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County of end'/ cosr<r INDIAN VA LL E 1 I D ANDS 'State oFCO /i %rnia 155.
On ttris Z¢!4 d ofr%arc�- in fhe ear of /949 County ofConfraCosto 1
°y y On fhis _'Z jr ef day ofMoti . n the yEVr of/s49
&a Afore m¢ Mor y Cra/daro a Notary- Pub /icrn ar7d Before me Ion. C7e16tP e o,Nofarypuldre in and for 6aidCwm)11
for card Cocrntyand SteN p"mfady app/xannd Gordon ff Bo // and Pa' n - -
Clork mown to me b !ae the =12,eent ond9ecretory of the Cor = and9lo S'; pe a�no/ appea ed �! d o P o�� E�ssca
•potation fha`executed the and a/an known to kno;4" to me fo be the Secretary o,- d,4sef Ycr Prmident ofthe torpor -
rrg to to the per�ons who execufedit on beha /f of such torpor- CONTRA COSTA.. COUNTY CALIFORNIA. - •afire that 17or eX ted fns within srofemenf, ano'o /so /clown fo me k be fhe
-aflon and acknowledged fo me trwtemch corporation executed edged t who executed h onbeho a)aIon ch cuted t/tirn and acknow/
the sore. edged to me that such corporation executed the carne
f�� ,- SCALE 1 IN = 100 FT. MARCH 1949.
Abtarypu rcinandfrrthe County LEO J.COLEMAN LICENSED SURVEYORNO,2298 M
rVofory public in on or the Cour'f y ,'J1
Q/' G �f�a C �fn, State of CAFAYETTE. ofCor�troCmto,Sh�le rfCalifomro.
Califarnio //
/ /. ,. _ lo�f5ffs0
,efy Comrniss /on expires / °f fy (su MvC'ammirsion axpires
T%uA*rorgrxa; L7e1179 the,00a -fie tnving arecorrlfiflernferesfin - !, W T Paaoch, CounfyC/erk rind Ex•offido Clerk oithe Ooard Jo.� GV$nrkley, Count `ySurveyorofC�tr�Cos%Couniy�
- trS� /arnds /rxvted
and embraced within the fwo, lines umn fhrs mop - - of `.rupervfsors ofthe County ofGanfraCosta, Sfate of Callfomia, da 5fnte. of Catffornin, hereby certify lhai /have ¢xornrned the rnoo -of
do hereby oorasent fa the mokrng and recordation of the same; and hereby certify ffiof the .within rzwp onPt/ed • Indian lib!ley "lemon 1/al/ey Midland. ondfhaf said subdivision io subatanfiolfyasit
N& do hereby dedicnfe to the public use Phase porfiohs ofsaid londa Midfonds n was presented to said Board o/ 5uoerv45 rs as provided appeared on the tentafive mop, orxt /ha/ allprovoiono of5lole La ws and
designated on Bald mop as Marshall Drive and Ciardon Rood by /ow ai a regular maeting thereof, held on fhe day of / qdnA 10Ca10rQ1jnarXZ!,1 governing fhe filing of subdivision mops have Lien
- J969, and fhaf said Board of Super vvors did thereupon by Pesolufiav Complied with and /am whatled that the acme is 1¢chr7k oily mrrec%
duly passed acrd adopted of said nxeting, approve said map and did
1 - natocCept on behalfofthe public any aft/x streets, roods, avenues or _
m?°ment� shown thereupon as dedicated fo pub /ic use. Coup rveyor of CCrstra LceSfa
-"— — ` ""- "i 4�✓ _ <_ :. /further certify thatoflbone5 as required bylaw to accompany Coun y, Bi'ofe of California:
Sari r»on t/a /ley, Lond Company; o- parofian. the wifhin- rnap 'twvc b�¢rrn approved by the Board of Scipervi�rs TfTe - nwp entitled° /ndion Valley Midfando hereby occspted
of Corwb-aComlo County and fried m my offr'ce, forrrcordofiae, showinq a c/eorf/fle ae per letter of title made bycortro
CostoCounfy Title Company, dafed 117e _3p dayof /949 ;
,Prtirsia�nt. Serrrhzry _ w T andofier examining the Some /daem that sold mop complies in a//
CounfyClerk an i k• ocro Cerk of the Board r-esoecfs with the provisions of State lows and torn /oror10ncee
Y5uperk%" of the County ofContrnCosfo, governing fhe filing of 9ubdivloion mops.
