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-- �'�;�. ,r x ,;, ,, ;: .. ;y ,' .y..r. .. :,mss^ 4'�', 'fi}';:-t."�..,4 :Farms i� '##::'.�'�."i. .4`JA"'rpw„•.F:,,o �„'�' T:t. 2- .�r.� ..,. �t n.s:-�.:,•a is r . �z;,•..... '� .r .,., ,, ,. .. ..... �.. ........_. _ ...,.,..- - f i. iy i� • 10 Fi/eo' vt reques/' . of �' G. Worre/I Jcrnrrory /4 i, /92¢ al _'V ?Nn.,z,-Wst // 4 /V Retards vf' Ganl7a- akV47 CO&WIY . `" Gaunty order'06 Fe� 04C I " L7ev Recarra'er. 5k/c OfCo/1pIr?iu W --11s, Gaamy Clerk of the Gaurrly ref Go?tro Gosfv, 5101,E of Ca/i`ornia and Zr-OffIcio clerk of the B6,anr ,of Supervisors of ,wid Gourrfy dp Al'nty certify thAt the ahave mop Wvs presented to soir�' Bo o,' ens provio'ed AX /o<s, of a reyri/or me6-1,1i7y df ,sr�io' f�cirv' he/a' o17 tbe- 7_- Z. _ _day of 4 r,2 4/ 1 /42 , o7, 117271 said' Board' a✓cd thereupar, by rasa/ufiorr da/y ppsse�a' para' adaP%a' crr` saio'rrreetiny, approYe .�ia'rrrrap, area' dia'rrat arcepr` orrbeha/f of the ;t7ablic `ary of t/ie .stree�'s, ragas, or Avenues sharYri 'thereon as offered "'on .si�ra'rrrop fvr pub/ra usc°: I further certify that 4a dared ca?dfiun�d for /he cayrnerr/ ofa// /ar-es, which �` the tir/ra' of filil., This mvp are a.//,1,7. pany par/` of the !reads , aeJaeated thereon, erred na/ye/ ;ar�yr�b/s,. hvs beery oparvvedby ,�ic� Baar-a' ani fi/ea' with the G/ark /hereof as proyic�'ed lay lcrw /n yYil�res5 wbereaf 4&Ye herein /,7y h"m;l ",W'affi red 117e,5_',71 of saria` Baord, fhis- _ ,__c�'ay v ' - Gvurr/y G/ of aurry.afCorn`ra Gvsfo StrxfeofGa/ifarria awa'ex-officio I elk of the Bc+�r�'of SuperYisors ofso.' tiny • .. �� .. ....., t'^�.«t"^'. 'www•,s;.,�n ._..........-v.._......-... -«-,".. ..�. �.y,...,."..�.� „'n.P, r. .. .moi � x ��! ....w . F _. -. � ..«.. ., w.. .-- .+e r ij c •. +y ' s +r^:r . y..:•«.. ., -, ... �-. t..: .. ,.� i':'4: - . �...r a. it+h .. �':. .y: .el, .sY'r+ Y.. ' ;{ ax•••xe' ..o.'.t. A "K%:".. ..,+ ✓-- , ° . � . <�.; � ,.tFY..3 _ ,.. i .f,3 . ,x a St .. a�t-,. 3- ... rt 4,: -'v.., ..;i" e'e" SiY .'i.^" ea..-�""a" •�.:.�e,.�.>m�• ;�.. � r.),Q IN- _ .. ... . x:++Y..aSatt: ' r�t , .,E�ti�i' � j ��.i�.��4#�+�P' � 1 tF�:��a�.wra A"�',�i� A� �5 , s " t�, '� � 'g�` +�, ...._ _.... � _. _ §ca,u�s�as�D�t:na��, ,: �i.,+^'•r . -- , . ... ",�' �'..";";"�':: ,, G. D. Meese, Calmly Assesor of!lam G"arr7,ly of Lonhz� 4"aS*,, sibte of 4a" 1e0rni7, a6 hereby oer/ify. /hof / have e-drefv//y cxcarr�ir��a'the r�vrreXed rr✓!ap a�"Tregol/rrs ' Tract SuL�ii•-isic�n °° ar�ra'Goch arid' every lAf shown theret��! os �i its Ya'Jr�c for • TREGALL �� TRRCT and hereby recarnmenathol vidrr7aa�^ / he a,apraYer✓ by the Board of Sapervisr�rs of the Coup y ofGorlrzy Gosfn, Stag ep�T!'� '�' V.��J TA GQV! l / ! ��L• of California. - .4 !>a 1471_ /4,014;h Sheet /W Zof.2 51tefs e irndersigncd, rr7ortgafees of cr�rtion of the /ar.