HomeMy WebLinkAbout181M17CERTIFICATE, OR OWNER We hereby certify that we are the owners of, or have some right, title or interest in CF.RTII IC P I E () CITY )- C TNEER and to the real property included within the subdivision shown on this map; that weare the only persons whose consent is necessary to I,3v: a clear title to said propern, and I, Rohe r, S. J-Ithair City I .cer of the CitN1 of Richmond, we consent co the making ancifiling of said map and subdivision as shown within the Stateo'tcc,(f}'Tient I hate exanrr.ledthe nip of'Subdivision colored. border tures and hereby dedicate to the public use Crr enway Drive, Fairwav 4803 end thit id t litii ion is rl: ui dilly as it appeared on the Drive, Club Drive, ClubCourt,(-lubLaneand!'drkCentral as shown upon Said map within ec6tntit4 map, ;:nl that ail he y..)cisio s o..care lays and lexis ordinmtces 'said subdivision. We also hereby dedicate to the public easements for Orde rg round wires, govcruina file filum, of subdiVisten maps linve been compiled with and I am cables and other conductors with associated conduits, and other appurtenances forelectrc satisfied that the save is technically correct. and communication services, for storm drains, for sanitary sewers, for water males, services,fire hydrants and other appurtenances for domestic, water services, and other public utilities upon under, along, and within those strips of land shown a.;x)n said map 12.¢.75 as"I,Ci,L,-(PubIic.UtilitiesFasenient}, or "S. D. E," (SwnrLrainE.asement}, ` nit1G — Z"r i� �.icc int e�tS l TI -TI �`t7lg City o. Richt mit t, State of California Western Title Insurance Company ACKNO.4LEP( LMEM, State of California } _ } as County of Son Mateo On this ? 6)day of ,Da»eei_a.�, ,� in the Year lo)75 bdf,;re tat fU,1t,Lt4,- amt tett y rill 1 c itr and for sa;d Columy ^=nd t t c rs ¢ nuik ap i _...-- ---. iii 4 td�cs x.a✓1" R>✓d �3tt�rjAv7cIC&�,y cf t e ..raet at t -.vtcd u i e, r:, uvu•i, n� a, t io.. t !n i ne tie , t rot s w h", t .ce.+ s d it an be,.a tf of ,a;d .,ortxratre,.and ac6i ore It i3ed to me that said (✓':,toutfoll executed tem same. By C'or„anidsiru Expires t.,r} I c,tt,c ,n ud r i r� t t c. On- 1e0 IState,ofC.aliform- Ci ilii rr_ATI OF SOILS REPORT Under the urovision6 of Section (56434 if) Subdivision Rdsip Act, a =„tis relxirt was prepared for tho., subdis,sion shown hereon in 'November, 1972, by the firm of Griba)do Jones and Arss,,ciates, said report bearing the signature of P✓iliia.ii F. Jane.., RC E9565. CF' TIFiC7A'1 G oR SANI"I'ARY DISTRICT F hereby cernR- near filo Sm I s6lo sanitaiy»(.:.net Board of Die ct sr . ('onto it C >- xr Co