HomeMy WebLinkAbout18M444v 05ubdivi5ion continued . 5herf 2f Row 8 3` 0 AO 000 / t 3 s' s' 4 5 6 7 t'!' 3 A°J •/r! 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S21.53 54 SS 56 57 _%a39 60 6I ri 53 6qc 65 `t. Rov�i 3 1-40 13.3 Z Fbo-r PAT t'H 0 00:0001./ 2 3 a s 6 7 8 9 /0 /I 12 /3 14 /5 /6 /7 /,8 19 ZO Z1 ZZ 23 24 Z'S 26 Z7 Ze 8'9 30 31 3Z 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 40 4/ .4Z 43144145 46 47 48 49 50 5l, SZ 53 54 S5 56 57 58 59 60 cl 6Z 63 64 65 Row 2 2 Fca coir PA -r tt O 00 Doo / 2 3 4 5 6 7 & 9 /0 11 /Z /3 1,4 /5 /6' /7 /8 18 ZO Z/ ZZ 23 24 Bar 26 2'7 26 29 30 31 3t 3.45 34 35 36 37 3a 39 X1 40 4/ 4Z 3 44 4S 6 47 46 49 5o 5/ 5e S3 54 65 56 57 SB 59 60 6/ G2 63 6sX 6S 66 . ROA,9 _ PL'o-r-•5 1 AND 2 .aF 7 Vl� ►r1 ��J11I T'�'ra'YU w- ES E G *T I Ammmm' N .JUl�/ f: 'V Sj_�� VjE W CENM TEPY s5s.6a -_ ±; Pra rf .Lines OMMSA� TCO' UNTY9 4600a W. �_W4.97 �. J. H.L'Homnrledieu � Go., Civil 61 Land5capeEn4ineers, 4aktond.Galifornia, 5cga -_:- Cinch 10ht i APRIL IqZ41.'' :3fieet '% of ` -3 S6 6T 58 .t99 io i . .. .., .r .. ..T, .. ., ,_,.:...iY,. a.. .,.., .a. «.. ., .• .,. ..r ...'k .,. ......y, t ira H I.. . 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O Row 12 ; Row 11 o - Row 10 Row ; 4f R*.•------- _---^'..,,....��,�ycw.u�. uu:�;`n*'uuns'rr _ _. 'kms" . _.... ...., ,av`X�,"3' - ..:--'-�.' f d / I here e �f !o/ fie aheve a"d �am9a� T/ie undersigned, SUNSET VIEW CEMETERY kno»rn 7'47 me fo6�e �fre SeCre9)'�iC!r'y ofa'`%ie G2:w,ux' �- any pc7r� ><hereo>'�; �crf'no� tfe97'� payb E.... , . by C r>{ y { ASSOCIATION, o cemet-ery Corporation hereby cation -11)074 exeea7`ed 7iehes with/;7 and foregoing' IN WITNE55 WHEr2g0F,_-,r /aav'c hpereulwo reap Was .presented /a a{/reg' tbard of'7rvs�es of a" 'f ' f t /s r o f ea// thr land !i • - . /n frurn n7` e4 e n bohand, , /� day;a/` the Cf *Ay Of .E/ Cerr-rio, al a mea/i hire: -recti/; fjesfo� cerci /cs hat / the owner d de rr s e ano!-�4ir p rsa s vv erxeccr�d set rrry this epafed and embraced with/i7 Me red hoes' upon h5 .- fhe 'wiathiir crud 1 rey0.*n6? /i'asf TZn7C17;7- Abe- A0/N?.d. '� - on 114e�of "4.,01.91? f•/icrr� aheve curd forego/iyg map co ed Ak07 5 /anal half'of �,4e �orpr�rcr/iarr fic�inr9orr�ed ori �' ' XZ� f' T said. G�oir! car' Trus7ree•s did ffrcreu ///r�' C�a.fy .oudiYbr ofrs6.r �..s coral... � •f p 7ZJ 7770 i . n ca.nfur.•r.• u71/on No. ,su m/ scTid /r�cr 009- 5E'CT/ON "d , 5UN5ET �IE''W CEMETERY ackno w/sdeged fo!»e 7<herrt soar Corpegr�frvn - - . con 12 Ce�stcr Count Co/i{vrniv e.w("Carsst executed ffrc sarrse.