HomeMy WebLinkAbout61M21TRACT 2270. CO C LI FORN 1 PORTION -OF 'LOTS it, 12;13 8.14 OF THE MAP OF FOSKETT AND ELWORTHY TRACT, CONCORD, CAL. C1L.BERi A. FiTCK CIVIL ENG,R. CONCORD, CAL. :SCALE A* : 5p' SEPT. 1955 OWaR'S TIFIC t iSrl:R u CIVI! l:l�Gll.!'E£ S CERTIFICATE COU CLEW- CERTIFICATE The undersigned, being the parries having a record title interest "TRACT. 2270` is a portion of that certain parcel of land des- C � TE in the lands delimatad and embraced within the ted lines u thisSTATE yf CA1.lE{3RUlA SS I Bribed in a deed from. IL,Nur _to Alra Dene►opmen} Co, Inc, COttt�ii`{ 4r1TRA COSTAI map do hereby consenF to the making and recordation of the same; recorded .5:��- 1955 i file num ber 59726 I W.T.p'aasch, County Clerk and Ex oFficio Clerk of the Boars# and we do hereby dedicate to public use those por hors of said lands containing 8.15§ ppm, more or less: ' ' .designated ,on said map as: Sacramento Street, Olympiio Str�ee� No part of this . subdivision lies within the into ted area of Supervis'tors of the County of Contra CO5ta, State ofCaliforri id, and P oent� S-ireet, p°ra do hereby Certifq fhof the aboveond foregoing map enti-iled of any Cita or dawn: „ TRACT 7110. was presented to said Board of Supervisiors, as PR I certifq that the subdivis►ort shown on this map i5 made Provided by law, a# a regular meeting thereof, held on the A�Ro` DEVE su ca, Is.ac. 'from my own survey of the round during the rnorrth , of.5mgL d y of�s7o�r,,1955, and that Said Board of Super- 1955, Ond on -the order of i� Qearsls�i ►sr; CQ, . 'the owner; visions Qu thereupon ISECRETARY, At iia osvi M�17 ca, INC. W. WULTY, ►uDtviau - that the monuments are of the nature and in the loco#fart Pon !xJ Re501uticxt duly passed and adopted at SdvJ r QQiing, approve said map and didnotomepf on be - shown on the reap and are sufficient to enable the Survey is half Of public arty of fhe streets, roads, avenges or easen-wnis be retraced. shown #hereon as dedica#ed to public use. Al betiring5 of ibis map are loosed � the. California I further- cerfif That all bcxtds ACKI�{OWLEtKEMEEJ� - tNDtViDUAi Cooc>iiriae System i #h¢ w'rthi map have been aS required by law io STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS ��°_�.. c�iors of Conira Costa Cour#p�and Ofiled e` Board COUt�t'TY� OF COIs RA COSTA } GILBERT X. FITCH �- R.e. W0.1546 y, ' office . On this _ ti of in the gear 1955, before me 1N MMESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my. hand i his �'33�.�aQftitts s _, a Motary Public, in and for said Counfiy acrd ..__day ofL2yt-,_b � ,. 1955. State, personally appeared W.T. tdulty known io me to be. the, person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing statement, and acknoiv- C17Y_CLERX� CERTnF1CAT>r C4UaV Cid 440 EK,-0MCVo cLEtK or= -rttC_ 13ONVto ledged to me thhai he eiecuted the some. STATE OF CALIMRWIA -L of SUPl;RVIstORS, of THE CouwTf of CONTRA COSTA _ Cfl4.tVY OF CCX.TTRA COSTA) 5 STA'C - OF CALL mA WOTARY PUBLIC ►u Auo VOR THi= couWT— of I. Anna M. Brawn, City Clerk and EIC -officio Clerk of the ra-, r. "'"'• � , ��. �`�' CDMTPA COSTA, STATE of CALIFORUTA MYCOMM1560i.i EX91��`1'iS8 Cityy Council of the City of Concord, County of Confro Costa,. 