HomeMy WebLinkAbout50M2Y IAN ,217ve P,1v,6v-aced wllhlr7 1he ll:,7es uovI7 IhI3 llow o /- 1he some aid tie aa hereby o7ed%ca><e fo pub/:c use chase porr°ions of on /be tnap w' ,41na/ic2 Arenu¢; e-ah,,11ho Aneve, 4-clr,� 4,,o,74,c, XZ476 OA- CWLACOZA114 610-11AI 7Y 0,,cC4?A17,e,4 eOJ7,4 /:7 1ho No larg, RV6//'C in and s a co 4,17 /v a,,;, aqveo,-ed.1oe Gonsalves a17 d. Mary A17~17 /P M 0 /0 he the.e-ro- whore names are subscribed IF IV 7'17C Q`170'0Ck170*V led echegecl. me 1hal ;,h, -5r erects .sari, e. or VINE HILL GARDENS -UNIT NO. 2 CONTRA COSTA COUNTY., CALIFORNIA eWor1W,4M T. ocFE- CIXIZ hwalme•TR A PA AZ rAF AfWR r1A1,CZ,. CA .4 /,c"O R A/ .4 A'K -Al , IMC AlILL-S 6�4RVEAU-IIA117 67 Z'I-v 4z po/- STATE 0 oc' C.41- A-ORAIIA I 5S lioI7 at" (hose' cev-lain parcels o2r1017,0" d0.r- C0,111WY62,4-410AIXe-4 COSTA Cl-lhea(in 1he ca,--clecl the 1?44f /;7 Y©/- arc/ clerk a, he Baal-cl 0 ame,793 of 0/,0/ -lee /a Joe 6;ev7sah-ey do he"hirl Xhal and iYiary Gonsalves, recorded 1he -fsn/t2dczq' n0111711;,7"e-ool -nao e171,11,-oo"'1,11A4E'1-11tL GARDENS- v1",oc'o6.,wa,-o, 11744 /,7 e14117- Ala. Z,vas 9017,r -Cy' 0,-<( 4o,Oe--All.rOrZr, as by law, of a o,,r Me 1-4ryella'- 1h hela" 0.17 The 10 Rancho has ✓un>`as- 471a."' 0/' /P,sa' al7,7, 1hal Scxid </I C/ lhl-Ieup401a by lies wIlhA17 rhe 47,-ral&71jol7 duly 00.51reCl' 017e al any 6,11r cv-111;r ,than` 1he -m,6 row shower on a.,79, o/' the avenues, drives, or e•crserr,en/`s lhl.f ,,-7a v Xf- w a 0'r from our OW -'7 ,survey &"r .xhow.,? 1he,-&&,o7 Or o%a,,'c a Alc/ /0 Pelbll'c cl-ve. r"he ground during lbewoolh ol".1✓'uwo 195Z al7cl on IhC 0 1,6a lall 60/704r aX 'Vg' - a ~,-7 e,1 1h411 1he 1)70,17e1177C.'71.r 0---C 17/* the W.11h1:17,77aA7 IF ;fhe ,7gr on C/ In The 10Cali&7,17 :FhOW.17 0,17 have hee,,? by 71he 77t7p and o., -e se,,1)o1-i:1e,,71 ;Ao e-oezhle er-e"Lmr--r 0 c7bc"7/y 'q'X rawl'-a 4 -as Az' x10 le The Survey /a he '-eb-oceol q,70, yrr'locl Ao my 0A4,1c e .411 aor ,,'hl:r 177ao are ho-ve4l an 11V W17'NES3 1.have he-rez,1714, Are 6"aliyro,-,wa Coora",,1701e M4 10 oap, of` M&x r r4w/n/ Clerk a,-'01 -A-'r- 0/)o"/,C/o clel-A. O.r fhe r CA414 5-AIGIAM-el?Board or�'�S`upervisar-s of 40,4el7ly 400Y4q,fA-A4A1 A "IV ,4,C r A' A5,OC rAl el,,, 1'a evsla, x1a le O., -r ca r,,. -7 -f/,2 2oee A' do d 1h,71 ralo0o' ds if appQar-ed 47/7 1he le'714alllVe 7742,0 and Mal laws 0,?<7e rnezpr have 6ec.,7 co,,77,ollecl w11h, a,077 :74tZ//;Thecvl Iha,,-' ,/.he same is y 01017 41171 eoexwl - /--12 40 1h e 7hAe17M,0e,'71111ed clear 1111e a.9 per le Iler 11.7' 1111e a 41C I'y 6-01711�$W rOX1,7 �Cn,,ly 71-Xle- 6-2*vAw,?,v 0'aled 705he ZZ11" clay 0 Ir.�r �-el 4 - lf.;5.I a/7 o" affer Xhe X0,77e, / 01',-eT7 IX4'1 -,77aP co,o72,0allip.r //7 /;7y ;he 471'Cl A7,1- 1he Oafw7l ,07 ;,oehe, -e Af7 42 30 /77,1*17 V /e -f L7� doy o/- 1P6;f__ h7 1he oly"ice 4,1* the C0171,-4- Cox/a, x1ale eoW 'G, the .9 ,771Xs1o,9 ol*lhe 0&zt171 .ol ;,'he IC 17 la ye wrap AV Zt 3/s/.53.). /7/a/7,? /i7'9 CW?7,771SfA7.'7 47,'rC0117'lrl? IrOX lez Counliyr xlqle. O.OrCa/i,corrai a. -4 VINE, HILL. GARDENS -UNIT -NO. 2 CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 0 croe_eor Z!V-.rz -4 .10 .4 R r #V 6 R Y V oa 6P o4r IV 1.4 Af-4R rlOV AL Z, C,4 Z /,00