HomeMy WebLinkAbout5M110r__ 09�' .ft, .,.JM0E..0.A•A- IT N R b �► t h / y B N M N� N R� M N 2 9 74645:44 43 4 4140.49 ;3% � 36 3 3332 31 � �13 � 2 75 f 3. 4 7 8 9 /0 /f 1213 1 /5%6 /7 ! 19 � 21 r � r . ..i"r"e •'" ax • A04, AW -7 � 4 i • • 11 WIT13SS WHAMMY *gelwaNiv 40 7,0 (Ar 4MMe jok),o Ae owner of the tract of larA ah*on ths ari.tit a MAP, 1&0 exterior boundary lines of said tract teing i .icat . by red itae s on said map, does hereby co nseat to the making of said XaP, and by t e$* presents aloes dedicate to public use for strsst vxd kigb- way Pi"Poses, the followi:l�; amid boulevardoMd avenue , man reon, to -wit: �:. C019M04 0110/ )9�^ilvice*07 an 1149.00-IrWrW 4"04449 . �� o� i.erais► E On tis 42y of is the yea,of ow • fiord ,ase d Wine Herr" and l*v* n , �R �f �e a� � • a Motary 'clic, is for soid %(-county of erety coaasi i ► end 8mrn, personallY appear &Wtoa ,- .. WknownE to to Ue, t o rson descri. in, deo is stibscribeA 'thersto, and Vo sxft tt Od. the fOrOgOirf eertif'eats, "She acknowlOAV04 to M that 0te exec at ed tiro S&M • iW WIIMS MIMMr 9 i hay a 'hor eunto sat mW %wA and aff tte Off ici l saa at mice ► ._ �l`ty te►t ape ~asaiat the dam► and t%e year in this c ort if t ata f.rot above vrr i ao it sa s S At . �' >���' ex.:��.�irJ� ���" t,�,�o�� /1.9.rj.� , �•�� ..���t'©t�� sas.�►�' r.�.s7� .6v,c.1.7�...Tri�.� 771�414v le 1 e MAP OF TUNION Can tra Cos A0 Co... Cal. Aote- rbis Mi meR shows 47.ndwe visio we ",►0 p4wtt ave 40�• ,. 60 60 State of .Lif nl county sf Contra Cosh is meA A. N. ftl longer , Count' 1� . for sof t he County of Contras Costa, *State of California►, do haer*lby certify $'}gat I la ermined all the tax roils in my office and to which I h&Ve &cce relatsm Ing to the within describeat tract of land for tle purpose of &Scortsini..J whethe. there exist any liens OR said. J-6nd for UnWd :Mate or minty taxes, and l do hereby certify that &fter a eareful examination Of the * ily rolls of said r,*ounty of Contra eta. , In MW x106seS%i.0s in Aw Off i.c� � I have been unable to f iad any lien on said tract of ILand or of way sub- divisipn thereof ter unpaid State or f aunty taxes. in WITNESS V40MEO F , 1 htve hereunto set nW hand t hi s,.� COMMf AUDITOR OF THC C NTY of StAtte of California Apr tee. �+ '. •�""si �7's41* �itSi7iy►nt..i i.muo=r County of Contra Costa Contra Cost&, Mate of takl.i fornia, &nd ea- f is ie Clerk of the Boar. of Supervisors of said County of tetra Costa, do hereby certify taws the foreSoi ng Map VMS duly presented to sala ; oard of Supervisors, e,sprovid- ed ly law, at a regular meeting of 9414 Sid of SUpqrViSorr. Ueld! on V-iy der Of D, 1911, MA that said board Ot �pervisora did tbare"on by "solutitm of said ward duly passetl and adopted at said westing r+esolvo Owt said( ftard of Supervisors 4A#s t ace opt on Ueholf of 00 Pt62 io any of the ALVenu , iioU:aftrd., roods, ani. ieys or ffta%Ys offer V Baia UP fOr Public US*. i11f` i NiM , I h4?Wr#UntO 4NOt Or hand ana aff i x4a tu Mal /� • f r�visors t this l ... A of salid ��� � .MII.� � y o.wr .�n.M.. +.Mi M: �...i�t y. •. R w or 04 C&AfttY Of ex -of f is 10 Clerk of Ow Soard Of Su ri isor s sf ft14 city of contra Costa* :. .�w�a��la i2 . I .a+f; . g • s