HomeMy WebLinkAbout54M21The undermyne� 6e :ng the pall /'es /,o✓ /ng a record fit /e inferesfin the /ands de /in- tared and embraced within the red /roes soon this map do hereby content /o the ma.Ciny and recordation ot�lhesame, and Ave do hereby ded %cafe to the useo/'Me Pubic those oorfianr a/'•raid /ands desig- nafedon salo/map as- Evergreen 1lrire, /Ylayetfi,4renue, Cyor'ass Orirt, and Hue/hae Ori✓C Andrews Z,1 6ar Ca, /n c., a corporator, .S7A7E of C.0 L /FOR411.4 SS CoUNTYOF(,pyTRACOSTA j onth /t .zr�dayo� Sn�_�_ -- ,in the year /9S 4 , 6a ore mea /%L c',� . .v rrr, a Wotary Pub /it inondfor.sa/o'Ccuntyand Sfote, ,persona //y apPeared.r/enryis!.On- orrews, Known yo me /0 6e Pria.:de.�f 0ithe corporation 1,Sof executed fi,e%rryoiny staremen i and a lso Xnown /o ma /o 6e t/,e person who ereeufaor,f on 6e/ia /�of'suciS corporat'i'on, and acEnaw /edged fame that such corporation executed f/,e.tame. AA Cary ,Q6 11'c :n an d yon lrfre County of�Confia COSfQ, StQ/eo/'Ca/i/ornia• AY 6t' n„nirs /on axorres Ovf y i9ry C I T Y OF C0l]CO..J CONTRA COSTA CCUNTY, MAfCW 1964 NOR,N.4,V iR /FFE -CrV /L EN6 /NEE,e w aw,arvttr,r/v MwRr /�vEr, Cwc/retN /w S U N Ste, = ESTATES - U hl I T 1_. 4 'TRACT J /O -I' r a por{iOn "r1li'afcerfain ST.ITE OF AG /EO 52 �»ay e,»S'r4/iv�TPaE7 4/O a " "•i hg^'Af/ ponce /oi /and descr /beo iir ffie o%ed fro n COUN7yOFCONTR,4 COSTA SS aecepf d {ar recorder %on showing a c %Qr Peyno /c!s C- /ohnson and /NaDe /p. Johnron fil /e as per /effer of f y/e made by Conf�a /o f/enry .4/ Andrewf, of ux, r ®corded ` /9S in Yo /ume ot'OFfi•e:a/ Retards of page , co/7/a /n:r7•y 797 acres more or /esr, and 6e 1nq /o sated in 1h2.Qanc/so Manta De/ Oia6 /o• A// o/ rf /i sv6divirion if/fin /ie r w fhe in corporatod ores oi' the Ci/ym/'Concord. / der ) i•iy /%faft/rv.rrr6dirision shaven on 1h /s ma,o is made from ourawn Currey o/ fhe ground aal-Mg 1176' month ot'January /953, and an the order o/ ,Stint ,{!Andrew Cho awn e, /hat fhe monumtnts era ofrhe nature or,d /n the /ocafions shown on the map and are suif:'eienf /o enable thew- vey fo be retrace-• A/! bearings of th/s map are 6asedon fhe Ca /iforn /'a CoordinaftSysfem,Ione3. NORMAN T. R /FFE- C /!r /G EA/6/NEEQ Greer ed �urre��ior Ala Z47/ Engineer off/,e C•'/y at Cancord, County oFConria Casta,S/aYSr o/ Ca /itornia, do here 6t' Cerfilry that /hare examined fhe map en-/// /ed'IW4erSiO -4; ens /hat sa /d map /I srr6stont /a //y fhe ,same as the tenfaf /rt maoj rha> a / /pro- risions ot'S /are /awand /oca torn /i/ancts yovrminy the /://ny ot'su6div,s•on maps hart been comp //ed,vi/iS. ons /:sm so?ir- red lhafr/r6' sa,"er is tee%,n %ca //y correct Ciy Eng/i7ter ai /tee Ciry , °1'Coir;;.aro; (ssf. +ty of Con /ia Costa,.Srotoo a /:t " += •>,:a. Anna M Brown, C /ty Clear an4Er0/7"C' C /erE o1 rbe Cifyy Caanci /a/r/ieC;ryafCcn cord, County of Contra Costa, Safe Weal. ia, do fiere6y cer /:/ that f/ie map enfif/ea/"T,QACT S 10-4' wasprerenfsC fo said Cryy Counc// as requ /re d 6y /aw of a r8yu /or meefiny thereof ht /d on the_�4+1, stay of /95�; and f/.a/ sa/o/City Coun // d/d 1/,erevpon, 6y Qes- o /cation du /y pa.reedand adopted at said meeting, d/dapProre Sa /o�maP anddd acceP/on 6eha/ioi/htpu6/ie fbore,,00rt /ons o/'.sa /d /ands dtdr'cafedfiy fhe owners fo the care of the