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Tfk 4wdersi9ned, 6eirr9 the parties having ca re'corrf fine /r/feres'rc ;11111e lc�rtcide!/".rented orad ern6ra"Zts.<thi>, the' r-cC I%rtes up0r7 this mop do ' h ereby c'Orlscr<f AOMC rnerklr/9 and reeordcr>`lorr of the same and c/o herrby decl/c-ole to p`ub/ic vse !hose po.-tions ot'stald /ends desi9r/c��o/ or/.sc.�icJ mop ds 0Q" COURT The area mvrkrcl "'Dra.," t7e fasernenf is dcdicolcd to the Courjfy of Conlin Cos/a, or i'fs' dPsi ynee, v.ra td the pubic for public usC for Storm ye, irrClaa'r79 Censfructicsrr� occess or of works, /mprn v e»sCns ca rrd Structures, wcfficr Co Vered or dpecn or thL► C/CO/'in,c- of obsfructior/s and • Ye efufA'arr. 'Thededicofiiarr rs /rrevoco6/e. /Q//an Cleo Roller aek R.E on y STATE QFCALIFaf+'�r//r s. s. CO[l/irTY Df COM"R.4 ("OSTA� 4r7 1h., 22 dayofSs,o}. in //7& year rlirlefer^n hur/drro' d d fi/`fy y`/VC 6c fore M 1?1•z4-1.d'r:0.Afal-of/,•a rlofrary Pu, !ri curd 46 IC for soled Cour!>`y. and .5'Ic1r�, persand//y,OPpcc/rcd At/c!r7,'Wer,.Cleo' Fu/ler, Jao/r R. ,eorad MOrla,,7 �frrorvrr >'o me /o be fht persons rYhose ,70,"&S art sub- Scr/bcd fo Me fore'?oing 5ta>`emero/s, and dckr>owlEdpCQ( fo fie >rhor• They execufec/ the same- /Votary Public,/i� one/ for sa/c% Co uryrry and Strt¢e Ary 6`O1rim/55ior7 E'xpireS „ q� X19 /h'asarr- l�%L?uffi� Carrt/aarry�'nc., Co.�r,oraz`/on,. d5 irus�ce Gxrc•r� �,; ; .rherohy cer/.fy that' the P1rar7nlr9q Gb.rr.r//ss/orf cat' Corlrtrza Cosrta Court�y , $'7`0% of Ccs/iforraia, h<s a�provec( 117CTerr7`cz//ve reap of /h/s SubdiY/Sion, up ca rr w•�a• ch fhrs fii�o/ /t?ap crsed xf P <a ner Std/e o{Calforrri� j�l ra/rrqq Cor"missron of CorrfrQ Corurt'yaf Conlyd 60,514 s s Co G Ca tl»f y, S'/Vle a f CO four is Or Z*,s.342 day Of `' /a i`/iE year l.9 bcyore rrre Ann Cdr �yrr a=/l/ary /�'gtS/rG irr Lro� for sa.rr' Caurly �.�d 5to� e, persorrdlly d'l��aeareo/ lc�<<rlf7'e✓ad arr_%��rFat's /(aotirt iQ rye fo 6e the �rPS/��ill <�rjll�Ass/ J�rr Ory of �`,he cdrPer,�ii«r ffia/ erec�fed,/i$e f�eyolrry Stale ora d ondelsa k�owa Eo ar`e fo 6c //re aersorrs i✓/io exeaw/ed iC ,w heh zlll a/smock Gar orBf./Oq purr+ dC%fI7aW�ed ec/coiis Jf JrI Goy or io eco Sd e. ofsi-y f�if�/�c ra e��.efoi f.6 Cvurfy of Gvrfra Co , Jrla/G off for�id *Now Now& 1jiACT 22 N-1 CONTRA COSTA COUNTY CALIFORNIA `. A PORTION OF LOT 19 LAFAYETTE 14EIGHTS AND LOT 14 LAFAYETTE CRESCENT LEO J- CO EMAN, L'5, LAFAYE TTE,C ALIFORNIA SCALE=I NCH=44 FEET JULY- 1955 STATE " dF CAS/FORN/A S � The r»op errllit lCW "TRACT 2244, Cor/r<m COS& Coin CDulY7 Y vF CoNr�►A casrA� Coliforn * - /s hereb acre ted ' �� �T. Pacxsch, Counrcy Clerk crud Ex-O{f;Cio C/eek jr P for recordQf/on show/aq 0Y' Th[ Board of S uperviso,�s of the Coun/y o� Corr7rc:' show/ » a .c/evr fine as per letter o f Ae'//e made by Cosfr�, State o{Ca/iforniQ, do hereby��Cerfi f y Mac -r`he Nor/h i rer/c-arl Tit/e �'uoran Co con , Corer rCt obovN ar/cf {,regoir/ rr,ap err/i /ec TR;9Cr E240" Igo Conir-a Coster County Cralif'arrria" ryas resenlta Cos -/a DIYis/ort, dv/ed the_'' o`ay of �/t said Board of SuperYisorx, as proridedpb 4w of a and Oi'l`er errarrlrr/ir7� the some I dean fhaf soil map Re u/or wee;`/nye thereof held on fh e Z�cfa of Comp/!es irk c!