HomeMy WebLinkAbout44M23mONTE GARDENS UNIT 8
/he cAr; 45 /4 e .-;, o e iny tl,-w v arl
17d'1*7'�r y haeily a record Alle 1;71emt;�
V17ealedal7o( embl-aced whchln 1he I -ear 1117e.9 tlRoe7 11V -S
.ew ayid'
y an P' . A ol' 1he
o cp(be-.? herehy consenl 6 1he malrl;7 4necorda, /6 n
-ya-4one at7d /do hel-ehy a�edl*cale lo puhlic use Ahoseporlti7,o s o/*
a' IaI74�Y de-Slyt7ale4l On Jal4l 45 � Drive, Zorkrpvr
e a -'7d Eldel-*VOOd Drive. riv
S. C. Zawrence
0/7 117-ts 7&datl of �-107 in 'be helare.07e
a N01ary JoUhAC i,07 al7d IyOr .5147,1� C04wily and
%Ylale, oer..?.onally appeared S. CZawreo7ce, *,o7 o wn .1-o e lo h e
1he oersor7whose nawe #.*Y yvhsc,--1hed lo 1he fareyOZnQ
and ack7owleo(qed lo me Mal he ezecvled 1he -same.
SCAL 4C 60 APRIZ 1.951 Sr.47Z-- 40/- C4Z11-0RN14 SS.
C - I
.4 AWR71AER-Y&IP 4 W r. Pbasch, Counly C1, e, rk al7d Zr- oll"I-cio Cle:r1c ol 1he board
CAZAMRNIA a/' The Cou17 ly of Con Ira COS/0' Slale of call'f-
Ornw, do heriehy cel-lIfy Mal 1he above anatlo'reyol*f7y map
en lilled '"Af4ONTZ- 64RMENS-UNIT NO. 8" waspreaenled Yo wid
C. in aA741 faP- 1heCo W7 /Y T4
of C0/71,ra COSA9, Slale 01'Ct7&10rV71`a.
C% 0
WONTF GARDACNS-41NITNO. 8 40F.Y 0 00 /0" al hal
�rcelofla.ao( In* 1he zleed 14r'am 67 W. Roys lo J'angh
Zlizahelh Pana, el . zlaled Yeplea7her /, 1.9.:?l anWrecoreed.
Se, o le, o7her 6, 1.9.71 /'#7 11olumeZ82 o 471f'lcialRecofw�i, alv4pye -474
CO.' 7 Iq / /* 7, 447y O'C-1-eS 1770,4-e 0-4- le.S-S, &047d he,60-7y 4aR0r1ii:PPi of' 1he
Ral7Ch 0 1WO17 le Aoiahlo.
No Par/ o/7- fhl*S suhdiViS Jo 7 A "wllhiw Me 041cor'
�14 or- rOW17.
airlapa,,O al7y C/:y
.4h4y' Ihql 1he YvA6 otiviiion show.#7 lh-,& Map maVe
m ouor Own survey of'lh rou.04eJ 4:Ao�-iny lhdp /h oirApirzY 49s/
aZ74K 0,07 1he orde�r- o,�c S. Y.Z`al wre. � 7ce, Me owv7e,�-i Mal 1heM0-#7V-77eV71.Y
av-e ol'lhe nalure and in The localioo shown on 1he In ap and are
S(Ifficl'el7l lo enahle the sur;eey lo, he relraced.
117is- mao are hosed o17 1he Zamberl Coor-di-
.0ale Syslem farZol7e 3, Slale ol'Californ1l'o.
ar er Is
z 11ce e evree No. Z4
loseph W Barkley, Counly Surveyar of Conlra Cosla Coun ly,
Slale of Calilo'wo-n1a, here,6y cer11*iy 1hal / have examine'd 1he Inap
of 0A10A17T GARDEMY-41AII T NO. 8 and lhal said ruhdivi-s-i'an is
,subsIal7lially a5 il appeared on,lhe lenlalliee a7ao a7d 1hal t7// The
f %Ylale laws an d loca / ordinoncer '- * q 1h e fy Z * -
V/'Y/Ons 0 _qo vern In zn
5&hdiv1:T1`on 'f"4Py h ave hee,17 COM011ed wilh a"d / a -on salijfi�pdl X7;
DO Or -47 Of "Ijcfl ev'r #-1'y0'rS,, a'y rf'4701,rea ery Arw., ar 4r reywar meez-1,
lheneo /,- he an 1h e da av 7 d 7147a"I
f 19 A
saitl Boa-rdof St�pervisars did 1h *07 hy A030 Af 11on te1&19r
paj.7eal anor' adoplet-1 alwid meellny, approve samf -4ngo af?d
dVelnol accepl on hehaff of Me puhlf;c 112oye porlions of vaio(
t-./ hy 1he o)w7&1-s (zie
furlher cet-fify Mal all hands ai - 4reV4el.*o-ed hy law lo
accompaoy 1he wilhi�7 Map have hee17 a
goro ve4�1 hy Me Board
of C0.01.1 -C COS147 COCInly and f1led o fflce.
IN W)'TNZ-,YS WIIMZVV� /have hereclv7lo yv/ 177yhaml Z(is' I
a(ay 0
Coue7ly Clerlr amV Z�4-offlelo Cler4- ot
-IF Me 46,oav-d o f Svp e, r vis a rs o f 1he Co vn ly
Con Ara Cosla, 51ale ol alifom
rhe mqp ealilled WO&TE 64RVENS- UN17- NO. 8"ii hemby
accep led kr recorWalioa showl" a clear lille as Rer eller of
Ile inade h y Co n Ira Cos la COU/7 rl Ile CoMP4�!ny, daleal Me
a(laq of Z�Z4e dee31
® —,1.9 -fl, and afler ex47177 1he s _jj /471nq a.#?7e
.9 'a -
41 40 le 'r 4f" n747 C40,07 lies in re sp, e C /S w i 1h 1h lv�
40CP P
17"ons of Jlale laws an4d local ordinancey n
govern. y The �ill�07;
0 Sob divisio" MORS.
77 -30
Co ul7ly Aecor&er Vfz7nd for 1he Counly,
of Cbolra Co.5lq
Slale of Caliloraia.
�4 r4o.
;7Y y 4144
0 7/4
AV -- A
40 C r
cod De
#fecora�ed a j -C C0,7 147 CO Vn IYTI Ile Col. v 7 -
/ The -eovesl ol aa Ira
'A�Y?y al,40 07/�70/e$ PaSl Af. OZ7 lhej!�' ay of��q4e'
IY-.5'1 In 1he o ffice of lh4e Co (//7/y Recol-del- ol' 1he Counly a/
5 C0,0711 -a COSIa, Slaie 0/' Cali/ol-nig-