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in /�2 � .J%7CC1F)Y-0 /F01E Z 5hCG'f3 r /v yo'zz'E /v yo"zX E roa a 9 a 75 :ls.ys .x .sz.s //o.x6 jaso J�HE•IR'1ERCA#7T/Lf ''rFcUSi GOMF'ANY+ a Conpars+tion -� - „ _ 5' 7 c� I ' f/ie rsrortagte n{ a Parfjan of fhe /and des lgnofcd 13 /S •17 19 O �9 wlffirn / bovndury /lrxs an Me annexal —Pi ' "o dacs hcrroby cansent to the rrsok+sm9 a{Sa/ �'!�i �`y. o _ _ r ` and that ,t be aPPr"rcof try the 6c -,W of V -•�. .a s on Gannty, and � rrcarob+! Jho Goonty R,7aardcr- o{Gantry Gash► "+ N '' N o4 sn \ Gaunty Sta7de aT Cd/I7�ornsa'. N RI 1t2 4--kka d�� Ay "' rSccr aiory �ass3 9•..a. � � : r awsc 5to zs e3�3 h jos o Y ��{ "� Gaune of San Fr�clV'-a - rrrs of r pn 4.3. 3 "day o{C�a7�o6vr „r the yapr oT au/ /ncsi f , +4 � �C.ard one Ahaasand n,nc /iundred and Y`wenfj.rSFarxe• y �yOs •�.. .L _{ wryie Pr"A'aar d iYvr tRY PvBL,/c {or •► fin x -.wG h' 4 Q tYl l4! • .hR` t�? � ; yh �o o /�• 7�hC"Govniy . cf San Firorncjsco; Sfdfc o�.Crr/i{arnlrr. A ♦ b� �` '� � ce ^'sa• Q reijdo/rsy► iherti/n� do/y Ca/rsm/srorred and Swann . ,ejQ '% � ,� �� _ (�� �' � t C 'N d� rod �. /ii•_Sirr•i S _ _ and h � -�" �M. Y�/e!c h krrerrn y'o /a'ra _ �0 6e ¢!x ►/, ce �, .. 2 PrcSrdonY• ,prrd� ';Sacrartory f.rc%y of t`hc k my zoo ' Mcrconlr/a Tra4t Cor»IronyPWIA f •orpoi /�wr, /r5C ti o +a t -10 + `as M ori �yo ocuino.r/oo/yicd ta •yrc /hat -5.7.1d,Gorirrorvt/a rig 2 ti *y cxacuted •fhe 5,rmc, "'^d�'c;,c, ss. /,� c "� h .. /n wr/`nes.1 wric.•vo{, / have harcunto sat tea}' my hand ant! t/Xv rrry " o/ 7`he day and yea/- ,n 7(hls certj{ic {rsf 4,bjwcC�'riften, MOMRY P4t,9 .rc rri ADVO Fart rsr�,�cou vrr o� .5.4.1v/CRA✓VG/5CC/ .$ i/�r- cJF C,,q.4 sn "0 y° Q� © Z tQ 1ile i/ra u•/dersrgnerl hereby ocrti{y Piot rvc cr�'fhe so "3 o ar✓nar7 0{ ccrtr+srr �vorr`iara o�fic �aHd3 shewn rr/th/r� fhc fjoundory /circa nnYhc nnnaxcdrnoo, 7`hoY a,c haruby Y Gonsani- 7i+fha rna,lvrr�q of .so -rd t2,*wp Mal �� cr ,?� appro,cd by the Baord of .5uparri3a�rx• e% CoHt,w Gosta Counry; and be rcaorde./ 'I i/;c ai!/CG of Aha Cosa#y l+� ,r•^• t Srsytr cf Ca/:{o.•o,d. AT �- de. � f O ri�nntl•�6► C09 tar `.af/n .ir. _(yr 4 id "' �, � J G-�� s rib A - Shite of Go�h>•d/�n/o gs. 4"-,.""n4 �... • ,,. Coan#y otrb•i�RA� %�'.71 �i�t� J (/,/� � I�"i� ' •�' � i� (� 7`h/s�doyr af�Y1-t!: 'InoaLo the�ya�.