Ever9rre n Orire, Mayetfe ,4renuv, Nuyhc.r Or:re, and Cypress Ori ✓c //urthtr eart,� that a// bonder raqu %red by /ax, to accompany the w /thin map Aare been approrad 6 saidCify Count // and Aled In /N K/17NESS X/f/EREOF / Apra h ereon set my hand fh/.t3lw-dayo/' EN , /95j. C//y C /tr E Ond Ex -o Ac, r, C /er.6 of fife CA y C- aunt/ / of the c,'fy of Concord,/ Covnty ot�Contra Castes, State o/'Ca//forni a ;N/T.Oaa.rch,Count C/erfandfr•oI ;r, C/eel of r/,e Board o superr /forr oi' the County ai COnfra Carta, State o/'Ca /i/ornia, do here by cerf,.r (fiat a// bonds as req- uired by /a,v /a accompany map have been approved by -raid board of ,koerrisors and f:'/ed /i7 my o/^/%'ce. tat T � A 5 c 4__- Caanty C/erE andEr•ofF'c:o C /ell, of the Board ot'Suparvisars ofthe Cvunty a/ fir-• A- f, 3t'(, 22�`. J 1�1� - //Z-01? Costa room Ti -f /e Company, dared day of , /qs and after ex- am/n /ng fhe same, / dee.n /hat said map eom,o / /es ,� a// resoectr w,rh t17e pro - risibrxr o / Stare /ow an d /oca/ old %nancer gorern,'n9 -, +/% / /n9 o�JUbdirrsion maps• loon /y QEC der in di) d YYr Me Coun%`y oiCantra Costa, State 0/'C- 11 401-n 'a peputiy" County .2ecorder .?ecorded at the request ot"Confra Costa County 7,111e Company al �J m/nufesPosi Me 77 day of • = r F , /95 s in tht o�t%'ce o / e Coan/y Rec- order oi'fhe County o/"Confra Carta, ,State o%Ca /:iornia• C unty Recorder in�and or the aunty of "Contra Costa, .S /ate of Ca /if"orn /a. -ey DCPuty. dun /y .2ecorder- /hereb rfif" fh ff,%f /aminy Com- mi sion o ee }/ o�Concord, County o! Contra Costa, J/afe oi'Ca /.�rn:a, has ap- orored fhe tin /a4ve waQ o/W 1JSis tv6dir- r:rion upon ,which fhi(t��i�a/ map /1 hosed. ,tj•raidenf, P /anningComm:rrion,Ci /y Of�ncord,County o%�Con /ra Costa, Sate o/'Ca /iiorn.'a• r,/E6r1 I (1 TRACT 510 -4 CITY OF CONCORD CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 1VORWAII- I4/FFE- CJV /L ENGINEER �4Af3•.VI.�JM /P lrl a7/N/Z C•I[ //OI(M I SUNSHINE ESTATES - UNIT NO. 4 I.C. A At /J Re /i MIX w.JJ Mw& J n..hme EsJi/K an//•V. J P se.00 soaJ shoo Je.ee JJee f3eo ae so °i � 60.ee 33•eo 6e.oe .se fl.eo fo.ee 9e v� Z3 Z5 E j !l[![y I' `., V Ahw TRACT 510 -4 CITY OF CONCORD CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 1VORWAII- I4/FFE- CJV /L ENGINEER �4Af3•.VI.�JM /P lrl a7/N/Z C•I[ //OI(M I SUNSHINE ESTATES - UNIT NO. 4 I.C. A At /J Re /i MIX w.JJ Mw& J n..hme EsJi/K an//•V. J P se.00 soaJ shoo Je.ee JJee f3eo ae so °i � 60.ee 33•eo 6e.oe .se fl.eo fo.ee 9e Sti iron pipo me—m. l • N. /. P men..nen� SM C.'fy menum rn/ Jo 6r ar>< S �d JM. /c''i Jy manvmrn� BQI iJ Ol fJlOr/n9.li CQ J % /e /niQ C OId 7Q /f Sysfem, Ionr 3. .art, /w.AJaJeJ Uro /.ti...� t i o yG s 1 I v� Z3 Z5 E j !l[![y I' `., V ;I t OBI ;bpi hl 160 h 1517 158 h ° 157 o /56 /55 > ° /54 ° o /53 g ° /5? h o, Q 0 V I 13 I 0 y w O O h: •tJ is I I eJ1'yl il:o MT /f'te' / a�- s.� /cf.�a lB.do aeoo 35.00 55.e 60.00 se.00 Si.e 6o.eo ao.oe fJ.e Jo. Sti iron pipo me—m. l • N. /. P men..nen� SM C.'fy menum rn/ Jo 6r ar>< S �d JM. /c''i Jy manvmrn� BQI iJ Ol fJlOr/n9.li CQ J % /e /niQ C OId 7Q /f Sysfem, Ionr 3. .art, /w.AJaJeJ Uro /.ti...� t i o yG s 1 I v� Z3 Z5 E j !l[![y I' `., V ;I t OBI ;bpi hl � t r, o, Q 0 V I 13 I 0 y w O O h: •tJ is I I eJ1'yl il:o MT /f'te' flwoo��'I . IViI ✓ a.tN.l 1 ��