HomeMy WebLinkAbout18M435,.. ,. �. ,. .,; _ .,..,," <R.t :.._n .,.�., Y-- ,,.. ,.. r,!. .<:•... 5 r'"..ra . ..d. F-. .::`gs- ....� •r �'.'� -.._�. ,R t :� - ;r'. ..„.». s, aw::+w-...- .,-�.._.. -. - -"'•.- ... :.:.-. , ...>! -, .x'sr-.,.-.:'-v.,'. .5-- :. ..,.._ ..._ -._..t„ .. -_ w t _._,c,, i•.«.,�,,._,.,,. M.,c< .. _ s....,..r..w.wo..r�.....__,...,..._...,..'v.. ...... ..._•.:.,.sx...,,.ra., >...«� —" .M.. - ' - j i. JRVEYE i By E AA a T ] 00" AY WATE R Lao NOTE CQFWr*f e MOM UM e n+- low Coke fs 40 tr fp ¢,0 .� � t�'$ °deo o t cr Ar j `Std' sr�� _ �g� �st`�,�a _ AL b� f� 103 36.3 ��,�c• c �- °:S.-. ,77 38'.-8's..,{" #O ° ��• s.� L'� .1.�/AC. /?''t.4C. POW 1 Atir% ° 41 +- Zig •.2 Axe � �',� -,� `' � � 03• � 399,.7 ° j`%�� : 1@7 of h '�'•G4DAc ' �5-oo 2no.00 2L19 moo.. �►. AtO 41 Is so°44#20" E. 39TH ------�y�f/�. 01. 23S27 o.� ass ®3�•a2 3rdEL L N. O. • ck 1 i!f / ----- 40 N 40, 04r W u. ► /, /Ac. /. Zoic. !.ZI.4c. 1.�3 ,� c. w �' �• +�-#! Ac P.,P ' 14 • 155'42 J 7146,9 W 66 W 72r 7 30 . 02 -4 0.7TAc. 4 I "W%T T- A L VARAD REE Vice Pres and Gen/ Mir ZtlSt 46t7y W40 -ter rrrr�parry t r+ . tet: �y f*. _ > >t( t SHEET 2 OF 2. SHEETS �tv-+iG$V'f CRs -#D Ivi 1"N t$►shx Arerxsve� rrxe. s-��+Ilr+t • i '0 1.1a at il'7 Gatisweil of ��14Z ity of K;r."wxov.% A 15 4, '}^ sil"" .1Y-&oT1al'A rk, 11 d Y o�Fe}rr�arllx,A..# 1• �+.a P 1 p o n n s�+► .� s rx�x sd.n e b ! es s-. �► 1•. fR C i 1•'y of e a" a9 r. aA ; .e a '* Aa oG Fi&*rwaav`Ir 15 7.4,, r has art tL�• - vr, to 9rptr f G C* v V% 46; 1 alt .. d i• u O$*42;A, A i A Gov sa. s 1 sal a ad" as l Ir $~ A ­ t xar-: r L 1�'a w t *.+ O re 4s as �..i ► +4 !3 as at r` aa1 as 'S .� s np 1 or -e - _ - . _ �i8r.t*'r°p �os!►tp f►a'!N o��'tiP a �+a ii orrri � - G:t•y G1ax-� a...d cis--% of 4 t. �: ; t6 of • tlw+�C tl A C1 Strafe of. Ca ifornac7, ss We, Eost Bay Water Company as owners and the IJnrran Trus* State of Californk.. County. of Alameda, Company of Son Francisco, and the Aofercarrtile Trust Company of County of V7tra Costrx s� orriL4__ ,Trus tees of the property shown an this map, hound ed by red lures, tiers by consent to the m air 9P and recording of this map in the Office of the Recorder of Centra Costa Co y, Califorrnira. On this . dQy of ; { orae Thousand bine -ounty Audit'vr o f •. Hundred Twenty.-F©mr, be fore me Clifford .T. Andress, o o t- trne�r el- �o _ FAST BAY NATER COMPANY � UNION TRUST COMPANY OF the County o`f Coatis L'�a �r, ..Stvto Qf Californ>a, da ory Public in and for said County of Alameda, State of S ANC/SCo herehy certify that after a careful exarnimtion Californ�o, residing therein persandliy op,vecared .Edwin !. tax rolls in nay of'fi'ce and in my possession crud to which 1 Ed erton, known to me to be the President arxl.'Ai9' Narks BY `.'`�'"'"`�-= c•'�-,_ _ -"-- B�' _ _ 9 have access,l hove been unable to find any lien ori sad known to me to be the Secretary of the East Bay writer i�1'r►at��r� tract or subdivision of land or Orly port thereof shown Company, the Corporation that executed the svrth,rn rnst-rc�-- en upon the accomporryinq me or unpaid .State or county went and the officers who executed the within instrument BY _ BY on behalf ofsaid corporation herein named; card ocAnowletl tome that scud corcrorrrfion executed the same. Secretary /N W1 S YVHEREt3P', /hc7ve nto Set y hclr7d • this_.