• of r ren .Jfa'7 aT Go/rFornio 5.5.. «Sr'�C aiCo/,{orrrb . S5. wa�,1 fhrc�c. be rt: rm o Cadnty of GorwtroCus#o �.i✓nfyafCont rr, Comb Onc Yhoudand n„ac hond:rd No7gRY ci"9,4 fog the F.o✓nty of % ✓. l / 6V�%A-s, ' Corinty Ci /erf of ffic . Gvun y Stott aF Co/i{orn • , /41, f/z/er » du/y ca /, A./v.suLLE/vG� e ca.,ry>5; GRAMMAR, .SCHOOL ADD17710A p>< conrsr. ire 5, �� co//7rtrnrp, crud �,-�f�,�.a �Lj/� ��/� 14lXlir`vr, of ><hc County o F C.antrn TO THE G/oi.P a{ yhc (joss d of Srirx. ✓/se s cr4 sold Covn/y N G'casta, 'Syhta o1� G"ic►lnrnrn/o hcrcdy CCrtify Qo fxr/aby cc{t/j5i .7�lx,# 7tfac arssxrcd srx.o rroq yrrrscnsad _ _� 7<fxrt fircfc ox ns /icnS {car fafc or rOWA OF COVCORD. to >`!ac Sty/d Board crs ,orovidcd by /t,.✓ c>t U rtyd/or !x h: an /hr r1r,y eAAO d Geauxr7y toXtJ� Irwfl"5r af'Sr�vr# oord, "0A'Vr, /a -,.w ft 7%re per�on.s dc7crn6cef !n snd tj�cr,nst any aeriion o� fhe /ands an the A je*;;U18p/V/S/O/v OF A POFt7'lp/V OF' l9Z.3 crr,d .Soon 6&a, -W fhcr"a•uoon by ✓asoJ.�fvarr, /,/y oetavtac/ 7 >lero�o/»9 snotrur.acnt, and thio aednow/adykd onrrexcd /r ap. pr1RffS/DX AOD/T/ON.pvssed and odapti d at sa/d mcc%i rr,, nppra,•m Seal a P, Mc, /n wrf vy cre o� / lxrlrc %serccrnfo ,' i..itr6c - /Rx f00 JV4V ISU. and didna/ occcp7` o✓/-bcfwt7r of 7`hC f Ub/.4 'Dny of fhc In w/:`ncas whcrvof i Jxarc %am c+,�to sal' r»y J5o.,1 Sot rrsy Aw,..a 21"'s_Clay .oJ! /9Z3, 57FlzeXs S/�o.a.n Y°/icnon, os of{%O w �n/rsub//e usc. one+ a/fixu.a/ my "Fcu/ tha day orad yQQar /n s7/J�jc�cj/r//t/1 co � r y A,/pi ror2 MON1lMENr5 o Z" /,SON Pff'E > �Y U tsa, /N gNP4 77YECaUsVTyoF OPO wai. Srrrs of Gs►L/roRsviq: /n wilncas ys haitr of / ho►G sc/ my Aw, /� C/yew Lalyd, a yI/of Soso/ f3 rd he day of we harrby cerbly t/sal we hwve aea.•n.ncol the ernncxod lyd sr/rr rCyor a{ the Sfo o{ Co/ijCorn/A +G --w- !�2 Mwi 'xwrr.snM c7rad3a'j'f'/97a"Cd_. ,�.ond /rerr+sy a�pprons the Sa..*c orss he/c6y rrGairnaand fhaf !t C%n laerae �c,*rtlfjr y`fio�` tfaW 40'460 1'-- �Yya�o ryas \ Lrc ar'aptael by ihc. Board of $rrperr/sars, at7�hc Gaun>tiy of QO` &"s� rnedc rw.r, my O*Wv Surrey an tha g'na4rad oFFlc/o c[ssze C,o.�fro Casrro� S oic of Ca/r fn.o� ; (�pt/N7Y A%l SSrJiC+ 4W C, ffissf .nonr/isaents anti sa/ cis Shawn:, op 7s /B jycu eo o.� .Su v/seas b .ere -f aasr:4 p,,r6w► K 23 r 1923„,-... fir•• Ga+4NTij .$7'i1 YG' ai GAl/fi27irQN/A. ' ' ' , , '�. /Gd 1' /riurst of /923. a lvacd d rrrt orrd op r»ye. �/� ./�,s •Trwstocs of lat nwn oncord EX Ira f ' �+�d JIGrY •5' / j - ' -.`r r %'CCar^n✓.S of Caontrsr Gas �ti _ A7't+a.act �•/arf ' of fh.c f3a.a'rd Tnvsteas u1� TJx• Ta.�.,? aif�.ne.