HomeMy WebLinkAbout61M19' .001 3TT CiTlRxT�AC2268. so ' The undersigned, being the psrtW having a record title interest in the lands COUM or CONT Com ) delineated and.embraced within, the red linea upon this map do hereby consent to the making and recordation of the some; and we do hereby dedicate to public use those por- it W. T. Passeh, County Cleric and lk-officio Clark of the Hoard of Supervisor* of Hguer CITY OF PI OLE, the County of Contra Costa, State Cali2broia, hor+Tar that bonds rwpired tions of said lands • designated on said map as I°e+9/o.r a S/rtieet A/oma .Street - . . of certify all A t a by lin to aeoompany this map bare been approved by said Hoard of Supervisors sed aro on this CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA file in a office. and all, esneements shown an . ,_ , In Witness Vhersof, X -have hereunto set my hand this .E= day of .-Se g aryaret Paris _ Peter S. Gers SCALE 10=40` .1ULys, 1955 06 OK�- JY.LOAIG CQ. ENGINEERS a- c. Facia ngelina vers OAKLAND, CAUFORNIA County Clata me-outs o Clark et say. Hoard of Supervisors of the County of Contra Gaeta, State of I:aliforeda • 0, limy Clark # . 'X (/ % illus !'uviol 4�_ Arrharia .Surra A-y Surras Bar, Jean lnc.TRA C7T 22 6*8_ is a portion of that certain piece or parcel of land A COrporatio/7 described in deed /a Wiii; u d • / . A I, N. C. Roder, Exngineer for the City of Pinole, County of Contra Costa, Static of c , Caliibrnia, hereby certify that I have examined the map of T f?,„G,= 22 EIE , L � o By BY "�'^``� p,�, ,�; ezz acres, more or less. and that said subdivision is substantially as it appeared on the tentative map, and that the of subdivision p/- err etre r�y all the provisions of State lass and local ordinasoaw govetntssg filing All at tkie•sabdi..visiow-Use within the incorporated area of the City of Pinslo. gaps kayo been complied with, and I an satisfied that the same is technically oorrect. $UTE OF CiWFUMU I certify that the subdivision shown on this map is made from mT` own survey of a-dka co5rf� SS tris around during the mouth of �� , 193.�s. and on the order of A':7:=2:kL M4,4^COUIl�TZ ,� 111 i. that the monuments are or will be of the nature amd Engineer for the of Pinel+, County of in the 19 sem, before me, la the haat shown on the map and are sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. Contra Costa, of California ( d+qr in on this of A , year Ht aPublic in end for said County tate All � of this sap"sr+ based on the California Coordinate System ione•3. a .i . F4 / F Alex . flay v s r /srfr 19�s` �sonally appeared EM known to as to be the raon whose w=0 A ire', subscri to the foregoing statement, ' JACK � gi�'� Civil tngisna+er %. and aek"wledged to .me that be executed the x Y. {^� i.(3NG The asp entitled ?_ R .4 C 7 0-8 , is hereby eecepted for recordation, X895 Pub is iu and for the County of 9: showing:a clear title an per letter of title made to North lmerias T tle Guaranty State pc&Air" CgTM of California Corporation, Contra Costa Division, dated the r....t._.. day' of , 1913,5_r; and Xy Commission Expires �.y (,its .i i f cap attar examining the sale, I dram that said map canpli+a is all respects with the•provisionno of Stats laws mond local ordinances governing the filing of subdivision Napa. IKSlII W CthIP'Ci AU SS Comet W Cornu co$T1) L/hH., rG A �1 rJy SUTZ OF C,LIP'pRHIA ) 1 pQ for the CounW of I„ Carbo :oao"t* City Clerk and Snu•of'tiaio Clark of the City Council of the City of County reorder in � COII2Rx ppC�/fTR/a fir/►) Mss.L, County of Contra Costa, $tate of California, do hereby certify that the above and Contra Costa, State of California. Cauaeil, ib regoiog Nap antitlad 2 was pz —wA+d to said City as On thin S d of ! &sT , in the year 19 �5., before m+, Provided by low, at a regular meeting thereso9't on thr 1= day of Zvis -s r' _ , � �� --• -L -- �-^- 193,iE, and that said City CovawU did thervapm by Rosolutiea dulp passed and -adopted at by a notary Public in and for said County and State, said meeting, approve said nap and did not accept on behalf of the pa'b.Lic any of the streets,DepAy County Recorder, Jo S ' sonly appeared o ..4. E known to se to be the s r�r a uarta, avenuss or oassmsnts ohms thereon as dedicated to public use? A a of the corporation that executed the foregoing statement, and also known-to as to be the person who executed it on behalf of such Z �, certify that alI toads as required by Les to aacaNpeay the within map have corporation and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed/fthe same./ been approved by said City Council, and- tiled mai sy office. It' Riitrness M*reof, I have horounto sot sqr bawd this /.5'sw day of R'u s vs r , Recorded at the request of Borth American Title Guaranty Corporation, Contra Costa Notary Public in and for the County of TW OU, Divon, at 6' Minutes past 4$2 X. on the � day of �C" „ . Ceattgtt Cf>S + ,, State of Calitarnia 1931E, .in this office. of the County Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, Slate at NY Commission Expires jo L S( lc 11 s8 Galiforstiai. 4L.. ' MYnM.. �.�I I I II..I...wYYI'Iw.. ��-•�' City Clerk and 16c-officio Clark County of tete City Council of the City iteeaarder in sad or the Conary of of Pinole; County of Contra Coat^, Contra Costa, State of California I hereby certify that the City Council of the City of Pile, County of Contra Costa, State of Californiano State of Callfornia, has approved the tentative nap of this subdivision on which this final Dy-*^- ' sap is based. _ / .. � .. - Dsl'd't .County Recorder City Council of the Ci of Pinwle, County of Contra Costa, State of• California ". M l Cr 2 • A � wN Equation for conversion o/° .bearings fl-orn. Coiar7ty ©a turn to 4am.bert Oaturn (California Coordinate 5 -y -,tern -Z'orreZT). 0 w a� " a NOF 91 N a� 4s. LIP �r ' ,rte,{ 4 ¢�G si SIP 5 r �. �t 44 •14 144• +� � wN Equation for conversion o/° .bearings fl-orn. Coiar7ty ©a turn to 4am.bert Oaturn (California Coordinate 5 -y -,tern -Z'orreZT). 0 w a� " a NOF 91 N a� 4s. LIP �r ' ,rte,{ 4 ¢�G si SIP 5 r �.