5taie of Colifomia., do hereby ceriify }hat theabove and fore- going map entitled 'TRACT 2770" was presented io said City Ct7y EWGIUEER'S CERTIF'1CATE Council as provided by law, ai a regular meeting thereof, held I, the undersigned, F.A.Giewart, Engineer of theCi#y of Concord, TAREACKNOWLEXEMENTCAUFORMIA, CORPORATION cn -the?_a._4 day of e C[ _ ,1956 and that said City Council con" Costa Cc mig, California, hereby certify chat I have exam STAfiE OF CAUFORi3lA 5S did thereupon by Resolution duly passed and adopted of said ined the map of "TRACT 2770", and that said subdivision. is sub- COUKTYOF COUTRA COSTA ri-W%ting, approve said map and diad accept on behalf of -the starrliatly as it appeared on the #entc�tive ma and Lha} all 1 t he On this_ day o z � in the year 1955, before me public any of -the sireeis, roods, avenues or easernenfs prOViaioris of Si rte laws and local ordinances governing the fil- ' a Votary Public, in and for said county shown #hereon as dedicated to public use. !ng of subdivision maps have been COT; ncd with, and 1 am saf� and state, personalty appeared Atli sm ,_and �b� txl. �MIAL- I further Certify that all bonds as required by law fo accom- isft¢d #ha# l technically correc�f. known.to me to be the President and Secretary of #tie corpora-fiion pang 'fhe within map have been appMved by the City Cauncit -triaf executed the foregoing sta#emerrt, and also known iometo' of itite City of Concord, Couniq of Conira CcGta, State of t iIF,tN�ER Fort iKs F urtycoRD , CauttTY F be the persons who Qxecu#ed i# on behalf of such corporaiionalifomia, orad f fled i» mt� office. land acknowledged forme that- such C0"MA COSTA, STATE OF CALIFORWI , g corporation execu#ed the carne. , t!1Wl i�lESc WHEREOF, I hnve hereunto se# my land This DATE -a: day of _ _. , 1955 140TARY PUBUC.iW AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GOWRA COSTA, 5TATt- OF CosliFORUTA W COWMtSSM E -VIRES i'ts8 CITY CLEttx Aw4 � ii CLEW or THE- M COUNCIL OF of ci F ca�tPoR>`tIA, of uracvctta, couuryr OF Ci�atTrMA GosTA, srATE oe ROAD CC)MMISSIMER - SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE�I, Victtx W. Sauer,. Road Commissioner -Surveyor of Conirci . RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE COSt'oCcsurricc��, State of Cal►fnrnia, hereby serf ify #haf I at�prave The map if "TRACT 2770" is hereby accepted for reca-dafion, the map o 'TRACT '1270" 5hm ing a cleor title as per lettgr cif IMP,mgde by Contra Cosra CERTIFICATE OF PLAW141NG COMM140k! _ _ ��'�� Count Title Co. dated the _ doyvf d ,1955; and after exam- I hereby certifV Chet the Planning Commission of fhe City woa�o COMinrssloWR-SURtvc-YOR OF CONTRA Inv tfie Some, I deem ihai Sid map complies in oil respects of Cm�ord, COunty of Contra Coria, State of Catifornta, has �A Cw t Nie with fhe visions of State laws and local ordinances govern approved fhe feniatiVe map of ft`is subdivision upon which ihis � _,.. _ _ •� ��-..� .�. irss- mg The filing of subdivision maps final map is based. 