+n.,a+.. Govn.7y su,eV,rC'Y4re. ^- G'oujvn�J�JEGo�cr.pE�� � � - i Ar • -w •- .r_..- ..., � ... r.... , _.,.. :'Ma.:rxv5fedt r ^+.r�+k'.r..'+rr�?: „ .. _ : 1.' F•. . 7 i. _.F .. _ _ .. .. �fi ,.y '.iki.+•--wa ..'�.7”' ... -�^ ,. :..... .... o*ry •`.` i.° .,, ^.+.vS .'Y .....,�n+r. .,,-• . • M�^' .. , ra . t, . . l` a' ` _ �..r ,, .. • . ;.... ..,..,. .. ..:.. ... ,.:,. ��'��' _. ,, �. - ,�.n ,��5��'�!,°�.•`_';tAt?�`'.. .-'A�rirs!. ss� : �� • o`ar.. -. .. '. .• _..... _. a .. ,.r•. ..... .. _ ;�.. ..... .. ....... .....z. ,......_.`a`'�'t+-t'�K•c�`sNrr"!s7x.�Maws�;�rt��;,... .. ,. '•�?4L�".T37"°... .. ..rz,.,r�h .,..«-- - ....,.... .. ....._......_.. _. _. _. _. .. ..,v x . _.._ ,,.,.. _ .:*k._, _. yy/ mss rd } h cy' __�--Aagwrr Apure tvhe /A-5;w�per ►r _ _ __ irr ,whose name i5'" subsalt ed to the Withir7 i,7,5 - rrrrenf os Wib7,- 5 fh. ere�'b ryrilfea �i /,' yvha, hem q,�iy me a'u/y sya,Cn, c7epased U't t .he asides in the state at Cts/ifarrrira ss torvr� of_ �.r 4 � C_.__ Caurrty df_fl-1� _ _._ tlro� fiG ,rsys '. Gor/r/y afCarr>rra Caste � ^ On this E _day of r3 . _IK _ 4_irr theyeor present` arra'sory . F. J. Newry, W T% Thampsorr, D• Nical W T 5efche// (persvl=/y kA51,wrr tohim of amt Z0190,7e t*iuWnd r�irrc cadre ' and fyyeri/jr three before Arra 11 to 6e the persons described ir7 ,.and WAa e recutec�` IIA -,said irrs�`i urrrerrl; vs,�rfi�s tfierefaJ, tfie �hwf ------ r���? - _ f� :? KX -_ _ _ _ v A&1,7ry Rub/rte ir> ono' far the sin, Bev/ prrddel;�er surae; arrd 'the .Belo` . , - f J. Hen,}; - 1'1!f� Thorr/,psur� L? /Y/; 191 W T. 5 fhe ` ShcefN?Zaf �,51�tcts: orrA' chef/ ra'tr/y d rfvn�/ed�c e.o"irr preserrae of soidot`for ?`heel ffiey executed fhe s47,We, 7rra11ha/ h-, fh-► said affirant dia'ther- the President and Secretory, resc�iYe/y of the err h'ornvr� 1Yc>IJey Bunk, p UPan orrp' al-.ia'i! rega�'>sf-sahscrihGr his. rrdrr�e Ars u r�itiress fiitre• carporafor, Me corparofion thraf s/rfascri6ec�'ta the f©reyairr� sfd/ernerrf J arra they ac rrr�Q�v/edge ' la me flrol sola' Carporcr/aaa execafecl thesarii�: —A ---c l r`nn /.4- h Barr/ fhe day Ar�v'yeo�>rr this ceri " fe fust v av n�riffe GRAMAIAR SCHOOL ADDITION _ v /Yatrsry Pablic'in orad Ar- the Ca�'y • T!J THE ? r 70W1Y PF CONCORD. t The San Rornari Molle Bonk, o car Oral/an the awmer afa y P parhOrr of the/rar�ds (� and Soil, thof heresides the toWrr of- -_ Counly of Alorreo'n, ttrr�fhe de/ineo%d a� the Grommar School f7da'rfian la the 7aJV,7 of CorAWM-1 ' - twos pr'eser/t end sraW .Mary C. Berber