,4irrees-ioan Securrfm' Company, ocorperofion, Trustee under that �fafr of•Colifornia.
osrf urn deed of Tivsf made by Gordon H. Bel/ eTuxrrcarded fefi 20, 1946
inYotume 908 aiffeiol k"rds at po , ge / Amer =7o Trust Campony, B hoary, _ �y'� Cou er inond fh¢ Caunfy _
Bowu y Clerk, axCo traGosfo, SYafe of Cat/ fornim
otir»xnh fo fa ffxcnrokin� orxffkrrg of fhe. tusthn .rnap andjan in the
�ffsr td dadlcafc al /roads cord eosemenh a9 etown wifhin Hfe red ! /lea
upon sat fr
in �fness 7e" Qepufy County Recorder.
NhereoF American Set'urities Comxrny, a Corporation,
Tr7isfee has muss! ifs carporafe name fo 62lxreinunder.9ubscribed
_ orzdfherran• resofifsdu/ yauthori3edo /fdobiobeofrxcdhereunto. .. -
: - -- - Arrrer , Seeurifies Compel , a rporotion, Trustee Indian varfiy ri(dlands' ie o portion of of/hof rrrfaxn trac/cf - -
:FindaLseribed trra deep'frnrn Ga -donH. Ba!/ cfux to t` A. Morse // ,F1orded o} the,rqu¢sf of Contra Cwta County Trt/e Company
et 4/ T r- ecorared APr112a/9I6 in lratume 8T2 ot�crd s of .�0 -minutes past z. P M. on the —t abyaf hra r ee.-QI
v page 217 ? eonfarninq /B 7, Acres more or /es9 1949 in }haaceofth¢ County,P¢ corder 0;'7'17C County of Contra
Coe to Efate of Ca /ifornfo.
= Napartoffhbsuvvon lie+w/fh/efheincorporatedoreaaf µf
` any city ar town
Sfafe o {CaFifornia j co Re rase in d for fhecounfy
County of Corrtrn Casco 1 s� fcerfrfy that the cubaMmoo shown on this nwp is mode from - of ntrri Coafo. 9tote afColifornfa.
Qn flits z •/ re aayof e raj in the yBar of 1949,
my awn survey of the ground duri79 t7 month of March 194 9 -
bzforr me /e.�.Ln_r¢,._ , a rVOtory Public, in and forsaie and on the order of F A. Marsha ll ant of the owrcrJi That the -
Couniyand5fafeazr• �a/! yapp¢amd /��rngTBo/ /,GeorgmWBo // _ monumentoar¢ ofth enafureanet `infheocahonshownonfheMOP LleputyCountyRecorder,
hloturfs v FArlfonshal/ and Nara G Marsha / /,hiswi {e, k-l"wn to me andary ec/fKcient to enable the survey to be retraced.
>bb¢theperoom whose Homes ore�zrbxribed fotfxeforrgornry - !hereby certify fhotthe PlanningCOrnmi99irn of ContraCo., - -
` s /afement,. and oeLcnow /edged to me that ffxyexecuted the .farce. _ All hearings of Phis imp are based on true merfdron "County, .5f?org of California, has approved the fentofive mop of this
is based, au6du vsr b n upon w hrc fh sf -
Ahfary Pub1 in ondf6r th¢County of - Lresns _Land �...�f� -+-. - rc�:finiEiots
` Contra Cosr47, Sfote of Ca/rf rr✓a - }-
.Fa "A-z rCbsA expires !a r Pion rgComm ssian of c ten cosJO county _f/We
Ar 'Al