mry, State of Californine, las approved the, tentative map, upon E.) telt Quifinal neap is based. �4'--� c r — ---- 11 ate San Pablry `<tnicur; I)t3tri_t Contralos la Count„ California CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PLANNING i it rebs cel e)fy that the Plamrin,,, Commission of ilio Ctty of Biel no tri, Co -nty of Contra Costa, State of California, has approved the tentative mato upon which thi, final map is based. ecciir of City of Richiocnd State of iJalifornia C11I ItIC1TI of CrIFcu-:RK I, lLirl n j Ilr,y on Cit} Clerk rk fid i Of icio Clert, of the Caty Council of the City of h�icl: w' Statr ,f t. ;lforna, o here ,v Certify til the ii)iove and forehmn+ Imp r itic(t 4903 r pres<ntcd to said City Councila5 1 nay id c by la u i ,C ul t n Tlwrenf hold on the n- of ��,-E,nLe� P at J tfat : i,., ('jt.,(c an mil li th'.ret p"ll, Ty tele=tits >, aiu(i t. , -(T ii.c: .iole:z� at ,aid 111'etinz, approve ,;_,id map :tad did not accept on i It of dw ll-nc ict., of rile streets, marls, avenues or eascni_nts, as deJnared in ii d use. I fill ther certify that all tila bollO,:IS required by 'aw to accompany the within 111,11i have) c.. ; appro"'d I the .uyC'-otnici! of the (.)iyof Richmond and file"* fn my office. in witness 4"Jhere^of I have hercunt{i set my hand 'Ilk 9f/) dor of Zecember -, )975. --- �i+rl t .� Elie (< i.rit w the fit . Ri .hm n i, St.t.c. of C alitor ilia CER I it iC A 11, of RI-G15i) RED CiVll. LNGB,!I?ER Subdivision 1903 is a portion of Lot 212 as designated on the map of -amain (ihlo Rai ioHeid ('arch 1, 1894 in the office of the recorder of- Conta a Costa Co r tv 5tr c of Gilifornia. Subdivision 4563 contains 21.923 acres of land more or less. This subdivision lies entirely within the. incorporated City of Richmond, Contra Costa County. I hereby certify that the stobdivision shown on this reap is made from a survev of the gt i n.i under nv supervision Jur tr the mca,h f tiquember, 1975and on the tr 'ler of tve-,tcrn Title in.rronce (ouip.my, the owner; that the monun entre are of elm nature and in the location shown on the snap and are ;wficient to enable the survey to be retraced, All hearings on this map are based on the California Coordinate Systern Zvne'3 as toted herein. qtr i1 lie��i ",M 7S' fdl"crt rA, 7`ueTLAc,I _ :;S 1JW oe " v K P VICINITY MAP NO SCALE CERTIFICATL Cil: COUNTY CLERK 1 hereby certify as checked below that -A tax berd asoiring the payment of all taxes which ore now a lien Gist not yet p:;ycbie has been file, wish the Bard of Su,Pr'SOrs of Contra Carta Carty Celifornio . X -All taxes due have been paid as certified by the County Redemption J R Olsson, County Clerk By Dlep,ty (,aunty Clerk t,GR'f-lFl, ATF .; - C(,I'%'T)' RL;CORDER The ump enht)cd "lata . i:,kin 4303 - 15 hi""Anv ?r Ce roid fr rc,o (:at,on, ,(unviniz n deer title . s pc'r )e ter e.if otic n BSc bf 1 tori l itl-, frisurU e P ny d a.cd tic J? t_ ihy of i, ..erg a . 