`^ Cif E ineer a .aic� C/' fr cr r� rf fferecrn: \ �% s� y A" in79 o f three sheeafs os /tows /of l On IN W f T N E5 5 W HaIZ EOr I save .h arc urn a ,°� �' 7%411 said Cif �Enq/neer did on ffie .._day o # 5heefNo.!, AlofZornSheetNo,2o17drlhe Is Cerfificar�e hemi" being, on .sheet No. 3 there of); ;4ho;' - it has caused soid /M7R /0 be prV- 71 ,cored for recvrtd crud does consent f©fhe mak., 7c/ orad 7%/i/7g fhereo% //ia;i said map par"ticu/crrfy sets /carfh orad describes a//a{ Me /0/`S /i77�end ear for So/e 6y Fol, ,5ecllc//or,W number ono' fhe/r pre�C/Se /e/7gth and "wro'f/7; 5 eOnd. thd/ // hereby, express/� disc/oirns only /n7een7�- on fo ded/cafe fir pub/rc use cTnyof" the high wogs, rcn ads, s/rce7�s, v venues, /arras, i pe7lh5 or par-frs' os des/gncrfed or shown r uoorn fhe ofxave and 7rOrCgoing however, alnl purchaser of cmy /o/ des/y- j70 fed or -51,o v✓n w/ Ahrin 71,4e req/ %/rue's upor7 , I Me above and k reg ourxf rxrap .5ha/l h,7 Ve e Such rigfa f of way over Me ht/ h ways, r2?eods, r' ,s71rr°e71s, avenues. ,l�7rirs; pca¢hs or lanes, de/- f -inea7red 1%e'rean, as 1 -nay be neee:-ass"Ory 71CJr e171 oe 16,4pun-chased 71hee fu// en�oym7C71h I IN.WITNE55 WHEREOF, fhe undersigned, cr SUNSET VIEW CEMETERY Ass©GIAT.I0N,a C cemetery c�arpora-,"ian, Paas CcwSed ifs Cor= a por%71-e rx�r»e fd be herev/rto subscribed by //_5 Ares/C7 Cn -1 e 7/70" 47II&SICe� by i/ -V 'C/ z T- crrr7r, ffiBret/n>`a acs/y rau7yror/wed, ca'rrc/ifs' o ca -porale sea/ la 6e he�rea nrb eta ;rid on fhe-- day c P. AP /.V4!( ;SUNSET VIEW CEM TERY A55oCIATi4N, Y a, s B7 r,,J"TiATE OFCALIF-QRNiA Coupwry TY Olc A>rA M E 1 ��55. on fh:s /92- dpy , /ir AIA -.year of Our Lord orae 7`hou san0r A/ir/e lfc/n `red e.717d r~177'y- f6ur, bemire mss V.v 9 , a No Lary A16A: , 4i7 and for /d County crud 571cafe', !'e4'srd'/nq therein, rola/y cor'nmrssro/7ed orad sworn, persona'//y appeared Am -5o" 5. $L.A PC -4-, kne7wru 7'0 me 7Io be fhe Amsidenf cmd WAtTeE,e /V. 46AX7�,e, of my hand crud o{� x ed �y on�c/"a/Seo% e� rriy of�ce irr fhc C60.71y' crud .5Z7� o{oreso/a. die dcri/. "'ano y car- Ica this Cer i{) le- {/r:,� above Ncrhxr+y F%�r/ic m n {lar d C:2avrs�+y STATIC: OF CA L i #mr a.tz N t eQa , A.O. l9G�.4, repof"A Mer CovwrY of=-r1ZA-'C,oST,� s.s. ward of TIV.sfeesi 47nd 7�/7e?1 jiid Bard of" I, J, f1 Mlle ?ZS , CIOV"A/-Cldp.- - Trz/sfees dre� v l cr meel.(;7? flrelrar, he%i 017 //V oar'athe County of Contra' Cas, 57&* o7C Ccr/rfor,peso/%; y o { L7 /.924, by nia, card Zrx' . ofr{rt~ria Clerk- of f/ie ford of.Scrp _ ion Allo. :�pPrrrve .said Map. Me . erv/sars o �'srrrr./ Cana �j', hem fray c+er-fry ff.,�f �� ,% ''x/NSET View CEMEre,ey AssoerATfOIV, ._. C C/erlr and G/c�F T�sy`erSS TA7L" G)F CALiFo1ZN1A. !J C�"'/r7C71C!'y carp orxz1,,b 7, Me! own r otfisC C�yafG`/4�rrrio..+�o�Se o�G3r�brn:v. �.Our4-rY QF CONTRA COSTA S.S./crud S�orvn W;Mlir, ff/e red //nes 0,-" /he. rxhav+c ,--_ rand {i'/e ` , Caun7� Aad faregcasnc/ rraarca, /los d wi�i 1A,-5ue�rr ta0 - , a'0".4eCaunh/' f ona'erea e�asaFx, 5e,7e/ )/,r& o/'Visors 07�..