+o's shown y"if the 7-eo' 17n the Zanrrexed may do heeey y c•onser f• fa ttie Pzr g of scjid mala 'rand be dp/aroyed by the Baarv'vf rYisors of k: Confrra Gastp Courl/y, Sfw ra/ifvrnio or7d and recardeo' h7 the affice of theGaur7 y Recar ro' Gor,lrra G`OsA Gou7,ty Caurrl.,tr Assessor of the Caurr/y of - �-..,. Castro 'C.oslr, State Of Cir/i>`arnri7 We the unaersiynea; da hereby cer/r y that We pre the owners of The Mercrir7lile .Seoul'/fres Camprrny of Ca/i�`or-�ia, a -arpOrah?17 the lrarro'shayYri within the red /irres on the arrr7exed mop, that NYe orro The Merconfi/e Trus( Compony, of Cr�lifprrria; p cvrpOrc�i`/on,17701 Payees hate caused soil P7,5 to be preaared far rc-rard, o,Vk51 hereby C6 1, of ,aport/an of fhe lamas shown Within .the red' lines ©n the 47nr7exea' to the ma.-/rrry thereof, that srid map shaivs the p/a'n of map dv hereby i/ie rrz�7Iring of said mcrp ©r d thal if be of said lord accor�rryr' /v rY,e sarYey (hereof (hof a// /a1s pre of oppraYera' by the Bvc7ro' of Supervisors of Gvrrr`ra Gosfc Courr Sfa>e the size, shrapE pr7Gii d,ner,sions as shaWrron soio'mop, t/rat -ria port of Colifa7r7 g ped fi/ea' or,d recorr✓eo' in fhc' office of the Carinfy of Sn1�a' load'rs dedrta7`ed fo ;c�arbl/G Use,' Or!!J� 7'`%71�.>` file jJDr7il4/7 ./F'ec4rdel•' O7`' .�pIG� �DU/7ii�•' off^ �Ol7�rli G05�G?. , of said 1rar,p' desi grra7ed ras Caa7/r77`%' R©ad A -F 170AY rr, ase. us push hi�h�v©y , llp�ed Ocfober�✓_ _ 1923. •e TheMercy f cur s r,y of lra%frnio / ` � � AB„ By f� � u"• . .Ysce, PresiQent 'jam �,. y �7r `•^ •-y �'/ I• • �I �,/ � ;, �✓ : 4t �. •� L , '1 :'� ° J.r�F f,�� �--� r •� z ' �" ... reran/ / . r ro any !�/i arnia The hie C f ;� .i. z .c x, t s� L X k�._1t [r� �r J, •: ' 1/%C�° Presic�'enf Secretary. Std of• Cts/ifornira 55 - Cvu7riy of Col7lra Cvsla� Orr this--ZI-XVa'ay oTf��'�'?,_ �_ _ _ in the year Of airy LORD -.a7e /hou.5a170'l7/r7e hundred acrd herr y three 6efvre r.�e_1�?�tU,7�r -'�------p Nvfvey Pr�rdli in c,Yrrdfor the Cour?/y of Confrd Go sf�a Sfo>e of �alifornio, resi�ily thereir7, aa1y cvmrrrissianed and .syYarr, pe'r'sona//y oppe�red R. fi�arkinson, C. vowel, Amro Moy6erry, Jessie F. Pelrerv, Edr►�pr�a' F. l'efrerY; /+�afheyv Jylc�di,ros; IV6717ve/ /ase Ferreiraa; and Mcrr7uel R. ,lJalr7e7,r?os known to me to be 1A, -,Per -6017.5 ryha subxribera' to the foreyr7i7rg stofen,errt ©nd they rvc/rnowledyeo' fo= rrie fha7` (hey erecu/edh5e sorrre: !n w;*es's Whereaf / haYe 17ereu17to set my harm' and off%red my officio/ sea/, r`he r2'oy and year 117 this certif7cote ,`irsf above �ri/ten - . /Yofory Ptiblic in or7d far lf7e G'Ourrly Of Contra Costs, Sfa/e of CaIMOI & st�7e of Go/ifor�,ra � ss. Cr and 4aun�v of O17 Ahis_ 1 f _ day or`_ _ the yecr/- of our LOR'O pee fho7rsvno'r/i17e hu rera' raid 7``verzfy 7`hrre� before me 13_ f/_? 