/1 respec/s wlfh the proV/s/ons of State c er> /93"5 vlad /ha st,«J $Darr! of S2,_day,sof rS ,Lams c?hd /oco/ orrl'.norlces �70vcr,7.fng the film? of d! byy reaoluf/orr duly prxssed <and adopted of spiel Sc/bdiy/s/on Maps. 4sRRroVC sa/d rrc,p erre/ al/d 1707` cicrept on „rte_ public orry of the Streets, Roams, AVCrl.ue'S or C01"rrrerrts Shawn !hereon as dcd�cafed Deputy C U407Recorder tr, or7d for fc, pub/ic use. ' TheCour7)rjr o Cpr7fru Cosfrx, .I further cer-t.fy that r./!! borlds as re<�uircd by S1�crfC of C4/iforrr7G2 /a w fo accompany the wilhirr rr/clp hOVC' been approved by the Boom! of Supervisors of Contra Costa County a n d are 7'`fr'/ed r i� m y o f'¢i cc RccarcJrd a><fhe re�►ucsf o{ihe /Youth Amer/ca•r Ti/Ie Cugran><jr 1n Aov; eSs whrrrof, I have hereunto set r» Corpo abt n Corrfrr�t Cosmo IVisivrt, 071 _2o minutes ho"d This ��' day of /955 y p gS74 ._.,,,,, hl. on /h e � C/o y 0;4 wz l9Ss, / n the off/ce.of the Coma""- Recorder of"/he County 0"', Con _r,/. Cos fa, 5/0 /e o{ ca/;,700 rrti C / Caw, 4••,7, -- Clerk o n d er- Offlcio rlelrk �of the ,board of Supervisors of the Cour! of Cant Cosi'a S><afe o Ca/if uric Iiepuf, yy Cau Recorder /n ©>,d r , {br the Courra5r 0/*CO"nIra COS/0, Sfa fc pf CQ/i torula ...?.racl 22,%q Corlfrq COS& eourr{y, Sfvfe of Cali forri,cr, ys /hat r Certo<rr parte/a{/crrrd'descrf6ed /r/ cx deegi 7`rz�rrl J"0s 42h Ca_ b_ el,•,ni c cx fu W. Sauer, f�oc�d Com/rt/ssloner- Surveyor to_A✓lan Fuzlof et41 recorded_1,z_.cnhe.._&Al5SS 02' Can Ira Costa Courlfy,S;Wc OfCcr/:farrr'ia,bcreby certify /r/ J10141MC 2B /3 of Uff/cio/Records, A7?e 2 2 � ' M,7,4 I have examined the mop of J!'�9CT ,�24t7, Corracra Cosla Conn ainirr t.00/ Acs, more or less- Courrry, California crrd fha1so dsubra/>yision IS subslanliQl/y /Yci Pori of this Su6divisior7 lies wi/lrirr the lincorporafcc/ 0s" f vppcored d n the *err 1,0 r4i Ve mqP anal fho f all .the proVisior.,s area of ctnr City OrTowrr. o{S/orce laws <r.rd %ccr/ oro"174races y0Ver17in9 the fi/ir79 07- Z cerfify Mal the Subdivisloii showrr orl fh,'s mop /s. Suha`visi©r! ""laps have been Complied with, orld.T om /"lade from" my owo survey of the around during 1hemorrlh of sc'/is7`ied fhol the some is technically Co rrd-& ,June, /9SS orrd at the order of ryrrrrrir Ond�?GrricYnJ_ yP701 the Owners„/fa����nu�rrer/x-�' �9's !�'•'�rG/ fs/ ,..3pveY on. Of N"efl,*'Cnafr/rr Comm/ssiorler-Surveyor of �tnth d /rr e /ocar`iorts shown 01.1the mclp arrd etre Su{ficen7= Road fa er7ohle the surrey fo be reh-aced. Cor Ara Costa Coun�y_State of Call Or,7'0 r9// beorin�s on this 770,o r7re ha-SCd ora C'a/j 6 ,coker” 1 Iron piPe� in concreir, r» the Dep ute/ Road Cni rrlr/sslorrer-Survc ror of C antra Ccs ¢a �orc/r t -State of Ca/.�orlria Surveyor M. 2298 rit�T ane a f , ACT 40 1CONTRA COSTA COUNTY IP CRESCENT N DRI v ..CALIFORNIA (CourrtyRoad) LEO J. COLEMAN, LAND SURVEYOR ttt ARj . M85-0 •z5- g'` � j LAFAYETTE, CALIFORNIA •� `'��" ,�`�--R-='�� S C ALE ffi t I N 4 CH - 40 FEET a U LY, 1955 01 ,Bv.s,s of 6e4,rir?gs CalijFarrnia Coordir707'e Sysftn?j Zonem .— 0 . r ... ».• r e i.-. I.. t27Af So +.J .* i •rr t' "_ ::.5 tr �+^.• • `"'M j"t Z . G? H F --+'— dCr.O�k$ s7Lrce�' rrfortU/flCn�' J7 � ti• CD .32 . fV - •rN. • •wh r •4y9 .. F --+'— dCr.O�k$ s7Lrce�' rrfortU/flCn�' J7