7 DEVON ROAD CAr&49tssi N-SuRv"oR Reecxded of the r¢zques+ of Capra Cas#a Cgunig T+#le Co. of a ITitnutes p06te2M. on they_ dayof_a��` _i955, in }he offs a cw�rRMAW or -rue PLAE.iuiwG ca"AI OF � ciN of the County Recorder of the Cc xjjy of COMM Cosi , state cat ar COMO Qi7, amwrt OF onkxMA COSTA, sraT� or raciwa>siA Califoi-rria / a�u►iT'1 Rra,cM iu A1S0 r�'�"niS ca�,tt,rr-�"aF COWMAN Co t�� TATE OF CALI'FbRMA 13Y.coiaeccoR SKEET' t of 2 514EETS o Basis of Baarings ; California • Coord inai+e System, Zone 3 Ureal 41,e Northeeattaetl.r M of Wast Stre.4 as shown on Concord Village, Unit 1, for bw:is of bORar.ir»gs.(N 4+4'15.15'E) 7.3,50' 79.50' 9 10 ° y ° °' o� w (� 73.50 73 73.60 7.3.50 2-2-70 73, -4 73.50 7.3. -Vo 7-3. 5107a..5a' N_ i IF l fir -COUNTY Om rind RACQS 1 i1 CALI #' O R N f A - 70' 470, PORTION OF LOTS I1, 12# 13& 14 OF THE MAP OF FOSKETT AND ELWORTHY TRACT, CONCORD, CAL. t �J G,tLSERT A. FIT H C1V1L E CR. CQ CORD GAL. pRPr S .o► SCALE: 1"= 50 SEPT. 1955 TREEwZ CAPITAL ESTATES" h In -. _ 7• ww•0� �: w+r4r�+Y -rkwsr �`io,,, xx7j� �eJKiT •ANA ELWi/r7MY 7��.Y T oil a ,.✓.l, ra .c.�rp.ax7) \ 0 '39 433' �KKcic�MFNro 4s "w _... 735*00'. _ ,�R V � a 73.5`0 73.54' • 73.50' 73.50' 73.507: 73. -TO ` 73.50• j0 470' C F h �-. b t k 2 h o 3 ;` o.. 4 u N 4s.. 44 " 4s" W 4 70' Z;t Z. 2 2 ? E K 4S' 44'4.3• "W 210.00' 67, b7' 67'° o Basis of Baarings ; California • Coord inai+e System, Zone 3 Ureal 41,e Northeeattaetl.r M of Wast Stre.4 as shown on Concord Village, Unit 1, for bw:is of bORar.ir»gs.(N 4+4'15.15'E) 7.3,50' 79.50' 9 10 ° y ° °' o� w (� 73.50 73 73.60 7.3.50 o c, moo' pOw 73, -4 73.50 7.3. -Vo 7-3. 5107a..5a' 67' 50' . - 70' 470, N •,�"" ,�4.4�... W 94.5" t �J Y pRPr S .o► TREEwZ h In -. _ N 4Sw444r-w _ _b 946. 5a oil a a 4a \ 0 '39 433' �KKcic�MFNro `41 36 ,�R V � a CO ,,. j0 470' o c, moo' pOw 47` 67'67' 67' 50' . 711' 70' 470, .� •C„ <. t - ku pRPr lu h In 1 a b ! a a 4a \ 0 '39 38 I 37 `41 36 -� t? V 16 CO 15 T0414 b ` Q 2 N 4s.. 44 " 4s" W 4 70' 717' 1 33 67' 67, b7' 67'° 70' 70' 70"9' I 70' At 45' 4-f ' -45'W 98. a4 . 7,0' //[� + 70' 4 14 h 70 70' 70 0 70' 70' '0 Y p /V 4S" 4j 44" SCS'`` w ,35 h m e1. X 4.S'•�'•4 45.E ,��. '� a s tn to 34 b tr f' 'a.SO' 7,0' 70' 70' 70 711' 70' 470, i 5 <. t Pr -� t? 0 16 0 15 T0414 t40 13 b ` Q Y N 4s.. 44 " 4s" W 4 70' 33 ,ti °� }` T .9 50 • 70' 70"9' 70' 70 ' 7,0' 70' 70' 70 70' 70 0 70' 70' 70' Y p /V 4S" 4j 44" SCS'`` w h a s tn to 1� 0 20 p le b p 22 �. 2 4 ° o 4 �� SO' 70' 70' 70' 70' 710' 70' z COWORQ 14L LACE LE -GC -NO i i-�--Iron. Pipe Mon. 50-1 Q Conc.. City Moe,. 5et Concord City 5oundta ry, Line, Sar -0P .3emcd 32 Lot IIL Fas�c�crr ...vo Et wo rrNy 77r~r- Q 0 0 2 5 0 1+ 70 70 ` '70 1 70 ' 70' 70 ' 70 ' N .45* 44 ' 4t.3 - W -4-4 a oo' • `t 't w N A!;w,v& It7r ,ewr. Et woo-rowr 7'6.*rr z Cmwc.. i Vi11A' c p+c • e ,t2 7 0x46 • � !Zf She«tf of Z Sheds N 4.5' 44 '4S -W 470, if a,' l+ t Pr N .4-11* 44, 41s'K/ b ` 0. N 4s.. 44 " 4s" W 4 70' 33 ,ti °� }` T .9 50 • 70' 70"9' 70' 70 ' 7,0' 70' a s N 4S* 4-f'4S'W e b z COWORQ 14L LACE LE -GC -NO i i-�--Iron. Pipe Mon. 50-1 Q Conc.. City Moe,. 5et Concord City 5oundta ry, Line, Sar -0P .3emcd 32 Lot IIL Fas�c�crr ...vo Et wo rrNy 77r~r- Q 0 0 2 5 0 1+ 70 70 ` '70 1 70 ' 70' 70 ' 70 ' N .45* 44 ' 4t.3 - W -4-4 a oo' • `t 't w N A!;w,v& It7r ,ewr. Et woo-rowr 7'6.*rr z Cmwc.. i Vi11A' c p+c • e ,t2 7 0x46 • � !Zf She«tf of Z Sheds