HomeMy WebLinkAbout18M449'qtr° t cs • ..ty,. .w. i 1 .� .cam .Y.:[ F .K .�< •�� 'f.' -}r '.i <S: �.. ,. Y' t ..i, ' •1 '.i r •_ - .`- _ •r. ': ,; .:i•'Kt L7 :t•a - i .:ia . ..z 't , 2•v. � - s br :i :.i, , . 8 sS x -, s -t1 � 1C9 �1r .r+' - - 4 - - Y' fig•:. 4� DE.>SURI'VE Y O Lo,� yt/afei-. ---. - - • ------ ---- .� PRfJr�'F'RT Y P�' P7-tscnt Line af' t3rdirro„r�,,.- RNfrF Pc ,SER COMPP)Y. R5 PgTr*.r A. "� . 1?� r i', AND OI1ERFZeWfZ7 - ,�; ,�.. LlaNQ N¢ 9, SrR7 TIDE LAND - SURI E Y':. N? 4O ,AW49 S7'RTE . TIDE LRN.a LDC"fPr/ON 1W I6'6%. ALL 6V �'ONTRR COS TA EttIINTY Feb, r .19-74( Cau776SurYeyor:. ' £~ N6. -Y /77ch='2M-fe* --t h T"h,E GIANT POWDER COM ANY r�"��o :. � • `�, . � �� '\. } t' CONSOl�FIT,E'!. y tF /, Re ph R. firno/d 4duly licensed surYeyar of the Sfo� of 4S 4 mss+ \ r 3 " • ,S, Cc7/ifar771a, ca7� 6$u77 y Surveyor of Cor7tr,7 C057,'7C6011177'y,do hereWby \ certify that fhe survey of ,`he .sfi0 /7 47 this r77�ap s a-$- i O/d Ferree • 17XA. 'e by me, c7170'11 crcctarcr/ely represents fhe /acafion of 5wo177,P and OYert/anyeo' Zam-1 5MrYey Np 4.59 Contra Gostc� On line betWeen /ands > g, 3rJ»' n ` \ �;, `�s Gau77t Stare /77e La S ry gysas� arm' ySfo.�e Ti,�eT nd uiareyN7'Y° Grranife Powder C47,11,:V"Lar7d Lacof166, 6',917114 aCr7ofrrc Gio Pander Ga�� 1rr` aCaCsofas foG"ouCanufy77,t'ya. s' o \� ;- �� - ao, the swine iS rran is the possession of or7d hos beer, ir7 fhe • C�^ . s�^\Center of Seufioa J9 V 38i p05.5esio17 r7y' the Granifc Pander Gvrnp�ny for /`he post five CEJ: R4 W years c�rrdrr7oi-e. CAW71SUrYeyoraf 6O1711Z7 005147 Portion of .Lot 3 Seci`ian /9 / 43 T ZN+, R. t W, Af D. 8. & /Y' Portion of lot 4-••-' Sec. /9, T+ ZN., /'c- 4 W Ay 4 7a 650 K. = L U RN PRC/t-ic SO TKE•fA//-RO,gO •�'`• c HRMS 6; f11qN5E1Y �Scy� . v tiled a'f Request of Grzrnr/e F'dvdder Cr! ,/oraeZ17a' /9Z4 14 .D. A� ,,7Z9 -M117 Past %/ ; I /V Record's of Ga77tra Costar Caurrfy Gounf orde,~ ZU .5 Io Wi=ent ,5rrrrey m"7a, „ of the north /irre of Lats34 Section4 g� b /9, T. ZN,, R• 4 W M.O. 9 -SAI : h ¢1 '.? s,3¢ , C�/IP� �7��jd•. 40 h�° va ,�?• fir. 0 swama X Omerf/avvecJ Lana' _ Surrey No ,593 ;Fencea77Liae hetweea 14777415 df /Nuns 11aI17.s-e77 S Yrs. G. 7 "Jo171X5 1)7 . �: tr Of •(Jld Fence online betneen I°rrrds of 6ramle Powa'er Ca awd Mrs 6. FJahr7s-Aw MRSA a." f, ✓OHIY5770N Courtly, Cra/iforlyrv. • Certifiea, app vved M4 15 * day of. Fe6rury.-y, t9RY, pursuant to the tornvisior7s Chapter 4,94, Si`otEites of Ca/ifornio , /9/S. r 6urveyar enerz7/. We, fhe andersy77ea,' A --My a// the OW1W--F °f the /rands affected %ay neve surrey of /Ands carered by Sx4o r,p vnd Oyerf/oxed La77d Sury y /Y° 4.59, Sta,- T,de' ,Land .Surrey NO 40, arra' 51afe Tide 1ar,o' lvca/io,7 N9 /66 67// 117 Ga77rp Gastca Coua y, do hereby opprare of the glove ,Wap prepatared by Coar7ly ..5urreyor /70/ph if q,-ald 1,7 eacGardar7ce will, his new sur;Iey rand dateA' feb. 13, /924. And nye da h-r-Zywame 774,i`ice of fhe heraring of o petition /n be fi/cd by fhe Gro7711 Powder Corr,pa,y in fhe Superiar Caurf of :said Cawz , of Can/rcr Gaslcr, Sfde of Gallfarmar proyir,y fQr a aecree . ca77f7r77ir,g ffie orr7c77dea' ar,d �orrecfed descrpfior7s �s de/%rred ar�dvesigrrQfea' or, sarin' mdp 471xl mez;& hereby 'caasenf to -Talo' Co7.,r-t 7;7akl,7 i/s -5z7id 4ecree of confirrnafian farlhWjfh. Dcr/erJ hiay 24 th 1924 SO4rfherr7 Pa R rood Company. The &ion, Powder Com qny Consolidated Pre J4, a.......,.,...w.........�..�.......�.�....a...,; . • 49