HomeMy WebLinkAbout40M25N ES LA- VEREL LEN P-1 CONTRA DOSTA COUNTY CALIFORNIA ' PORTION OF RANCHO AOALANES. GEORGE A. BROKKE LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR GERT.N0. 2561 J U LY,s 1949 SCALE: I `� 50' " Th-_.. ,. '9 .. -. '<.Thrmop--snfrff<d"'La-ffc re//e•n Pnes, Confo record fifte infcre•sf In,n-the /ands de%neoted and Costo Caunfy,'s'lote of C'o /i fo rnro, he rby Co+ -fa' (-- y Cv /i fo rnro ••cfe. it hc.-c 6y _ rrrr6,•-acrd wrfhrn fhr rcor fines upon fhrs mop crrf/fy /ha/ / have examinrd the mop of ,�O- OCC C/J tr o� for rPc ordofian shawrny c/evr doer. he-e.6y caose..t to ,he rno.frny and and flint sold su6dwrsion rs fft/e os Per .Idler of /r//e mode t/ C'on/ro recardor fiats ol fhe some; yr 1 wr do here Oy subsfon f•o//y vs ./ orr.aorcd on fhr frnfofrre rnop, Cosfo couisly' Trflr Co mpony., doted /he /6 dea"rcafi fo ,oahllc uSe those porfians of sold and fhof o!/oF ,,he Fro vvsions of Sfofc /orrs and - boy of%� 19,4"0 ' and exomrnmy the' fonds des ryn otcd on rord mop orI-I"If.1N OR/YE, - loco/ ordinon crs yo vernrny fisc fi/mg of sub divrs.or .offer some, 161ce/rJ fhof surd reap COmplr rS rn o// /YO.YRGrI :ROALQ and OArY STREET. moor /lour drrn comp. /ird tri fh and /am sofrs{ rd rrsorcfs'srrfh the prorrsrons o{ State /o.rs fhof ffc. so ar< rs frch risen//y correct, and local ordrnan res yorernrny the fi /iny r� ✓7"P/1rJg2 : uof" sn6dsrcrson mops. ��1UUsis�C� - - County Surr yor of Contra nasal. County a order rn an for Me _. .. . • :. - ,- . ;:: Costo Caunfy, Sfofc of Co /i f Caunfy f Co afro Costo Stofc - y .:..:.. .fTATa'' lJf �C.IffFCf/?N✓A:. .: . - ,r - '. ..: -:C . _-:. _ _ - of Lr`o/i-!a�nso-. - . - "COC/iYTY OF CONTiPA COSTA - ,. . - On this -5 bar of /PlaytiSe /9�-O '•L A- PERE-L L EN f'/NES rs that crra," parcel / of/and descrr6ed rn derd `from Br Qrpuly Ceunfy Recorder _ year heforc me, a notary public, personally appeared �rr7//G' Gerfrudc M. and F. Russi fo Clara and Ernr/ C. 9`'feffx'`�i^r-rinr� frn o.rn to rns fo 6< fhe or— ­s reeordrd Fc6ru a y 26, f9✓6 /n i/olume 26'9 of - whosr. nomrs ors rubscrr6cd to Me sroregory Oreds of poye ¢84 confornmy S.O acres more sfa fvisa en t, orad oc.Pno.L /e dyed fo mr thal they or less. - •- ` cxceufad fhe some: _ - - /YP parf. of fhrs rrc"/y fres wrthrn ffie A'e cor-dfed-af fhr re�ruesf of Can fro Costo Caunfy - ff ['am: -m : ��,.--rr1. /- -1 ero"y arra of. any rrfy or town. f earl; fy thaf Trflr ComRany o>' lS mrnutrs �oosf -2i fhr �6 do'y arc /9:Sa-;rn fhr affrcr of p L tssron cx it rs X p %Y. h the su6di rrsran ,rliown an fh nr mop my a n sure y of fh-r yraund dui/n9 ffsr County- IP r c ororrr of thr Coun,fy o% Can fro /h Notary Pup/c rn and for fhr tris monfh of Jul /9 y 49, vnd on fhe ordrr Cos fo, S/ole a` Co /i fo rnsv. , t Cozen fy of Con fiq Cos fa, C: Hrrm on, ffie owner /hof /hr mon urn cols -ore. of . Staft of Co /r for rnro the nofur-r and in the /oe ofion shown on /he mop -.. ` : .S .ff /a& oCa lr fain ra - .. and arc svffi went fo rno6fe .'he surrey fo be - rem aced. _ _. Cavo <c ordrr rn an f i fhr of fon lra Cot _ f_y Confro Cosfo, 6 !Y'..`- ,fPaorcCounty C/er,Y and Sfofi of Co/rforrilo C.f- /rroP 'he Boar, d' of Sirprrrrsors of fhr Caunfy X 1 ,, ;:- of Con fro Cosfo,.:Sf¢fv of Cv/r fo rnro ,do hcicby - .. Lr c�nrrd,_L and Suirryor No. 236f BY - cerfify- f/iof' Me a6ovc and far cy orny map _ _ _ _ Orputy..Ceunfy Recardcr 'rntrffcd L'A-trERE,LLErV P/NES was pr•ercnfcd - :. fo sord Board of Supervrs ors, os Pro rrdcd 6y /ale,`af a r-ryu/or-eefrny thereof held on -he /hcrc 6y- errfi fy .fhot fhe a/v nor of/l7 ¢7,� /9f and fh of sord Bo or al of- Commrrsron o{ Contra Costo Cozen fy, -State - - _.5'uperrrsors did fhrrrup on 6y rPesolufron du/y of Cofi {o rnro, hos op,orovcd /hr.fen to frrr _ ....pa.r-rrd. ondo doP frd of sord .nrrtrng, opprorc sord mop of fhrs subd.rrsron uo on +v6rcfi fb r.t _ .nom and. dd nofoc ccpf on brhoff of fhe public any fin of.. mo,o r•s basad... ( >, of frfr rfirrfs, re odr, ortn zees er ea sr mcnlr - ::/ furfifrr- crrt'fy fho1 o/! db.rds os rr qurrrd dy /ow.`}', ,. - , ,' ,� ae oeeempony the, srr fh rn mop hovt 6ecn op,o ro vcd Trehnrcr on - - .-' .: , iy lhr Boor -d of J"uperr.rors of Confro fba to County. f'forsrrsng Corsa sn ssion- of-- .,, .:.- .-•"`w Corsfror Cosfo Co zen fy �_.Stolr �•. :,.. ln..s✓r facr.r'wh rrraF /horn hrrrunta srf'my hand thrs:-.. 'bf G'o fs Tornio. ..:� : - ' - Co-unty C/cr,(• and Er=Offs cro C/r r.f,a nor �s y .T'u/er vi.rerr of fde County of!"o..fro a, Stole of Califietn%q;- SHEET I OF 2 SHEETS _ 1 i CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, '7'0 R T 10 N OF R AN C H 0 A C A L A N E S GEORGE A . BROK K E LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR J U L Y ) 1 9 4 9 CE RT. N 0. 23 61 92 0 C A L I F 0 R N I A Y, 04 4 9 A 7 7 7 A S T V I E W T R A 0 T 8 A 5 1 S 0 F 8 E A R I N G S F R 0 M NORTH LINE EAST VIEE W TRA CT ----4- SET IRON PIPES [mms C A L. ZONE 3 L A FA YETTE X 1 53 3 687.65 y 5" 5 18. 61 00 'b 0\ SOL ANO 14EI GHTS SHEET 2 OF 2SHEETJ e'