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... . . . . . . . . fie e10h.-VCA-1,Vh'h1)7 1he Ae.-I 111,1e-S'Z1 ,041/7 1hzs wqo -ola the '/trop' .5--av'eh A Cr:, to 71,+ C r0& -*AY 0'/*Cd1# Irlisl-V or //S ales* 1171;ee -low /a the pV,6/L- access a.' - The A,,7arh.le A,7or,-1-?afw e-oll!tpa-"� Saz=2e& 94 pi*w'p,-esj5,1e,;1- ;iosEw- sec. "--77'-. 72 COM&ret COJAX CCV171el. 771le eaWR,=,17,V STATE OF exv1,c-4?,q1v1,q 2 - - 4 149411WY. 42-10, 4??1vr.19r.4 Cos 17R -',are we, a Notary Av,6hc h? ano' for said Covnrdif and S7`a/4e, persona /y a,00earsd 4,nown lo he lb he -ehe ovc the corporation 1hal ex- ecafed ehe as /`rxlxilee under Ylhe dead 6y Aoherl Z. a/a ke" e7, ax, -A0 llenrvof, Remrd-'ed' f-* Pecemher A? IY/,;, A'olulne ?#*B o ,�47� a;4 pzye and antler the o'red ol'frust Inaole by the Maehle Alorylva?e conaalf to E. Sharrer i{etvrd lrwow'17 Ao me Ao he -'he pe.--xo,7 - who exervlea' 1,-,f ao 6e,34174* 0,10" 7aCh C47r,00rZ 1414;n, wend gzchopAmla-a'f e 16 me ihm-,' .such cv,-,palizb,�r 7 -'he Cov,711 of4on Yfrm eo yezz., J';La le- a. a hX0 e-amm.,:nvion ex pires,12w,-Arr. T/R'ACT. 2.18:3 CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SCALE= 1'r GO' MAY V955• . NORMAN T R I FFE C) VI L ENGINEER A PARTNERSHIP MARTINEZ, CALIFORUIA PORTION OF RANCHO SAN. RAMON* 5rArF OF C-441AOeAll.4, cou" n, ac tnmlneA Cos 74) W. 7' Pa4s,-,,07, COVWAY CIKI-k al7a&- 0k /a Clerk coalzf- y 07-" CZ77i-V 00.SA7 -.511fleere hel-elh-ll z '44- * 41wel-I VM1qal-1111117 M-1/0 CO-VA17-Y 0,4Z - W 1Ac7RA11-4,* Vo5 gaww,' a/c 5upervi cors us A-aw;w'ec h/oora y 17 Mee,; diel/ fhe-rcutoon hy .1-ex-OkAx orWssev1z;1,-;w1 rilya/ u% 00/- OCC eV1 an 6ehalFaf`a�lc/vub/I a// hahwls as e. f ow -e 4; ( by 14, v 7tv , a -- ed, wv-, 0 oe z1 4h c a, ;Ihl h m,o ,z, have: been -71"Itwc=1 6yM-e 4?,7avz/&7/* f1/rdfy/rd ii '07, oAeiee- &/,757,-s-s 4-1herew,,e 1,40rate -m- OC/ .1 a , - --7 S e7, m3e llwve ;Ahi's �6-OL 4:14 41'71h 0;0" S --r SrWTe OF 4-19ZIAORN119 C0441IVry OF 4-47AAMR M-Sr,93 4-mla, ,a 1Vt;A4%rX Public in ex ryd jcor card CoY1. a -'no' _FIri;4e, personallyaR 71-- h-maum to mo 74o,6e Ae Am* See. a/'. .the ca,;por4 ;,ghwrl ewo=lml X746, j4 the icor-'1?4041� e.,vemA; aad A-ovw,7 rb me to he 1h eperso,7 A&ho exec vAeo"lY o,#? .,60!half *,oy',such a.*d44aWaWle414 /v we in "a' Amr -(-he 4"va,71* ale 4�%-nly R4W46/,fZ- COS& S7JZ.14e .0p y "7,,e4C;r 2193 C.42",r,04 C4757,4 C044<17Y' 0-41- IA"ORAIIA iS a c&,-Avl-o�47 7'17e The Z2ma-e-cc ref pis7`ri,cSYificr,7 107 A17C t� 7441d Ctl' 6&0-1-fe- f/. AC 1052 1--7 J*/&,we 1047 of W, -C, --/ 0 "r lan d, 6 ed h 7 -1b e File Ala mare ar/ess. //i; --s trlithiir Cl//Yo,- { �✓rt. l C l/ /Yo, - C Aha)" ,6�/; V/ S,1 b 11 s ho ea.? "'s mac%B 7-rnrrt , y 0 ujy curve y o{7 ::6, 7 9' -he mav 71-14 4//7 /9 qnd ar r�hc vrr�/rr v,�•,2a6/ � B•�ke/ /he Oju>nc• �• fh�ry` y6C /r/olrulrlcir/4s arc of � rt.�7tar-G 4radirr >`hC /or.�ts�,`;.r sha4ua o/7shoa,o7 a,7;,hewvw CVR;C-/cW/ 7V elWbIC -,I-he SV?-iVO-yl 740 be --el-wcewr. 3- ra -Vey 7/ 7'1?e- m,%W ewt;Ile.4( C47"re,4 C47574 far recor4'er7`io7!5bva,11;7,0 a 7 /&/j'40%1- Cr" 7"1,;'1e, rt .VC:le by C,47. /;low C475AP 7,,//d 42 "re in w Res ea7t; whth 71he IYIOV&V-17 i7-91 7he -/1 'I;f 4;CS&Aelld%IS11411. -177aCt5. .IF 44 C00,171�1 Of 62- 0.,41 CIO, 111>rvl� A"e=-ae4ved-d rat ;,'he reftweal Coalf O"y v4he �, 11ki; ,,i 1he, ei�IlWe 0/ the- 6-au,i/y the C474,121`y of Care ihe- COU177� of Clfryrasto fe e Co RA04.1' Colsrrrt/ssloaer -/ 5vr-ver/or o f' Cola fro G'ds 74o Coan,'Y' C,0417,e4'COS rg ca&41rk' CoIZ 1,c47RA11-4, 1 AS ip"g, 74eol '0 ;,-e 4,veo( 7h4 7' &7 // Ahe;4 57e e p/-914//5 70!zZ 400-7,:71 141,W 74be .5,qAple eS 74 e-41-4 I 1.41111 _-5- te 7,40!y henrel-y /he -,Wewdya,- 7'ha 74 d-07A21511r-1 map 7/74s L/ upow 6a -4,,e�A -rb;'s a l map ":S haoZ4,, po 00sp Ica. - lay 7-6-5S Y /rvn ©rpG M06-70rr &Wh. ,Scf Shawn Thus T RACT. 2183 S�'`ana�azi Counfy �1,hiicin�/�f Scf Shouir� Thus.• �__ - --• - Mav�.rm�ifs Fovnc/ Shocun Thvs.• CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA •-- =- dT�rsis COf Ber�ring5 : CQ/iforner Ctt7rdiixafC SCALE: 1'• 6(Y MAY 1955 �ycsfc�rr Zone 3. . .. _ Al f1 R IUf A I►! T Q I G'C'C ...,.. !+ i\ t i t � n� r� n � c c c► 20 shoo f mo. Two u) off' T,wo tz)