Jos. ✓. Smiiii ono' Iy1rs ln/irra • s°' daes hereby consent to the mokiny of the obare mer, and thvt if be r�ppreked by t/� 8. ii'ecord (person©/ly lrn0W,7 /V hire Ao he Board of Supervisors of the Car/,7y of Carrlra Costa, 5ta& at'COJI>ar)M9,, o/rv'flled fire persons described h7,. curd Wha exec/ated the.' sold ias3`rrinae/rt, s ,fie } ped recorder/in the office of the Gaup y Rec©rraer of Braid Comr/rmy y_ . lyc/ry C. Aa her .441.5 ,l Smith rand All L a lra B. ReGarv' duly ae�/,�rY/edged The 5ar/ Romorr Va/Jey Bal*, 'a carporahan i ' B.)'�•���-1.�•�'�':.- :.:�� _ ______ P esidcr>> Stage a�"Ga�frnia �.�' Gaumy at Comr2fQ_� /,/� At - Or�tiris_,,,;/___'!_daJ'o%��iC_ -547 the soil affiant did thereirpor, . o/�d a>` a`heir regricsf Subr'criew his rWlme "4, t' W�3*5..S thereto. By-_ year aur Laotha Acrd inch rCdard tis�erry thrrfs, before /i.�s - the day andyear in this C-elfirst cfbwve rvri/lerr . ___ _ __ __----____-- - Secretary. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ AataryPublic,�/awlh*- Me County 0- C90 -a-. 4''}1Z ------f rsanv//y oPPer�rGd_. __---=- yy/ mss rd } h cy' __�--Aagwrr Apure tvhe /A-5;w�per ►r _ _ __ irr ,whose name i5'" subsalt ed to the Withir7 i,7,5 - rrrrenf os Wib7,- 5 fh. ere�'b ryrilfea �i /,' yvha, hem q,�iy me a'u/y sya,Cn, c7epased U't t .he asides in the state at Cts/ifarrrira ss torvr� of_ �.r 4 � C_.__ Caurrty df_fl-1� _ _._ tlro� fiG ,rsys '. Gor/r/y afCarr>rra Caste � ^ On this E _day of r3 . _IK _ 4_irr theyeor present` arra'sory . F. J. Newry, W T% Thampsorr, D• Nical W T 5efche// (persvl=/y kA51,wrr tohim of amt Z0190,7e t*iuWnd r�irrc cadre ' and fyyeri/jr three before Arra 11 to 6e the persons described ir7 ,.and WAa e recutec�` IIA -,said irrs�`i urrrerrl; vs,�rfi�s tfierefaJ, tfie �hwf ------ r���? - _ f� :? KX -_ _ _ _ v A&1,7ry Rub/rte ir> ono' far the sin, Bev/ prrddel;�er surae; arrd 'the .Belo` . , Couny of Camtra Caskv, Sta�`e of California, rgs�iy /herein, dr!/ cQy�rr�ssrvr�d f J. Hen,}; - 1'1!f� Thorr/,psur� L? /Y/; 191 W T. 5 fhe ` awa, srvarn` �pars te/!y c�ppey a! ��. _ �✓ ter, �.. _ � ___ _ . orrA' chef/ ra'tr/y d rfvn�/ed�c e.o"irr preserrae of soidot`for ?`heel ffiey executed fhe s47,We, 7rra11ha/ h-, fh-► said affirant dia'ther- the President and Secretory, resc�iYe/y of the err h'ornvr� 1Yc>IJey Bunk, p UPan orrp' al-.ia'i! rega�'>sf-sahscrihGr his. rrdrr�e Ars u r�itiress fiitre• carporafor, Me corparofion thraf s/rfascri6ec�'ta the f©reyairr� sfd/ernerrf In witiress whereof' Jhar-e her,etr o seg` my 1,a -M 'an;'affii4dmy�4 :� arra they ac rrr�Q�v/edge ' la me flrol sola' Carporcr/aaa execafecl thesarii�: —A ---c l r`nn /.4- h Barr/ fhe day Ar�v'yeo�>rr this ceri " fe fust v av n�riffe ..