3 ,, seal r: e r exu rwwn the "arae i deem "'id nS v ,,lie t i t c t iv tthc la-o-zi,,iolict of "talc ),lits and )opal ordiil,wces gore nmg the ilini- of �,.,he t t _in., a ,t . i ca -R, t) ( n t r t ,t i t r t IIit _iT._ Coarta Co,ta, "tall of Califorlli.-, Recorded at rile requ car of iv—tire Tit')e Insurance d c ni. vim`, t illilicWS pr ? ` nr th” (9a 1975, in the CSf, icei oTtho County6_<<j rtTL ii e (ii7_ t > C:aIItoire ia, in Boot. f'/ , of ivlalss, it page � — in o� it01—oil_ Ce ut c n T t I!` c my lit__ Conti,, ('ossa, S t..e of C aloorma ..---- ,xiiv' HILLTOP GREEN - UNIT NO 3--C UBDIVI IODN 14-180' (PING A 1 09 110 N OF eOr 242 ASD 1 i ,,\ r r ^,+At F - rA1 ANCH. N, FO UARCN , 1994 IN IhE Jia ICE CF It< iEGOk.(R uF Cl-WRA W'S + CMINTl, STAT[ of CAt.IFORNIA CITY OF RICHMOND CONTRA COSTA COUNTY , CALIFORNIA OATF. OC7, 1975 BRIAN KANGAS FOULK a ASSOCIArCS J i 114—if,115 r. At ERS $ t,JtrpR.. rnt..E "Ill -C RC.N-0 City CAt:i, SI -,£ET 1 Cif 4 0 01" CALJ F0,RjNjj'\ I vv, VA .4y5 7,�,e A�AZIS :�V- 'rIR -E j A 17 LOT A 2398 AC. v, �cam' wo N 0 u j Z 0 V Fb 0 Io �A V, 1) N 13 UJ -z 4 ff, J�- 2 4 16 wi A? ul 4 y In, iEN V '3 Alk jd "y 20 7 0� On Ij rj 0 Cf, IS, 41, 4 J 7j < HILLTOP' GREEN UNIT NO. 3— C t SUBDIVISION 4803 H-1,' , A PORTI.ON OF 0T 242 AS OFS�6,NATED ON THE MAP OF SAN MKO RANrHO FII E6 MARCH 1, 1@94 IN THC UR'l(E 01 THE RLC(140ER OF CONIRA COSTA CO(AITY, STAT OF CALIFugNIA ,4 4 CITY OF RICHMOND CONTRA COSTA COUNTY CALIFORNIA X P, 1 V-, 031WAN KANGA", FOULK a ASSOCIATES _�IIELT 2 OF 4 n si' 68 3�.�1 L' X5'26 o v'� k V? A- \\ c.a s o y' /3 v r t. -J o� �� 3yl t Q i7!>4 .F �~Oj 4y �`\•\9 30 e/ %)� (} i� ''� � � � , ,;'o / �� �, 1f c i'. �,D 2� 0;10 — �• v A � + a -s, 7 - n 2� D> yo 6�' LIQ J 00 D - --d ROAD 24 t•. \ - 1542,954 44 e ia74�rza9 SURVEY CONTROL LINES N SCALE I =2.007 a c, a e C, 72 PT HORSE 2' I.P. N 545,,,e7 - 2 — 8 IT;3da PT CHURCH 4 `.y64 E 099 G9 - eAF RN R. L �� a a 22 34 . \j E 476 6 9 7' G 12 LONC MON . ( F+nPK5i0E - PARK CENTRAL `� M - c^ £ FE RI x , uD L r Es S*fJ1+N s �A Via` V oer trEs OUCTip c rnNcrs SROM 8Y I IXlAtGO. ,' .BINE D FALIOR ) Oe .ANTE vryl� �Y� IZJ. LA .� 54 32an __���o HLSERVC:R n . C/' I i / Y ; ld f/ my �2 Glv + j m a7 `�,, l� nN A'`b 9 bF- 1' 'v )t �'�b V •_ vv E... ,1 e,. _, : a, r3�r �<,r� f�� \ t µ 7i1 v, 3 V ` V �f� O + \,P F i0i d i".F 5 ryn�A ��$� �s���' fir. b° Oh ca /F��F� ie�//r MSF r7., •Y E� seI y. �- a .