HomeMy WebLinkAboutB-M29I :.-reb,, certify tear. I .m tre proprietor of the tract of land shown and delineated on the nap hereto attached; that said tract has been laid out and the Blocks and Lots ntim�ered accordinn to vV instructions; that the attached map fully and faithfully represents said Tract, its name an( its %ubdivision, and I hereby dedicate the streets,(rouds), :alleys and squares, as shown on the accompanying 35ap, to the tae of the Public forever. Dated, Sart Jose, Cal., February Second, A,D,19 Signed._ (sea: State of California, COunty of antes Clara.) On this Second day of February, A,D,1904, before me, PI,;C.Cooper, a ;otar Public, in and for the County of Santa Clara, personally appeare $glen FrIer, personally known to me to be the person subscribing herself to tine above certificate, and she acknowled;;ed to me that she exec,, -.ted tt Name for the purposes therein mentioned, 1N 'ffITNFCS '4I?FhOE, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, the day and year first above written, Notary Pub] in and _or t,:e Count of Santa Clara, State o: C+-�lifornia.