAL /FDRIVIA 5 COM MOF CONTRR CO3 & I hrsl$- day of 04tA,6 r 1955, before me the clnders/gned, d #o tar r Public /n and for the Coarrlf of Co r1Pd &s fa, 51efe 01 51116-1114, reslding fhGreln, d4ly Com "'551oned dnd $war&,persondlly appeore d f�-ksx Q 1L lea wn tome to be thebA Y1§e-Preslde'rl of the ccrporati0a Moll executed the loreyoin9 .514, emenl deed a/so.knadlir to me to be the person who executed don behalf of 5uth CorMrubon and dcknot✓ledged fo me that such corporation executed Me same. .INW/TNE55 WHERE' OF have {fereunfo sGi my hando>,d af,,,red my olSrcid/ sed/ tfre drty dnl year 1n Jhrs Cercif cd.l_c_. r�Z� _ sy�ore ►wnl%}n. 'VOr4,CrpU49[1C !N ,y,vo Foe rNt C,941, 7 r orcownrA coaro,STRre of CAZI,_O ' "A NAT4S Tht California Coordinate System, Zone.;, was taken os the basis of bearings shown on this map. The ted border indicates the boundary of land to be subdiweed 'by this map. 411 distances and dimensions. are shown in feet and declmo/s thereof. a. Indicates Monument found o indicates Z'lron Pipe Manumentser -¢Indiccdes Concr7ele Mozmlleal set "TRACT 2308 FOREST 141111 157,47'ES'is a porlion of 1bof certain parcel of lonoldeeded to Kurt 2bcher by deed recorded Pecember?3,1943, in Book 732 of Officio/ Records of Contra Cosfa County, California, at page 296. F CS T Lt�S S TAT ES A PORTION OF THE.RIA►NCHO LAS JUNTAS CITY OF MARTINEZ, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. SCALE ; ('• f OO' .... _,_. Al! G U ST,1955. GEORGE S. NOLTE. CiVi1. ENGINEER... LAND SURVEYOR PALO ALTO •••SANTA CLARA. WALUUT GRE••TK