� �.. 0 ) k� ay '+, z � 3 C`^(� A3>,�„ J�` �'1 �(j • /AJcv Ft FS FDu,c�t� 3/4. �d.i Pi/'F � 3,8 40'•� �aC�°�V � �. N 't � "'sz �'�= 7 N � Sy, �� l �%/ '^•a o ,•.CtA.�F. _.d TF_5 3/L`//,20Gi PiAE I -O BE Sr_'i G O/ F_ (' hY .3r i N/8 +.�." 41"E !k. r'\ . `6 �� +� y 4 N - G�/.' /�iN /n FL F7.._ r1N[� C'.F-G:n AG5✓5 i9.¢E V nisr� b niMFtis/vF r <. N LOT h: /�. r� . l ✓ s yilY+ a? .,_ ` \ 1 u2 >/.y Vt + �,� ,It¢ry h� �T� E N"a�iq�y1 Ei/ a0�e CT1 } 30 4, 17 m �U VS 0` .p • v /ro '� ,�` 0 � � I 3 RPARKRIDGE DRIVE N ,r 3 __� /4 �.r Jr, , UJI I 3 HILLTOP GREEN— UNIT NO. 3— C ULM NI ICON 4803 BEING A PORTION OF LOT 242 AS DES;GNATLI) ON THE: M F SAN PABLO RANCHO FILED MARCH 1, 1894 IN THE OFFICE OF THE KECORDE. OF CONTRA COSTA C3jNTY, SLATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY OF RICHMOND CONTRA COSTA COUNTY , CALIFORNIA SCAIF. I 40 - IV E OCT , 1975 o HIAN KANCAS FOULK & ASSO6ATES � 1`, (f (E t., � t•uE r c..+r.Y. CRT A. F • SHEET 3 CF 4 ■ 0- -I°06'33° AT x arcHILLTOP GREEN — UNIT NO. 3—C SUBDIVISION 4803 L A 1\1 D S 0r WUNDERLIC11-111, CJ, BEING A PORTION OF LOT 242 AS DESIGNATED CON THE fAAP OF SAN PABLO RANCHO FILED MAFOH 1, 1894 IN THE OFFICE OF ME RECORDER OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY OF RICHMOND, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SCALE. I' DATE .00T. 1975 BRIAN KANGAS FOLLY, 3 ASSOCiAlIS CONS,LTIW, LN'W,EERS PANNERS 5uR,EYQRS 595 'RICE AVENUE REDWO IfTY CALIF., ,<, _,7"9? , "%F, - / 1?76 ;1.1' 44,I. I LOT A 2%60 AC A/ "n as v" a]2 p, 4�1 7 �7 �j I J - z 32� "".Col-CLUE3 ?"LANEVi ,ft 225, Z -(V a 2 3 7,r �,-- (V 16, Q, lu % 6) 6 16 5 4 w LOT A I� A-1 2b60 bC j-, 7,4& > - `7L zT t ' `,�r ft `'�yt1�' , ttiY • t9 = Z 0�7'` . J (' N A �`�/4 ��7c,, / 9 - 6 d s�'.. s ✓tl :� 6 _s" .\ a �t vJ /�Jr�ti�,�"0 ��_/ ���,�,3��, >v J✓�.,l,>v / a`��y.` ,p ,�F�� � tto V,tp> an, } -' I..n...m..„,._._. �+.oma— . - /* 19 20 z //o 4- N 33 DRIVE C41" PA R K R I D G E---- 18 N 2 ....... ... 0 bl" Jr, 3 20 SHUFT 4 OF 4 m 7 8 9 "2 10/ ,<, _,7"9? , "%F, - / 1?76 ;1.1' 44,I. I LOT A 2%60 AC A/ "n as v" a]2 p, 4�1 7 �7 �j I J - z 32� "".Col-CLUE3 ?"LANEVi ,ft 225, Z -(V a 2 3 7,r �,-- (V 16, Q, lu % 6) 6 16 5 4 w LOT A I� A-1 2b60 bC j-, 7,4& > - `7L zT t ' `,�r ft `'�yt1�' , ttiY • t9 = Z 0�7'` . J (' N A �`�/4 ��7c,, / 9 - 6 d s�'.. s ✓tl :� 6 _s" .\ a �t vJ /�Jr�ti�,�"0 ��_/ ���,�,3��, >v J✓�.,l,>v / a`��y.` ,p ,�F�� � tto V,tp> an, } -' I..n...m..„,._._. �+.oma— . - /* 19 20 z //o 4- N 33 DRIVE C41" PA R K R I D G E---- 18 N 2 ....... ... 0 bl" Jr, 3 20 SHUFT 4 OF 4 m