�� _ day of IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 hope hereunto set -my hand. MERG TILE TRUS. COMPANY CFF CAL1Fc-o yVIR. �-�-,. and Q ffized my official seal the day orrd yerar crhove �rritte,�►_ - ,� _ _ _ County Aud ' +or Of the Caun-ty of C ra Costae: --Notary Public in•anol for a: ,y t e in"t f Alameda, ,State of Colf:forn,+a. By _ 1,../h! WELLS, County Clerk of Contra Costa Count State of '. Cali f ornla, and gx-officio Clerlr o f the B oard o f Super visors of sair� County, do hereby certify that the annexed map, in two shestav, �vvs r - . ' : ' _ _ _. ._ f�rzscrrte•o�-moo sso:.ot . d as -provided by kw at v a.1 rrre,�tt tr said Board held air the.ZZ5�`doy Of i92# t , o4d hal` said Bmed did thereupon, by "Sola ow del - •. .. _, .y ,,sassed cared crda,,o fed apt "said rneetirr� State of Colif#rrh a, ss state of C'oJlfarnia, s Apia �o ve said map, in two sheets, and did ,not. accept can betrrrlf of .the ' City and. county, of San �r�' ,e�s : Cit�r and County of .Son Francisco pu1J c any of the roads, streets or_,��r�rrttes shown there ®n, cas o�f,er- _. err said map for rowb is use. 11V W1TNE•.�S �N' fEREOr, l have hereunto set jrry hand encs° rraf err this--�i day ofd. in the yeor. of alit Cir tris f�'c day of rv* r in the stir ui`' aur fixed the sea/ or`'so°id Board This cr a-uQ -- --- ye of - r , I9 . -��- L d, Ore Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty, �- - . be. or+� ,,,;� .$t' _ Lord, One Thousond Nlhe Hundred and Twenty- EQ_v_?- a A/ota Publk in and Seal of Bcaayd of . before me fru rr & L . O &Y e ;y a Ali tory. Puhlic irr rand C for said city and Corr o - trio( C'cantra Y ''`�°an Francisco, S tate of C`alifornkr, for said City and County of Son Francisco, . State of Cvliforniar .Superx�sors Cos to Cr1 personally appeared /' _ ersonall 5', ,� urrty Ex - 070f°icic cler* known to me to he the Vice Preside" Qyr� �` P y apperrred� _' � �' of t'h8 Board of Su perrrsors thereof_ { known tome to be the r' �rs r'c�e _ known .to me to be the si Sec-es�cts- 0 1 efts � and U7iarr Trvsy` Cry the Ca.� r _ iYl .c C rpt o be • the ----- _ poratiorr 7`oa� ,��x,�,, 1, RALPht R. ARNOLD, Courryy .Surley►or of L'orrtro CbsYzi Coon# ecuteo{ the within instrument, grid the offirerr who executed Secret�rry of the Mercantile Trust Co)rt,raan t>ie orlaorattots AA ..Sta7'e of C y that execrated the. ,wi:th�" in-ctrume»t �,,, bshalf of said bore alifornia, have care Aully examined each lot and lac% s ' the .within -instrument ori he}talf of sold carpo# tion herein c shrrl�vrr withi�r the red lines on t ration- herein nomed, and acknowledryed tQ rite that said car- he otrnexed mop, in two sheets, res to -the named crud acknowledged fo me thcat,rvid corporation exec d poratinn executed the same. value ofserne for residence or commercial uses and ..1 do here ,hyr ,ap_ the some. - .prove the some card taco rnrnerad that- the Board rrf Supervisors rt,n JIv YYiTN ',�S hfER�-OF; 1 ha ve hereaory set my hand pro re sold mrrp Dated this _Z4 day o,�-4►�,-, --�, 9 IIV WITNESS WtIER,Efii; 1 hove hereunto sat my hand and and of, my official seal the day rind year above �rrit%n _ - Q fixed my ©fficial seal the day and ,year rr$ove Irvri n _ Ct�urJty Surveyor -- 1�/vtary Public irrind fir -�-. Lary Public .ln and frit EESEy CxQI/rJt,y Assessor of Caintra Costo ou nyx the Ci nd -County of San FriM&Scn. he ` t City artd County of Son Francisco. St'at'e' of California, have carefully examined each lot silo( ,�1ac • r shown W'thin the red lines on the annexed map, in two sheets ' �. .� ,� , vs tai � - the whwe otesame t`ar residence or crrrnmercial uses do 1 ob he ' Fired OT ` h re ues of EAST BAY T,E a rove * relay ir!/A R C®�tPA Y, ire,tameandrecom end -that t -he Board ofC'vrparo1924 o t�' n pas t. olack Y apuro ve said iiia Dated * _P hts dray of _ 192 . .�Reco sof or7a ` osta Cr�unty. rRecar Co my _ .z. .. _ +a• ,.. z ax. F,• fr r _ r 777