5 %:h _ ZI - irl for the ^' Strafe of Cra/iforl7i�;T resi�'il�r fhereirr duly 127 issiarl�' or7d sn-or-r�, ersannl/y a,apepr eo' L!f � , G _ _ _ _ _ _ /rrrawl,, 10 rrle axa he the Yrce Pleside7i/ or�.fiecrefveyr, respectiYely, of ThG lLlerorz/e Securi7xies Ca7npany of Ccs/iforr7io, 0 oarporca�flo 017410. a •_//_1/�Q� 1fr,on�n to rr7e 7`o be' the Yice ('resider,/` oa �'ecretory, respecfiye/y Of the f9ercc7n17% Trus( Cornt�ony of Cra/ifarrr�i, tr cafporofior7, .the Car,t�orr.�fons fhr.,f .s'ubscri6eo' fo fl,e' foreyoiaq sfa/e7nerl� prrv' they 7`d Me fhrrf sord Gord©rotarrs e r-ec7a/ed the san7E'� 177 w11,7e55 whereof !'have hereunto .set 175Y /7o17a' zrndpffi, ' My aff7c7171 sea/ the day is th75 1e1-7rifZCa7e first G7t✓OYe Writ7`G'r7. . Nor`nr PL6lic ire o d for .the City orlr_r' Caun/y of - _ _ _ Of Ca/ifa7-r,%27 Exfafai7rincd a7d.�rvr�''this 3rd //��-y�yo,,�f,^,�Januory ,/S1.¢ , Gour7/yr rr�Yar vf/be Goa7r/y. ofCa� Colla, .�.�offofrfrv-rn� yy �y� Ymm - 7'7'+,� . i, •T'�•r.. � �, i-.', _ � �•^�'�•'G".„�'-.l �"4; '.' � -�. - ,< <.'kT4iw l+g.�''�dtG�s?kO:RfL��!... ..rte' .......:. .... o -v_ .. ,. ....... Stale ofCca/ifornica J s. ty pf com`rc� Gostrs j • ddy Of year of our rzc> ane lhousond 1,,in-- 40YOrrerr,e il7a,for the 61au7rly of. G077112:7 - StAre of Go//for. nil. r fray th�rcjrr, •daffy Commissioned aW"a 5WVr7 p ora/!y p ed M. ✓. /�edrvs v.�d AMM f'edra5, lr'r,0vYn 75 rrre the pers©rrs aYho SabsCribed'`a the f©regs�r�1errrert hey roc n dged fame /hut` lhi-v er�cuTed lire same • rYi/ness wf,ereaf l hr.Ye 1iereunlo se rid vffi i-eA'rr,y of/i seal the day arfdyevriri Phis cer fr'fiaa/e fir,5t v iyrrri�'f�r� lYolvey Puf/rc 117 ©ncr'for,,ie Ga7rr77`y a,24/0,975-2!7, -5 a Sole of Cra!/farnio. . i I hereby certify thall haw eranlmv- t/,era77l7eredl7x�p ard'/,hereby zr'mwre fid .srm,e, and/hereby recomme77d lfiat,5vidr7,vo6eapyroYeda,�r'recorr,rrjer�ded6y the Banrd of Truslees of the T Wn of X711=h, 4-0ar71Y j;'47,7//27 Gosa`r; Sta/e of Go/ifr�rnio " Tarvn �irreer of f n Of _ g W, . Ar/hdcf7, Gaurllyaf 40l7/m Cas127, .51a7,- of Cali)-a.Mi4? WO hereby certify fha/ we hvve exu1771aW' the z7IMered rrlvo �ndhere opprvYe the spree, 1074-1 1709-,'h recd177,77ena'flW ffiG,soia'n7rap 6� r�ppraYed a7rd adpfea'by the Bar-rdof.5uoerYr.�i9rs ofCordra GO.�o Carry J�We ofGalrfrr.°io /Is Tr7rstaes of /he Town 6vr47/icth, ab 76 0fIrlWIO G„stE, Stale of CaIifo1M I Glen of aora'ofTrrr es, TaWn afArrf/och. Stole of avomarn,O 3 Gar,7ryvfGor7tra Goss /, A. N 5u/lenger, Gaur7fy'.dudifar of f/,e Gourilyof Grrnh-o loslc; S/ole of Ga/ifornir, do hereby cerlify that thel- alrW he fpr urrpoiv' S/ofe ar Q CO7rr7fy /ares, jwirrsf fhb /ands einbrvicea'rvifhir716e `'% S redbiyes on fheonr7exedrriop, oronypvrf thereof T.-�'�'_--`"' -- _--�'' In ,vMV5.5 whereof I hone hereunto .set Any A01%,'ra7a'r7f>%m':q" 17Y aff✓c7o/ se% this_ ..� ```�doy af_ �°.�LL.�c„�.(�•�.x,,,'_`� ._.1923. �> . Cou yAudi oro the CoEr,rty of ' nh1� Costo, S of 4111 vr7�r_ / hereby 1471 the surrey of the/ands de/berafed an the a�rrrrcdmup rrf Trego/las Tracrx szrbdrrisio7, WaS 7rldde by7ne 'I 'w my al2ec11017 vnc,' 7f/%s lnrap is on aG-curde represe,71aA n af..sa%a'S&rvey. Givi/ iaeer