�ciid Cotrrr7y o7�Ccin re? C'os76, S/a ed We, / 7?,,,d7"�10�C� orrLi cf Q.NeeS� 7ar/rrct, hereby cerlily f/�crf l have e+xa/rrri�. Ca/i/'ornia, on croamved ho,?d/ir f/-ne a/�roc►rr/ Cwrrly Surveyor, sand Assessor, respec/ive/l OA/he /max -r ea//s o/'Cor77/rra COS-hZ Coun/y o7�" -SO �° ,. candifioned for 1hdpt7ymenf cwn/r/ of larifra Ca„s/a. Slate of 0/1 OrMi , da.he/rhy Sfa7Fc o7� Cofr{carnro, lir "?75eo7r�ce and Iry wh" ofa11 faxes wh/cia a?r1C o%en rJ5uwr 7s/' ScatW eer-&i/ 'Md we1jave examirrcd fire prVper7y Shawn have :access; re%rf/r;q 710 //re w:fi�ilir descr b- lard, car crny �.-�" fherr0 but rra/ ye7`�y�- an1he addV'e crud forr•gmn? /nap andsla* AWwe /wtr d frac74 eor�' /crnr�! for Me purpose o{�rsc�/�ir- crl/e. no reool mendafions or sugyc-sfions /o 02%,- 7�r nq wheAAer f/aere exis-1 cr y liens upon said rinpro vemenf a f " 5aiar su6d�visian . ear/ o f'/curd' XOr unpaid 51477-e 4717C/Ceae/r77ry `c "'` �''; " ^:" IN W I7N E55 WHEREOF, webrave hereun7i7 se71 our ries, exceea7l 7tcrares raof far` pc7efea,fj/e; ansa B„t hcand5 Phis deny c,{ ✓ja z� .9 0. r92•at kcpuyY , Coomfy :talc: a/o .hereby Certify, -hal v,rX. - a' Crri-rr;cr/ex- el- rrrrn.ea/si7n G77�'fhe 7rar:rrn.//s Of Ccirr/iza Cvsx ?itis map is crccep/ed {ai-/irxrr, s/,owirry' r.Y4r ' CC' /y , S"�fc o aC Ca/i f arnro , in my ,cajc-e, 47 clear fi f!e as per letter of Mt/e made by Ae o„d v ,�• r Go�n�� J�sses$sar. rad iia 1-77q,00sseSSior7, .Thcrve► been c/rxrb/e Ow7reA Gos'rq Aess7 oeAc7- A/VO rrr E' Ce�qtnr7 . PLOT No. I Apq c No Z or SEeTrory G' 7,SV N s�ET /r, 7/iad 7c/ //ens ape -o said -bract © r/orx� ear Carly. p or7lr6n `11,70re0,0, for' unexr'id SArfe r Counfr/ 7'6KC5, except pares 7'�r` lljie year= 9e? -d 1.5?Z5, whici7 ore a herr upon said pry rl`f. PL01`5 1 AND 2 ®F C, =0V CCB r, t- Caonicrc Controcosky Sfwi�%,;? of Colefarniay t5�r S�C"�ION "G ; SUNSET VIEW EME TE PY,9 CCUNTY 9 SALRIFORNRA. J-KL;.Hommedieu s; Co., Civil �,L.andsE capengineer5, Oaklond, ColiforrnCi io.' 5cole:-' Iinch- 10 Feet APRIL... 19.24. VIEW CEMETE MY, /.S•cr sr/bdi'visr'orr /ir7� /ea{. v{ of` krnd descrih,-d /i7 1'he Oaec/ �rrvm fhe /// Hagm P, A?& LANG Co",-,4/VY e7 cot-porcrtron 7b thc.'Scrmse r Kew C46.t-/-`F7-eeer A.s:50c%a 7-/vn/; crcerr etery evr/�+cr- otion, daft✓d AI q)- STH, /909, D ad r vra�cc�.%fiL rliCina'L /-'AO-9 /n V0i0117e /44G OF Deeds, 4t p�� zs�►�`o,`�_ fu/ /Pec�crrds crf`Ce�nfrraGosa% Cvrsro/+y, Sfuar� af'("rr/r1'�r= I hereby Ceratiity' f!a>< f subdivi5160shorvn a►, �C cT/.�O ir+p .ansa arry/ c�gvr:,9 �L, wcrs mode {ram rry own su/-►y of e�/>c earrcrand. Crvi/ �E'i^agine�►r. FiLeoAT THE REQ -u 04 OF .CawreA Cozwwq Aes- 571MAC7- A"& 71TGA C01wQ^"-y- can f/;, 44 �r oil Y A.D. /924, cxat .�,ti % U , r»inc.fes p�sf �w,M. i aef,� OT7�e:e o>c71lae Coun7ly ef'cez�rr%a►-of`Confrcr CoS/rr e=`eaunfy, �/crf� a f' ,C"crli�+�vrnra. 1 n By cora y shed 3 of .3h�►> u`