•a- s-- . �„a r. ^'+..rn'�,: +,sryC"s i•rs H". 4. r �.+$++^5 ,.a •arcs+- .r,°?s!RT5^x;',4!; "� =77:1 ",p'.s'"tiK+•i.W.S,` � e., ".*.....,.—.. . �;.r z. r . ... .. : .... .. '. .. ..."zD. ... b . .. ,.: ,...,:. . _�. .Y`'m'C1""yq,`.we'rfQ''' Fr.�. !'re->.c°P.°i(.T•'+b Y'W �*.,; ' ^ t�R,-;.. .Y ..., .�:_• - �,+?tL `C�q'1" `Cx!5'R'+AR"oPT •.w,,y,, '^.'^..�..,--^...w..,..,_ 1 � � v . xe area 4 se rrry vr! 41747 ZZ/ /`/XGd nTy affciv/ sea/ fhe ocay crr/dyeor is cerfifica/e first atx�ve' _ _ __ irr ryrilfea �i /,' /Ydoy Pn6/ic ate' Aar //,4eCaMly of Str.levfeoffr via lYofr.�ry f'u/a/rc /n Agcy''.©r fhe County of T Co/rfra Canto, 51ale of Cra/ifarn/a � Cour�ty of_ �l v rSs. - d%y of Noyerr/ber rr7 fhe year•.vf1041r t 1o�zo or/e hausc/nd nine hrirxarsdorrd.Avecy ji5r 6e'fave rrre _ v /Yatrsry Pablic'in orad Ar- the Ca�'y - _ _S7`Ofe Of L_O//ft7/'r>/� flerSOyJ'tl/y r �pperred J. B. John, h'n0rs-r7 fo Arra fo tae �h8 some ersdr� rYfase rrvrrre is .srr/rcr if.�d t to the Within ir/strvmem' ras W"-"17e.5S fheren", who being by rr/e dL'ly stsfor,�, de�prascd and Soil, thof heresides the toWrr of- -_ Counly of Alorreo'n, ttrr�fhe ,' � twos pr'eser/t end sraW .Mary C. Berber Jos. ✓. Smiiii ono' Iy1rs ln/irra • s°' 8. ii'ecord (person©/ly lrn0W,7 /V hire Ao he fire persons described h7,. curd Wha exec/ated the.' sold ias3`rrinae/rt, s ,fie } therefor) s/yra, neo/ %rrrd cae//yer the sane, crad ttmt 5vid lyc/ry C. Aa her .441.5 ,l Smith rand All L a lra B. ReGarv' duly ae�/,�rY/edged i/r the presence of said raffiAant ihrsr` They erecAml the el and-fl.�fhes, -547 the soil affiant did thereirpor, . o/�d a>` a`heir regricsf Subr'criew his rWlme "4, t' W�3*5..S thereto. In 3y111/e55 yvhereot' l have hereunto set ..ul am -14v9 -mm' fig -.low the day andyear in this C-elfirst cfbwve rvri/lerr . Notary R41! 0C /n no' fcv fhe. Com,,,- ,o - iX,- ..•a- s-- . �„a r. ^'+..rn'�,: +,sryC"s i•rs H". 4. r �.+$++^5 ,.a •arcs+- .r,°?s!RT5^x;',4!; "� =77:1 ",p'.s'"tiK+•i.W.S,` � e., ".*.....,.—.. . �;.r z. r . ... .. : .... .. '. .. ..."zD. ... b . .. ,.: ,...,:. . _�. .Y`'m'C1""yq,`.we'rfQ''' Fr.�. !'re->.c°P.°i(.T•'+b Y'W �*.,; ' ^ t�R,-;.. .Y ..., .�:_• - �,+?tL `C�q'1" `Cx!5'R'+AR"oPT •.w,,y,, '^.'^..�..,--^...w..,..,_ 1 � �